Reference for the API available within the [js], [jsui], [v8], [v8.codebox], and [v8ui] objects


BufferBind to a Max buffer~ object.
DictBind to a Max dict object.
FileThe File object provides a means of reading and writing files from JavaScript.
FolderIterate through the files in a folder.
GlobalGlobal object for sharing data between Max JavaScript instances.
ImageBitmap image object handle
Jitter3dUtilsInterfaceUtilities for Jitter 3D manipulations
JitterEventThe argument passed to a JitterListener callback function.
JitterListenerA listener for changes in a JitterObject.
JitterMatrixA named matrix which may be used for data storage and retrieval, resampling, and matrix type and planecount conversion operations.
JitterObjectA JavaScript representation of a Jitter object in a patcher.
jsthisThe "this" object in the context of JavaScript in Max
LiveAPIA means of communicating with the Live API from JavaScript.
MaxSingleton Max object, controlling the Max environment.
MaxobjA JavaScript representation of a Max object in a patcher.
MaxobjConnectionA JavaScript representation of a patchcord connection.
MaxobjListenerA listener for changes in a Maxobj object.
MaxobjListenerDataThe argument provided to a MaxobjListener callback function.
MaxStringBind a Max string object
MGraphicsDrawing context for rendering shapes and images.
MGraphicsSVGSVG object handle
ParameterInfoProviderProvides a list of named parameter objects within a patcher hierarchy as well as information about specific parameter objects. It can also notify when parameter objects are added or removed from a patcher hierarchy.
ParameterInfoProviderDataThe argument to the ParameterInfoProvider's callback function
ParameterListenerA listener for changes in named parameters.
ParameterListenerDataThe argument provided to a ParameterListener callback function.
PatcherA JavaScript representation of a Max patcher.
PatternPattern object for drawing gradients and patterns.
PolyBufferBind to a Max polybuffer~ object.
SketchInterface to an OpenGL-backed drawing context
SnapshotAPIProvides access to patcher snapshots.
SQLiteProvides access to the SQLite database system.
SQLResultA container for results obtained in an SQLite.exec() call.
TaskA function that can be scheduled or repeated.
WindA property of the Patcher which represents its window.


Basic2dStrokeStyleParameterNamesStroke parameters for use with Sketch.beginstroke() in the "basic2d" drawing style
LineStrokeStyleParameterNamesStroke parameters for use with Sketch.beginstroke() in the "line" drawing style


cpostPrints a message to the system console window. See post() for more details about arguments and formatting.
errorPrints a message to the Max console with a red tint. See post() for more details about arguments and formatting.
messnamedSends a message to the named Max object.
postPrints a representation of the arguments in the Max window.


FileTypesTypes used with
Jitter3dUtilsTypesTypes used with Jitter3dUtilsInterface
JitterEventTypesPossible event types for a JitterEvent

Type Aliases

DrawingPrimitiveTypePrimitive type to use for drawing shapes. See Sketch.shapeprim().
MGraphicsMatrixHandleOpaque handle for an MGraphics transformation matrix.
MGraphicsPathHandleOpaque handle for an MGraphics path.