class MGraphics
Drawing context for rendering shapes and images.
The MGraphics object combines a virtual drawing canvas with functions to manage drawing to that canvas. In enables you to draw simple shapes, complex paths, text, and images.
Most of the time, you'll work with the global MGraphics object, always stored in a global variable called mgraphics, in order to perform custom drawing of a jsui object, or in a jspainter file. In that case, make sure to call the MGraphics.init() method somewhere in global scope:
// Initialize mgraphics
// Now you can use mgraphics in your custom drawing code
function paint() {
mgraphics.rectangle(50, 0, 200, 100);
It's also possible to create your own MGraphics object in order to draw to an offsceen . In this case, there is no need to call MGraphics.init().
new MGraphics(width: number, height: number);
Creates a new MGraphics instance
Create a MGraphics context, including a buffer of offscreen memory to to render to, which can be used as a drawing context for creating saved or persistent images. An MGraphics instance can also be copied into an object by passing the MGraphics instance to the Image constructor.
Parameter | Type | Description |
width | number | Width of the offscreen drawing area |
height | number | Height of the offscreen drawing area |
autofill 1 | 0
Enable or disable automatic fill after stroke.
With autofill enabled, any call to MGraphics.stroke() will also fill the current path automatically.
autopaint 1 | 0
Turns on/off painting of the global MGraphics object.
See MGraphics.autosketch for technical details about managing autosketch and autopaint. In most cases, use the MGraphics.init() method to enable custom drawing with mgraphics.
autosketch 1 | 0
Turns on/off painting with the global sketch object.
In the context of a jsui or jspainter object, the object draws itself using two layers: sketch and mgraphics. By default, only the sketch layer renders, and the mgraphics layer is unused. If the mgraphics layer is enabled, then the object will call into the user-defined paint() function to draw the mgraphics layer on top of the sketch layer. Calling MGraphics.init() will set autosketch to 0 and autopaint to 1, disabling the sketch layer and displaying only custom drawing in the mgraphics layer. In most cases, this is the easiest way to implement custom drawing.
relative_coords 1 | 0
Enable or disable the use of relative coordinates.
When disabled, the origin [0, 0] will be the top-left, and [width, height] will be the bottom-right, where width and height are the dimensions of MGraphics.size. When relative_coords is enabled, the origin [0, 0] will be in the center of the drawing area. The y-coordinate -1 will always be the top, and 1 will always be the bottom. The x-coordinate of the left edge will depend on the aspect ratio of the drawing area. If the width of the drawing area is x times the height, then the left edge will be -x and the right edge will be x.
size [number, number] read-only
Get the current size of the MGraphics canvas
If you're using the global mgraphics instance as part of custom drawing code for jsui or with jspainter, then this will be the size of the object being redrawn.
Appends a stored path to the current path at the current end point.
append_path(path: MGraphicsPathHandle);
Name | Type | Description |
path | MGraphicsPathHandle | A path handle as returned from MGraphics.copy_path(). |
Add a circular, counter-clockwise arc to the current path.
arc_negative(xc: number, yc: number, radius: number, angle1: number, angle2: number);
Name | Type | Description |
xc | number | x coordinate of the center of the arc |
yc | number | y coordinate of the center of the arc |
radius | number | radius of the arc |
angle1 | number | start angle for the arc segment in radians |
angle2 | number | end angle for the arc segment in radians |
Add a circular, clockwise arc to the current path.
arc(xc: number, yc: number, radius: number, angle1: number, angle2: number);
Name | Type | Description |
xc | number | x coordinate of the center of the arc |
yc | number | y coordinate of the center of the arc |
radius | number | radius of the arc |
angle1 | number | start angle for the arc segment in radians |
angle2 | number | end angle for the arc segment in radians |
Close the current path.
Adds a line from the current point to the starting point of the path, which closes it.
Returns a copy of the current path.
