silencedetector~ Reference

Outputs a bang if a signal buffer of silence is detected after a note off




input [signal]

The audio signal that is analyzed for silence. When a full audio of buffer of zero values is detected after a note-off message is sent to the right inlet, the silencedetector~ object will send out a bang. This can be used with the voice object to control the mute state of voices when manually managing polyphony.

midiin [number]

The right inlet accepts formatted MIDI note on and off messages (see midiformat ). When it receives a note-off message, it begins analyzing the audio signal in the left inlet for silence.


silence [bang]

Sends out a bang when silence is detected (the right inlet receives a note-off message and the left inlet receives a full audio buffer of silence).

Fixed Attributes

These attributes must be set in the object box and determine the behavior of the object at runtime.

length [number] (default: -1)

Length in samples that silence has to persist until a bang is sent (defaults to current vector size).

threshold [number] (default: 0)

Level that is considered as silence.

Dynamic Attributes

These attributes can be modified in the code during execution using the set object

input [signal]

The audio signal that is analyzed for silence. When a full audio of buffer of zero values is detected after a note-off message is sent to the right inlet, the silencedetector~ object will send out a bang. This can be used with the voice object to control the mute state of voices when manually managing polyphony.

midiin [number]

The right inlet accepts formatted MIDI note on and off messages (see midiformat ). When it receives a note-off message, it begins analyzing the audio signal in the left inlet for silence.

See Also

Name Description
adsr~ Attack-Decay-Sustain-Release envelope generator
makenote Generate a note-on/note-off pair
midiformat Prepare data in the form of a MIDI message
midiin MIDI input stream
voice Report voice index and set mute status