linearinterp Reference

Linear interpolation




x [number]


Set's the value for the 'x' control point. This is the second value of linearinterp.

y [number]


Set's the value for the 'y' control point. This is the third value of linearinterp.


frac [number]

In the leftmost inlet, this is the input value to be interpolated.

x [number]

Set's the value for the 'x' control point. This is the second value of linearinterp.

y [number]

Set's the value for the 'y' control point. This is the third value of linearinterp.


out1 [number]

The output curve is the segment between the middle two points (x and y).

Fixed Attributes

These attributes must be set in the object box and determine the behavior of the object at runtime.

hot [bool] (default: false)

Trigger computation on all inlets.

Dynamic Attributes

These attributes can be modified in the code during execution using the set object

frac [number]

In the leftmost inlet, this is the input value to be interpolated.

reset [bang] (default: 0)

Banging this attribute will reset the object to its default state.

x [number]

Set's the value for the 'x' control point. This is the second value of linearinterp.

y [number]

Set's the value for the 'y' control point. This is the third value of linearinterp.

See Also

Name Description
interp Interpolate inputs
linearinterp~ Linear interpolation
cosineinterp~ Cubic interpolation
splineinterp~ Catmull-Rom spline interpolation
cubicinterp~ Cubic interpolation
slide The discrete derivative of the input
smoothstep Smoothed fade of inputs
rampsmooth Smooth an incoming signal