omx.5band~ Reference

OctiMax 5-band Compressor



omx.5band~ delivers the signal-processing power of Octimax in a 5-band compressor.




Common Box Attributes

annotation [symbol]

Sets the text that will be displayed in the Clue window when the user moves the mouse over the object.

background [int] (default: 0)

Adds or removes the object from the patcher's background layer. background 1 adds the object to the background layer, background 0 removes it. Objects in the background layer are shown behind all objects in the default foreground layer.

color [4 floats]

Sets the color for the object box outline.

fontface [int]

Sets the type style used by the object. The options are:

bold italic Possible values:

0 = 'regular'
1 = 'bold'
2 = 'italic'
3 = 'bold italic'

fontname [symbol]

Sets the object's font.

fontsize [float]

Sets the object's font size (in points). Possible values:


hidden [int] (default: 0)

Toggles whether an object is hidden when the patcher is locked.

hint [symbol]

Sets the text that will be displayed in as a pop-up hint when the user moves the mouse over the object in a locked patcher.

ignoreclick [int] (default: 0)

Toggles whether an object ignores mouse clicks in a locked patcher.

jspainterfile [symbol]

JS Painter File

patching_rect [4 floats] (default: 0. 0. 100. 0.)

Sets the position and size of the object in the patcher window.

position [2 floats]


Sets the object's x and y position in both patching and presentation modes (if the object belongs to its patcher's presentation), leaving its size unchanged.

presentation [int] (default: 0)

Sets whether an object belongs to the patcher's presentation.

presentation_rect [4 floats] (default: 0. 0. 0. 0.)

Sets the x and y position and width and height of the object in the patcher's presentation, leaving its patching position unchanged.

rect [4 floats]


Sets the x and y position and width and height of the object in both patching and presentation modes (if the object belongs to its patcher's presentation).

size [2 floats]


Sets the object's width and height in both patching and presentation modes (if the object belongs to its patcher's presentation), leaving its position unchanged.

textcolor [4 floats]

Sets the color for the object's text in RGBA format.

textjustification [int]

Sets the justification for the object's text. Possible values:

0 = 'left'
1 = 'center'
2 = 'right'

varname [symbol]

Sets the patcher's scripting name, which can be used to address the object by name in pattr, scripting messages to thispatcher, and the js object.




0/1 [int]
The word bands_enum, followed by a zero or one, sets the number of bands. The option are:

0: 4-band
1: 5-band



low-frequency-emphasis-flag [int]
The word bassenhancement followed by a non-zero number will enable the specialized enhancement of low frequencies by the multiband compressor; followed by 0, causes no low frequency enhancement to be applied.



low-frequency-enhancement-level [int]
The word bassenhancement_mixlevel, followed by a number, sets the amount of low-frequency enhancement added into the audio signal before output.



bypass-flag [int]
The word bypass followed by a non-zero number will output the dry unchanged input signal straight out the outlet without any processing; followed by a 0, will output the signal effected by omx.5band~.



preset-number [int]
The word choosePreset, followed by a number in the range 0-2, selects a preset for the omx.4band~ object. These presets are to be considered "starting points" and should be tweaked for your particular purpose or desired sound. The preset options are:

0: Universal - Provides a general boost to the sound, with a 3-to-1 compression and no limiting. Bass enhancement is switched in for a bit of warmth.
1; Pop - Sets a 50:1 compression with hard driven limiting in the lowest two bands. The gives a solid bottom to the sound.
2: Hit Radio - Is a compromise between the Universal and Pop settings. You will note that the times are all about the same, with appropriately slower attack and release in the low bands.
3: FM Radio - Differs from the Pop and Hit radio settings primarily in the high end, which is compressed a bit tighter.



freeze threshold [float]
The word freeze_threshold, followed by a number, sets the freeze threshold (in dB below full scale). When the input signal drops below the freeze threshold, release will seize completely. Along with the gating threshold, this threshold is useful to prevent background hiss amplification.



release-gate-threshold [float]
The word gating_threshold, followed by a number, sets the release gate threshold (in dB below full scale). When the signal is below this threshold, the release time of the compressor will be slowed by a factor of 3.



input-compressor-attack-rate [int]
The word inagc_atk, followed by a number, sets the attack rate for the input compressor. The attack rate determines how quickly the compressor applies gain reduction. The value range is 0-150 on a logarithmic scale, with larger values indicating faster attack.



progressive-release-mode-flag [int]
The word inagc_progressive, followed by a 1 or 0, enables or disables the Progressive Release mode, which causes the input compressor to release faster during heavy gain reduction.



maximum-input-compressor-gain [float]
The word inagc_range, followed by a number, sets the maximum amount of gain in dB applied by the input compressor .



compressor-gain-reduction-ratio-numerator [int]
The word inagc_ratio, followed by a number, sets the numerator of the compressor gain reduction ratio, from 1:1 to Infinite:1.



input-compressor-release-rate [int]
The word inagc_rel, followed by a number, sets the release rate for the input compressor. The release rate determines how quickly the compressor returns to unity gain. The value range is 0-150 on a logarithmic scale, with larger values indicating faster release.



compression-threshold-level [float]
The word inagc_threshold, followed by a number, sets the compression threshold level (in dB below full scale) for the input compressor.



0/1 [int]
The word inf_ratio_above_threshold_1, followed by a zero or one, disables/enables Infinite ratio above threshold (sometimes called "soft clipping") for band 1. If enabled, the ratio in that band will be Infinite:1 any time there is gain reduction (i.e. the input signal is above the threshold), no matter what the Multiband Ratio is set to.



