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Store numbers to view or edit


capture will store up to 512 items in the order they are received for viewing, editing, and saving.


Name Type Opt Description
storage maximum int opt The first argument sets a maximum number of items to store. If there is no argument, capture will store up to 512 items. Once the maximum has been exceeded, the earliest stored item is dropped as each new item is received.
a x or m symbol opt If the second argument is a, all items will be displayed in ASCII form in the editing window. If the second argument is x, all numbers will be displayed in hexadecimal form in the editing window. If the second argument is m, numbers less than 128 are displayed in decimal, and numbers greater than 128 are in hexadecimal. If there is no argument, all items are displayed in decimal.


int input [int]
Numbers or symbols are stored in the order in which they are received.
float input [float]
Numbers or symbols are stored in the order in which they are received.
list input [list]
All numbers and/or symbols in the list are stored in order from first to last.
anything input [list]
All numbers and/or symbols are stored in order from first to last.
(mouse) Double-clicking on the object in a locked patcher will open a window which displays all values stored internally.
clear Erases the contents of a capture object.
dump Outputs the contents of the capture object, one item at a time, out the left outlet.
count input [int]
Sends the number of items collected since the last count message out the right outlet of the capture object.
open Causes the window associated with the capture object to become visible. The window is also brought to the front. Double-clicking on the capture object in a locked patcher has the same effect.
wclose Closes the window associated with the capture object.
write filename [symbol]
The word write, followed by a symbol, saves the contents of the capture object into a text file, using the symbol as the filename. The file will be saved in the same folder as the Max application, unless the symbol is a pathname specifying some other folder (such as write "MyDisk:/Documents/Captured Data/outputfile"). The word write by itself causes a standard Save As dialog box to be opened, allowing you to name the file and save it in the desired folder.

Information for box attributes common to all objects


int: Out right outlet: The number of items received since last count message was received is sent out the right outlet in response to a count message.
int float symbol: Out left outlet: The captured contents are sent out the left outlet, one at a time, in response to the dump message.

Double-clicking on capture (when the patcher window is locked) opens an editing window in which the stored numbers can be viewed and edited. Editing the window does not actually alter the contents of capture, but is useful for cutting and pasting values into a table or a separate file. (Although capture can continue to store items while the editing window is open, the editing window is not updated. It must be closed and reopened to view the newly stored items.)


Collect numbers to paste into a table... or just to see what's been going on

See Also

Name Description
itable A table in a patcher window
text Format messages as a text file