About Packages

About Packages

Packages are a convenient means of bundling objects, media, patchers, and resources for distribution.

A package is simply a folder adhering to a prescribed structure and placed in the 'packages' folder. Folders adhering to this structure can be accessed by Max to integrate seamlessly at launch time.

To install a package, simply copy it to your 'packages' folder. To uninstall a package, simply remove it from your 'packages' folder.

There are two packages folders you may use. One is the 'Max 8/Packages' in your Documents (Mac) or My Documents (Windows) folder. The other (system wide) location is the 'Max 8/Packages' in your /Users/Shared (Mac) or C:\ProgramData (Windows) folder.

Creating A Package

You may create your own packages, either for your own use or for distribution to others. The folders (in boldface ) and files (in bold italics ) comprising a package may optionally include the following (items in folders marked with a star will automatically be included in the searchpath):

* clippings Patchers to list in the "Paste From..." contextual menu when patching
* code Gen patchers
collections Collections to list in the File Browser that are associated with the package
default-definitions Definition info for Object Defaults support in UI externals
default-settings Saved color schemes for Object Defaults
* devices Max for Live devices (AMXDs)
* docs Reference pages and Vignettes to be accessible from the Documentation Window
* examples Example patchers and supporting material
* extensions Special external objects loaded on Max launch
* externals External objects
* extras Patchers to be listed in the "Extras" menu
* fonts Custom fonts available to Max when the Package is present
* help Help patchers and supporting material
icon.png A PNG graphic file (500x500px) for display in the Package Manager
init Text files interpreted by Max at launch
interfaces Supporting files for objects to display in the top patcher toolbar and other Max integration.
* java-classes Compiled Java classes for use in mxj/mxj~. Place .jar folders in a 'lib' subfolder.
java-doc Documentation for Java classes
* javascript Javascript files to be used by js
* jsextensions Extensions to JS implemented as special externals or js files
* jsui Javascript files to be used by jsui, and listed in the contextual menu for jsui
license.txt or license.md Terms of use / redistribution of your package (plain text or Markdown permitted)
* media Media files to be included in the searchpath
* misc Anything
* patchers Patchers or abstractions to be included in the searchpath
* projects Projects to be included in the searchpath. Note that only the project file will be added to the searchpath.
* object-icons An SVG-format object icon for a particular Max object (named <objectname>.svg), used in the Object Browser
object-prototypes Object Prototypes will be listed in the context menu for a selected UI object
readme.txt or readme.md Information about your package (plain text or Markdown permitted)
snippets Snippets associated with this package
source Source code for external objects, ignored by Max
support Special location for DLL or dylib dependencies of external objects. Added to the DLL search path on Windows.
templates Patchers to be listed in the "File > New From Template" menu

Many packages provide a package-info.json file at the root of the folder, providing additional information for the Package Manager. Additional information about this file can be found here.

See Also

Name Description
Working With Packages Working With Packages