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Cycle messages through outputs


Route messages, unchanged, through the object's outlets sequentially. Lists remain intact, unlike the Max cycle object. The jit.cycle object takes a single integer argument, which sets the number of outlets.





index [int]

The current outlet

hi [int]

Outlet high limit (default = rightmost outlet) Outlets with indices higher than the value of the hi attribute are ignored during routing. Outlet indices begin numbering at 0.

mode [int]

Cycle mode (default = 0 (left to right))
0 = left to right (from lo to hi)
1 = right to left (from hi to lo)
2 = pendulum mode, starting from lo, passing sequentially to hi, and then back to lo

lo [int]

Outlet low limit (default = 0 (leftmost outlet)) Outlets with indices lower than the value of the lo attribute are ignored during routing. Outlet indices begin numbering at 0.

Common Box Attributes

annotation [symbol]

Sets the text that will be displayed in the Clue window when the user moves the mouse over the object.

background [int] (default: 0)

Adds or removes the object from the patcher's background layer. background 1 adds the object to the background layer, background 0 removes it. Objects in the background layer are shown behind all objects in the default foreground layer.

color [4 floats]

Sets the color for the object box outline.

fontface [int]

Sets the type style used by the object. The options are:

bold italic

Possible values:

0 = 'regular'
1 = 'bold'
2 = 'italic'
3 = 'bold italic'

fontname [symbol]

Sets the object's font.

fontsize [float]

Sets the object's font size (in points).

Possible values:


hidden [int] (default: 0)

Toggles whether an object is hidden when the patcher is locked.

hint [symbol]

Sets the text that will be displayed in as a pop-up hint when the user moves the mouse over the object in a locked patcher.

ignoreclick [int] (default: 0)

Toggles whether an object ignores mouse clicks in a locked patcher.

patching_rect [4 floats] (default: 0. 0. 100. 0.)

Sets the position and size of the object in the patcher window.

position [2 floats]


Sets the object's x and y position in both patching and presentation modes (if the object belongs to its patcher's presentation), leaving its size unchanged.

presentation [int] (default: 0)

Sets whether an object belongs to the patcher's presentation.

presentation_rect [4 floats] (default: 0. 0. 0. 0.)

Sets the x and y position and width and height of the object in the patcher's presentation, leaving its patching position unchanged.

rect [4 floats]


Sets the x and y position and width and height of the object in both patching and presentation modes (if the object belongs to its patcher's presentation).

size [2 floats]


Sets the object's width and height in both patching and presentation modes (if the object belongs to its patcher's presentation), leaving its position unchanged.

textcolor [float]

Sets the color for the object's text in RGBA format.

textjustification [int]

Text Justification

Possible values:

0 = 'left'
1 = 'center'
2 = 'right'

varname [symbol]

Sets the patcher's scripting name, which can be used to address the object by name in pattr, scripting messages to thispatcher, and the js object.



Any bang message sent to the jit.cycle object is sent out the next outlet in sequence.


Any int sent to the jit.cycle object is sent out the next outlet in sequence.


Any float sent to the jit.cycle object is sent out the next outlet in sequence.


Any list sent to the jit.cycle object is sent out the next outlet in sequence.


Any message sent to the jit.cycle object is sent out the next outlet in sequence.


Causes the index to jump to either the lo or hi value, depending on the current cycle mode setting (mode).

See Also

Name Description
Working with Video in Jitter Working with Video in Jitter
cycle Round-robin messages to outlets
jit.reverse Reverse output with respect to input
router Route messages to multiple locations