Returns a copy of the current path to be stored and reused later.
copy_path(): MGraphicsPathHandle;
Name | Type | Description |
Return Value | MGraphicsPathHandle |
Add a cubic Bezier spline to the current path.
curve_to(x1: number, y1: number, x2: number, y2: number, x3: number, y3: number);
Name | Type | Description |
x1 | number | x coordinate of the first control point |
y1 | number | y coordinate of the first control point |
x2 | number | x coordinate of the second control point |
y2 | number | y coordinate of the second control point |
x3 | number | x coordinate of the destination point |
y3 | number | y coordinate of the destination point |
Convert a point in device space to user space.
The inverse of MGraphics.user_to_device().
device_to_user(position: [number, number]): [number, number];
Name | Type | Description |
position | [number, number] | A two-element array containing the x, y coordinate of a point in device space. |
Return Value | [number, number] | The equivalent point in user space. |
Add a closed ellipse to the current path.
ellipse(x: number, y: number, width: number, height: number);
Name | Type | Description |
x | number | x coordinate of the top-left of the rectangle containing the ellipse |
y | number | y coordinate of the top-left of the rectangle containing the ellipse |
width | number | width of the ellipse |
height | number | height of the ellipse |
Get the enclosing rectangle of the current path.
fill_extent(): [number, number, number, number];
Name | Type | Description |
Return Value | [number, number, number, number] | An array containing the top, left, bottom, and right extremes of the rectangle. |
Fill and preserve the current path with alpha override.
Fill the current path, but override the alpha value of the current color with a new alpha channel value. This lets you change transparency without resetting the color values. Do not discard the path afterwards.
fill_preserve_with_alpha(alpha: number);
Name | Type | Description |
alpha | number | the opacity between 0 and 1 |
Draw and preserve the current path.
Fill the current path, using the current MGraphics context settings including color. Do not discard the path afterwards, which can be useful, for example, when you want to draw the stroke and fill with different colors.
Fill the current path with alpha override.
Fill the current path, but override the alpha value of the current color with a new alpha channel value. This lets you change transparency without resetting the color values. The path is discarded afterwards.
fill_with_alpha(alpha: number);
Name | Type | Description |
alpha | number | the opacity between 0 and 1 |
Fill the current path.
Fill the current path, using the current MGraphics context settings including color. The path is discarded afterwards.
Get ascent, descent, and height for font.
Returns the ascent, descent, and height for the current font. Ascent measures the distance from the text baseline to the tallest glyph. Descent measures the distance from the text baseline to the lowest point on any glyph under the baseline. Height is simply ascent plut descent.
font_extents(): [number, number, number];
Name | Type | Description |
Return Value | [number, number, number] | An array containing font ascent, descent, and height. |
The current drawing position.
This is the point at which any new additions to the current path would begin. It is also the end point of the current path, and if you close the current path, this point will be connected back to the start of the the path. Most functions that add to the path will move this point.
get_current_point(): [number, number];
Name | Type | Description |
Return Value | [number, number] |
Get the current line cap.
get_line_cap(): "butt" | "round" | "square";
Name | Type | Description |
Return Value | "butt" | "round" | "square" |
Get the current line join.
get_line_join(): "miter" | "round" | "bevel";
Name | Type | Description |
Return Value | "miter" | "round" | "bevel" |
Get the current line width.
get_line_width(): number;
Name | Type | Description |
Return Value | number |
Retrieve the current transformation matrix.
get_matrix(): MGraphicsMatrixHandle;
Name | Type | Description |
Return Value | MGraphicsMatrixHandle |
Get a list of installed fonts.
Get a list of all fonts installed on your system.
getfontlist(): string[];
Name | Type | Description |
Return Value | string[] |
Reset the transform matrix to identity (no transformation).
Draw an image into the current surface.
Place an image (typically stored as an Image object) into the current surface. The drawing is placed at the top-left of the drawing context, changeable using a transform matrix or translate function. You can also choose the section of the image to draw using four optional arguments that describe a rectangle taken from the image.
image_surface_draw(image: Image, source_rect?: [number, number, number, number]);
Name | Type | Description |
image | Image | to draw |
optional source_rect | [number, number, number, number] | (optional) section of the image to draw |
Determine if a point is within the current path.
Assuming the current path is fillable, tests if the given position is contained in the current path.
in_fill(position: [number, number]): 1 | 0;
Name | Type | Description |
position | [number, number] | The position to test |
Return Value | 1 | 0 | 1 if the point is in the path, and 0 otherwise. |
Initialize the mgraphics system.
