print Reference

print values to a console




prefix [symbol]


An optional name to be prepended to console messages. Each message printed in the Max Console is preceded by the name of the print object. The name can be either a number or a word. If there is no argument, the name of the print object is print. Using an argument to print can help distinguish the output of two or more print objects.


input [number, list, bang]

Messages received by the left inlet are printed to the console.

Fixed Attributes

These attributes must be set in the object box and determine the behavior of the object at runtime.

prefix [symbol]

An optional name to be prepended to console messages. Each message printed in the Max Console is preceded by the name of the print object. The name can be either a number or a word. If there is no argument, the name of the print object is print. Using an argument to print can help distinguish the output of two or more print objects.

Dynamic Attributes

These attributes can be modified in the code during execution using the set object

input [number, list, bang]

Messages received by the left inlet are printed to the console.

See Also

Name Description
print Print any message in the Max Console
Max Basic Tutorial 1: Hello Max Basic Tutorial 1: Hello
Max Basic Tutorial 2: Bang! Max Basic Tutorial 2: Bang!