list.delace Reference

Delace, de-interleave a list. (similar to zl.delace)




input [list]


The input least that will be de-interleaved.


input [list]

The input least that will be de-interleaved.


out1 [list]

A new list made up of the values at the even indices of the input list (zero-based). So an input list of 10 2 3.5 4 15 6 .7 would result in 10 3.5 15 .7 .

out2 [list]

A new list made up of the values at the odd indices of the input list (zero-based). So an input list of 10 2 3.5 4 15 6 .7 would result in 2 4 6 .

Fixed Attributes

These attributes must be set in the object box and determine the behavior of the object at runtime.

hot [bool] (default: false)

Trigger computation on all inlets.

Dynamic Attributes

These attributes can be modified in the code during execution using the set object

input [list]

The input least that will be de-interleaved.

reset [bang] (default: 0)

Banging this attribute will reset the object to its default state.

See Also

Name Description
zl Process lists in many ways
zl.delace De-interleave a list
list.change Filter out repetitions (similar to zl.change) Compare lists and output non-matching indexes (similar to
list.ecils Slices a list in reverse order. (similar to zl.ecils)
list.filter Filter items in list b out of list a. (similar to zl.filter) Output a list after N items are received. (similar to
list.indexmap Create a new list based on the indices of an incoming list
list.join join two lists (similar to zl.join)
list.lace Lace, interleave two lists
list.len Length of a list
list.lookup Output the nth element(s) of the right list. (similar to zl.lookup)
list.median Output the median of a list of numbers. (similar to zl.median)
list.mth Output and remove element of a list (0-based)
list.nth Output and remove element of a list (1-based)
list.queue Queue, FIFO message storage (First In, First Out)
list.reg Store a list, bang it out.
list.rev Reverse a list
list.rot Rotate a list
list.scramble Scramble the order of a list
list.sect Output what is in common between two lists. (similar to zl.sect)
list.slice Slices input list into two lists
list.sort Returns a sorted list of numbers. (similar to zl.sort)
list.stack Last in, first out message memory Make a list with the last N items. (similar to
list.sub output position for each occurrence of right list in left list
list.sum Sum a list of numbers. (similar to zl.sum)
list.swap Swap two list indexes
list.thin Remove duplicates from a list. (similar to zl.thin)
list.union Remove duplicates from a list. (similar to zl.union)
list.unique Output items in left list that are not in right list
Max Data Tutorial 5: List Processing Max Data Tutorial 5: List Processing