Initialize the mgraphics system. Call this somewhere in global scope (usually near the top of your JavaScript file) in order to use mgraphics in your custom drawing code.
init(): void;
Add a line segment to the current path.
line_to(x: number, y: number);
Name | Type | Description |
x | number | x coordinate of the destination point |
y | number | y coordinate of the destination point |
Move the current point to a new location.
Move the current point to a new location, and begin a new subpath.
move_to(x: number, y: number);
Name | Type | Description |
x | number | x coordinate of the new location |
y | number | y coordinate of the new location |
Add an ellipical arc to the current path.
ovalarc(xc: number, yc: number, radiusx: number, radiusy: number, angle1: number, angle2: number);
Name | Type | Description |
xc | number | x coordinate of the center of the arc |
yc | number | y coordinate of the center of the arc |
radiusx | number | horizontal radius of the arc. |
radiusy | number | vertical radius of the arc. |
angle1 | number | start angle for the arc segment in radians |
angle2 | number | end angle for the arc segment in radians |
Round the corners of the current path.
Modify the current path by rounding the corners to the radius provided, or as close as possible depending on the path's angle.
path_roundcorners(radius: number);
Name | Type | Description |
radius | number | the radius of the rounded corners |
Create a pattern using an image.
Create a pattern using an image for the background. Repeating patterns depends on the extend value set using the Pattern.set_extend() function
pattern_create_for_surface(image: Image): Pattern;
Name | Type | Description |
image | Image | |
Return Value | Pattern |
Create a linear gradient.
pattern_create_linear(x1: number, y1: number, x2: number, y2: number): Pattern;
Name | Type | Description |
x1 | number | x coordinate of first color stop |
y1 | number | y coordinate of first color stop |
x2 | number | x coordinate of second color stop |
y2 | number | y coordinate of second color stop |
Return Value | Pattern |
Create a radial gradient.
pattern_create_radial(x1: number, y1: number, rad1: number, x2: number, y2: number, rad2: number): Pattern;
Name | Type | Description |
x1 | number | x coordinate of first color stop |
y1 | number | y coordinate of first color stop |
rad1 | number | radius of first color stop |
x2 | number | x coordinate of second color stop |
y2 | number | y coordinate of second color stop |
rad2 | number | radius of second color stop |
Return Value | Pattern |
Create a solid color pattern.
pattern_create_rgba(red: number, green: number, blue: number, alpha: number): Pattern;
Name | Type | Description |
red | number | |
green | number | |
blue | number | |
alpha | number | |
Return Value | Pattern |
Completes a path execution group and returns the result.
Complete a path execution group, returning the results as a Pattern.
pop_group(): Pattern;
Name | Type | Description |
Return Value | Pattern |
Define a starting point for a path execution group.
Define a starting point for a path execution group. This group can be used for creating an image from a set of path functions without actually drawing the results to the screen.
Add a closed rounded-rectangle to the current path.
rectangle_rounded(x: number, y: number, width: number, height: number, ovalwidth: number, ovalheight: number);
Name | Type | Description |
x | number | x coordinate of the top-left of the rectangle |
y | number | y coordinate of the top-left of the rectangle |
width | number | width of the rectangle |
height | number | height of the rectangle |
ovalwidth | number | width of the oval used for the rounded corners |
ovalheight | number | height of the oval used for the rounded corners |
Add a closed rectangle to the current path
rectangle(x: number, y: number, width: number, height: number);
Name | Type | Description |
x | number | x coordinate of the top-left of the rectangle |
y | number | y coordinate of the top-left of the rectangle |
width | number | width of the rectangle |
height | number | height of the rectangle |
Request that the current display area be redrawn.
Request that the current display area be redrawn. Max will then call your custom paint() function as part of the next available drawing loop. You should never call your custom paint() function directly.
redraw(): void;
Add a cubic Bezier spline relative to the current point.
