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Convert a matrix into an upper triangular matrix


The jit.la.determinant object converts a given input matrix to an upper triangular matrix via Gaussian elimination. The input matrix must have typefloat32 or float64, and may have planecount 1 or 2. If the input matrix has a planecount of 2, it is assumed that the data is from the set of complex numbers.

Matrix Operator

matrix inputs:1, matrix outputs:1
Name IOProc Planelink Typelink Dimlink Plane Dim Type
out n/a 1 1 1 1 1 float32 float64

Information for Jitter Matrix Operator (MOP) messages and attributes to this object


Name Type g/s Description
swapcount int (get) The number of row swaps required to perform Gaussian elimination
thresh float The threshold value beneath which the absolute value of the result of internal calculations are considered to be equal to zero (default = 0.000000001)

Information for box attributes common to all objects


See Also

Name Description
jit.la.determinant Calculate the determinant of a matrix
jit.la.diagproduct Calculate the product across the main diagonal
jit.la.inverse Calculate the inverse of a matrix
jit.la.mult True matrix multiplication
jit.la.trace Calculate the sum across the main diagonal