voicebang [bang]
A bang in the left inlet will report the index number of the current voice (or containing voice when used in a polyphonic subpatcher).
mute [bang, number]
The right inlet controls the mute status of a voice. A bang or a 1 will mute the voice and a 0 will unmute. Can be used with the silencedetector~ object for manual voice management.
voicenumber [number]
Outputs the current voice index whenever the left inlet receives a bang.
noteNumber [number]
Outputs the currently active MIDI note number in use by the voice.
mutestatus [number]
The current status of the voice. 0 = busy, 1 = free.
activevoices [number]
Shows the total number of currently active voices in the polyphonic context.
Dynamic Attributes
These attributes can be modified in the code during execution using the set object
mute [bang, number]
The right inlet controls the mute status of a voice. A bang or a 1 will mute the voice and a 0 will unmute. Can be used with the silencedetector~ object for manual voice management.
muteout [list]
voicebang [bang]
A bang in the left inlet will report the index number of the current voice (or containing voice when used in a polyphonic subpatcher).
See Also
Name | Description |
adsr~ | Attack-Decay-Sustain-Release envelope generator |
midiin | MIDI input stream |
midiformat | Prepare data in the form of a MIDI message |
p | |
silencedetector~ | Outputs a bang if a signal buffer of silence is detected after a note off |