Add a cubic Bezier spline to the current path. The arguments to this function are coordinates relative to the current point.
rel_curve_to(x1: number, y1: number, x2: number, y2: number, x3: number, y3: number);
Name | Type | Description |
x1 | number | x coordinate of the first control point |
y1 | number | y coordinate of the first control point |
x2 | number | x coordinate of the second control point |
y2 | number | y coordinate of the second control point |
x3 | number | x coordinate of the destination point |
y3 | number | y coordinate of the destination point |
Add a line segment relative to the current point.
Add a line segment to the current path. The arguments to this function are coordinates relative to the current point.
rel_line_to(x: number, y: number);
Name | Type | Description |
x | number | x coordinate of the destination point |
y | number | y coordinate of the destination point |
Move the current point relative to the current point.
Move the current point to a new location, and begin a new subpath. The arguments to this function are relative to the current point.
rel_move_to(x: number, y: number);
Name | Type | Description |
x | number | x coordinate of the new location |
y | number | y coordinate of the new location |
Pop the current MGraphics state.
Pop the most recent saved MGraphics state off the stack and apply it. See
restore(): void;
Adds a rotation to the current transform matrix.
rotate(angle: number);
Name | Type | Description |
angle | number | the rotation angle in radians (counter-clockwise) |
Push the current MGraphics state.
Push the current MGraphics state, including stroke and fill color, the current matrix transform, line style, and font style, onto the state stack. After making changes, call MGraphics.restore() to return to the saved state.
save(): void;
Modifies the color transform by adding a scale.
Modifies the color transform by adding a scale. When drawing, MGraphics will multiple the current source color by this scale before drawing. This can be useful if you want to modify the source color in some way without losing the source color. Calling this function again will scale the color further. There is no way to reset the color transform without using and MGraphics.restore().
scale_source_rgba(sc_red: number, sc_green: number, sc_blue: number, sc_alpha: number);
Name | Type | Description |
sc_red | number | red channel color scaling |
sc_green | number | green channel color scaling |
sc_blue | number | blue channel color scaling |
sc_alpha | number | alpha channel color scaling |
Add a scale to the current transform matrix.
Add a scale to the current transform matrix. This will stretch or squish the drawing horizontally or vertially. Affects line widths.
scale(scale_x: number, scale_y: number);
Name | Type | Description |
scale_x | number | |
scale_y | number |
Sets the current font face by name
select_font_face(fontname: string);
Name | Type | Description |
fontname | string |
Set the current font size
Set the current font size. Floating point and integers are both accepted.
set_font_size(fontsize: number);
Name | Type | Description |
fontsize | number |
Set the drawing style for the end point of a line.
set_line_cap(cap: "butt" | "round" | "square");
Name | Type | Description |
cap | "butt" | "round" | "square" | The desired drawing style |
Set the appearance of the connection point between lines.
set_line_join(join: "miter" | "round" | "bevel");
Name | Type | Description |
join | "miter" | "round" | "bevel" | The desired connection style. |
Set the current line width.
Set the width of path lines drawn using the MGraphics.stroke() function. The interpretation of this value is dependent on the coordinate system in use, set with MGraphics.relative_coords
set_line_width(width: number);
Name | Type | Description |
width | number | Line width |
Set the current transform matrix directly.
set_matrix(xx: number, xy: number, yx: number, yy: number, x0: number, y0: number);
Name | Type | Description |
xx | number | x scaling support |
xy | number | rotational warping |
yx | number | rotational warping |
yy | number | y scaling support |
x0 | number | x translation |
y0 | number | y translation |
Set the color used for drawing.
Set the color used for drawing, and set the opacity to 1 (fully opaque).
set_source_rgb(red: number, green: number, blue: number);
Name | Type | Description |
red | number | |
green | number | |
blue | number |
Set the color and alpha used for drawing.
Set the color and alpha used for drawing. Values are between 0 and 1.
set_source_rgba(red: number, green: number, blue: number, alpha: number);
Name | Type | Description |
red | number | |
green | number | |
blue | number | |
alpha | number |
Sets an image to use as a drawing source
set_source_surface(image: Image, dx?: number, dy?: number);
Name | Type | Description |
image | Image | to draw |
optional dx | number | translation in x |
optional dy | number | translation in y |
Set the source pattern.
