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Reposition spatially


The jit.repos object performs cell positioning on an input matrix received in its left inlet using the input from a second input matrix received in its right Inlet as a spatial map. The spatial map should be a 2 plane matrix, where plane 0 specifies the x offset and plane 1 specifies the y offset. You can do Fractional repositioning by setting the interpbits attribute to a non-zero value -- the spatial map values are considered to be fixed point values with a fractional component of interpbits.

Matrix Operator

matrix inputs:2, matrix outputs:1
Name IOProc Planelink Typelink Dimlink Plane Dim Type
in2 resamp 0 0 1 2 1 long char
out n/a 1 1 1 1 1 char long float32 float64

Information for Jitter Matrix Operator (MOP) messages and attributes to this object


Name Type g/s Description
boundmode int Boundary mode for values outside the range (0, width) (0, height) (default = 3 (clip))
0 = ignore: Values that exceed the limits are ignored.
1 = clear: Values that exceed the limits are set to 0.
2 = wrap: Values that exceed the limits are wrapped around to the opposite limit with a modulo operation.
3 = clip: Values are limited not to exceed width or height.
4 = fold: Values that exceed the limits are folded back in the opposite
interpbits int The number of bits considered as fraction for spatial mapping values (default = 0)
mode int Offset mode flag (default = 0 (absolute offsets))
0 = spatial map values specified as absolute offsets
1 = spatial map specified as relative offsets
offset_x int The offset added to the x values in the spatial map matrix (default = 0)
offset_y int The offset added to the y values in the spatial map matrix (default = 0)

Information for box attributes common to all objects


See Also

Name Description
jit.mxform2d Spatial transform using 3x3 matrix
jit.plume Displace points based on luminance
jit.rota Scale/rotate in 2D
Tutorial 39: Spatial Mapping Tutorial 39: Spatial Mapping