A collection of messages to send remotely
bang | Sending a qlist will use that number as a delay time in milliseconds before continuing to send the remining messages. A qlist that is playing automatically can be stopped using the message. | to qlist triggers automatic-playback of the entire cue list. It begins sending messages from the first line, until a line begins with a number, at which point|
append | message [list] |
The word qlist object's cue-list. To append a semicolon, it must be preceded by a backslash character. | followed by any arguments will append those arguments to the last entry in the
clear | The word | will clear the contents of the cue-list. This is the same as sending a message with no arguments.|
(mouse) | Clicking on the button object will cause it to flash briefly and send a bang is sent out the outlet. | |
fwd | number-of-lines [int] |
The word | , followed by a number, is used to "fast farward" through a given number of lines, without remotely sending messages to named receive objects. For example, will output the next two lines in the cue-list which bengin with numerical values. Lines beginning with symbols will be ignored.
insert | message [list] |
The word qlist object's cue-list as a new entry in the list. To append a semicolon, it must be preceded by a backslash character. | followed by any arguments will append those arguments to the
next | ignore-symbols-flag (0 or non-zero) [int] |
The word | is used to output the next line in the cue-list. It will remotely send all lines beginning with a symbol, and stop after it encounters and outputs a line beginning with a numerical value. If the word is followed by a non-zero argument, it will ignore lines beginning with symbols and only output the next line beginning with a numerical value.
open | The word qlist object's text editing window to be opened. | will cause the|
set | cue-list-contents [list] |
The word qlist object. It completely clears any previous cue-list contents. Sending a message with no arguments is the same as sending a message. | can be used to set the contents of a
stop | The word qlist which is in the middle of playback as a result of a message. | can be used to stop a|
read | filename [symbol] |
The word | will allow you to read a file from disk via a standard Max file opening dialog. If followed by a symbol argument, Max will use the symbol as a filename (or filepath and filename) and try to read a text file with the given name from the disk.
rewind | The word qlist which is in the middle of playback as a result of a message. | can be used to stop a|
tempo | tempo-multiplier [float] |
The word qlist to automatically play itself at a faster or slower speed than indicated by the millisecond values stored internally in the cue list. By default the tempo is 1.0, which means the playback tempo is not scaled. A tempo of 0.5 plays back the cue list at half speed, whereas a tempo of 2. plays it back twice as fast. | , followed by a floating-point numerical value, can be used to allow a
wclose | The word qlist object's text editing window to be closed. | will cause the|
write | filename [symbol] |
The word | will allow you to save a file via a standard Max file saving dialog. If followed by a symbol argument, Max will use the symbol as a filename (or filepath and filename) and write a text file with the given name to disk.