Sets the pattern to be used for the next MGraphics.fill() call.
set_source(pattern: Pattern);
Name | Type | Description |
pattern | Pattern |
Draw text without a path.
Draws the text at the current location, using the current font face and font size. This does not create a path or modify the current path. Matrix transforms will not affect this drawing.
show_text(text_to_display: string);
Name | Type | Description |
text_to_display | string | text to draw |
Draw and preserve the outline of the current path with alpha override.
Draw the outline of the current path, but override the alpha value of the current color with a new alpha channel value. This lets you change transparency without resetting the color values. Do not discard the path afterwards.
stroke_preserve_with_alpha(alpha: number);
Name | Type | Description |
alpha | number | the opacity between 0 and 1 |
Draw and preserve the outline of the current path.
Draw the outline of the current path, using the current settings for color, line width, etc. Do not discard the path afterwards, which can be useful, for example, when you want to draw the stroke and fill with different colors.
Draw the outline of the current path with alpha override.
Draw the outline of the current path, but override the alpha value of the current color with a new alpha channel value. This lets you change transparency without resetting the color values. The path is discarded afterwards.
stroke_with_alpha(alpha: number);
Name | Type | Description |
alpha | number | the opacity between 0 and 1 |
Draw the outline of the current path.
Draw the outline of the current path, using the current settings for color, line width, etc. The path is discarded afterwards.
Render an SVG image.
Draw an SVG image in the current graphics context. The SVG source can be either a filename, or a raw SVG string, or an MGraphicsSVG object. Optional x, y, width, and height arguments determine the destination rect into which the SVG will be rendered.
svg_render(source: MGraphicsSVG | string, x?: number, y?: number, width?: number, height?: number, opacity?: number);
Name | Type | Description |
source | MGraphicsSVG | string | SVG object, filename, or raw SVG string |
optional x | number | destination origin x coordinate |
optional y | number | destination origin y coordinate |
optional width | number | destination width |
optional height | number | destination height |
optional opacity | number | opacity (0-1) |
Measure the bounds of text
Returns an array contaning the width and height of the given text, as it would appear if rendered in the current font face and font size.
text_measure(text: string): [number, number];
Name | Type | Description |
text | string | Text to measure |
Return Value | [number, number] | Text width and height |
Create a path from text
Creates a path from the given text, using the current font face and font size. Once the text is in the path, it can be transformed just like an ordinary path.
text_path(text_to_display: string);
Name | Type | Description |
text_to_display | string | build a path for this text |
Modify the current transform matrix by multiplying.
Modify the current transform matrix by multiplying. Useful if you already have a transform matrix that you want to include in the current matrix transform.
transform(xx: number, xy: number, yx: number, yy: number, x0: number, y0: number);
Name | Type | Description |
xx | number | x scaling support |
xy | number | rotational warping |
yx | number | rotational warping |
yy | number | y scaling support |
x0 | number | x translation |
y0 | number | y translation |
Modifies the color transform by adding an offset.
Modifies the color transform by adding an offset. When drawing, MGraphics will add this offset to the current source color before drawing. This can be useful if you want to modify the source color in some way without losing the source color. Calling this function again will increase or decrease the color offset. There is no way to reset the color transform without using and MGraphics.restore().
translate_source_rgba(t_red: number, t_green: number, t_blue: number, t_alpha: number);
Name | Type | Description |
t_red | number | red channel color offset |
t_green | number | green channel color offset |
t_blue | number | blue channel color offset |
t_alpha | number | alpha channel color offset |
Adds a translation to the current transform matrix.
translate(t_x: number, t_y: number);
Name | Type | Description |
t_x | number | horizontal translation |
t_y | number | vertical translation |
Convert a user space point to device space.
Convert a point in user space, in which drawing occurs, to device space, the coordinate system after matrix transforms have been applied. If MGraphics were an oil painting, user space would be the position of a point on the canvas, and device space would be where that same point appears in a photograph taken of the painting.
user_to_device(position: [number, number]): [number, number];
Name | Type | Description |
position | [number, number] | A two-element array containing the x, y coordinate of a point in user space. * |
Return Value | [number, number] | The equivalent point in device space. |