0/1 [int]
The word inf_ratio_above_threshold_2, followed by a zero or one, disables/enables Infinite ratio above threshold (sometimes called "soft clipping") for band 2. If enabled, the ratio in that band will be Infinite:1 any time there is gain reduction (i.e. the input signal is above the threshold), no matter what the Multiband Ratio is set to.



0/1 [int]
The word inf_ratio_above_threshold_3, followed by a zero or one, disables/enables Infinite ratio above threshold (sometimes called "soft clipping") for band 3. If enabled, the ratio in that band will be Infinite:1 any time there is gain reduction (i.e. the input signal is above the threshold), no matter what the Multiband Ratio is set to.



0/1 [int]
The word inf_ratio_above_threshold_4, followed by a zero or one, disables/enables Infinite ratio above threshold (sometimes called "soft clipping") for band 4. If enabled, the ratio in that band will be Infinite:1 any time there is gain reduction (i.e. the input signal is above the threshold), no matter what the Multiband Ratio is set to.



0/1 [int]
The word inf_ratio_above_threshold_5, followed by a zero or one, disables/enables Infinite ratio above threshold (sometimes called "soft clipping") for band 5. If enabled, the ratio in that band will be Infinite:1 any time there is gain reduction (i.e. the input signal is above the threshold), no matter what the Multiband Ratio is set to.



pre-peak-limiter-gain [float]
The word lim_drive, followed by a number, sets the overall gain in dB before peak limiting is applied.



limiter-response-flag [int]
The word lim_smoothrelease, followed by a number, sets the limiter response mode as follows:

0: Punchy. Punchy response yields extremely short attack and release times, useful for transparent limiting, or to create loudness. However, if over-used, intermodulation distortion may result.
1: Smooth. Smooth release uses longer attack and release times. The result is still a fast look-ahead limiter, but with less intermodulation distortion and less punch.



attack-rate [int]
The word mbagc_b1_atk, followed by a number, sets the attack rate for band 1. The attack rate determines how quickly the compressor applies gain reduction. The value range is 0-150 on a logarithmic scale, with larger values indicating faster attack.



pre-compressor-gain [float]
The word mbagc_b1_drv, followed by a number, sets the gain in dB applied to band 1 before compression. Increasing the drive for a particular band applies more compression to those frequencies.



attack-rate [int]
The word mbagc_b1_rel, followed by a number, sets the release rate for band 1. The release rate determines how quickly the compressor returns to unity gain. The value range is 0-150 on a logarithmic scale, with larger values indicating faster release.



compression-threshold [float]
The word mbagc_b1_threshold, followed by a number, sets the compression threshold level (in dB below full scale) for band 1. A frequency band will be compressed if its signal level exceeds the threshold.



attack-rate [int]
The word mbagc_b2_atk, followed by a number, sets the attack rate for band 2. The attack rate determines how quickly the compressor applies gain reduction. The value range is 0-150 on a logarithmic scale, with larger values indicating faster attack.



pre-compressor-gain [float]
The word mbagc_b2_drv, followed by a number, sets the gain in dB applied to band 2 before compression. Increasing the drive for a particular band applies more compression to those frequencies.



attack-rate [int]
The word mbagc_b2_rel, followed by a number, sets the release rate for band 2. The release rate determines how quickly the compressor returns to unity gain. The value range is 0-150 on a logarithmic scale, with larger values indicating faster release.



compression-threshold [float]
The word mbagc_b2_threshold, followed by a number, sets the compression threshold level (in dB below full scale) for band 2. A frequency band will be compressed if its signal level exceeds the threshold.



attack-rate [int]
The word mbagc_b3_atk, followed by a number, sets the attack rate for band 3. The attack rate determines how quickly the compressor applies gain reduction. The value range is 0-150 on a logarithmic scale, with larger values indicating faster attack.



pre-compressor-gain [float]
The word mbagc_b3_drv, followed by a number, sets the gain in dB applied to band 3 before compression. Increasing the drive for a particular band applies more compression to those frequencies.



attack-rate [int]
The word mbagc_b3_rel, followed by a number, sets the release rate for band 3. The release rate determines how quickly the compressor returns to unity gain. The value range is 0-150 on a logarithmic scale, with larger values indicating faster release.



compression-threshold [float]
The word mbagc_b3_threshold, followed by a number, sets the compression threshold level (in dB below full scale) for band 3. A frequency band will be compressed if its signal level exceeds the threshold.



attack-rate [int]
The word mbagc_b4_atk, followed by a number, sets the attack rate for band 4. The attack rate determines how quickly the compressor applies gain reduction. The value range is 0-150 on a logarithmic scale, with larger values indicating faster attack.



pre-compressor-gain [float]
The word mbagc_b4_drv, followed by a number, sets the gain in dB applied to band 4 before compression. Increasing the drive for a particular band applies more compression to those frequencies.



attack-rate [int]
The word mbagc_b4_rel, followed by a number, sets the release rate for band 4. The release rate determines how quickly the compressor returns to unity gain. The value range is 0-150 on a logarithmic scale, with larger values indicating faster release.



compression-threshold [float]
The word mbagc_b4_threshold, followed by a number, sets the compression threshold level (in dB below full scale) for band 4. A frequency band will be compressed if its signal level exceeds the threshold.



attack-rate [int]
The word mbagc_b5_atk, followed by a number, sets the attack rate for band 5. The attack rate determines how quickly the compressor applies gain reduction. The value range is 0-150 on a logarithmic scale, with larger values indicating faster attack.



pre-compressor-gain [float]
The word mbagc_b5_drv, followed by a number, sets the gain in dB applied to band 5 before compression. Increasing the drive for a particular band applies more compression to those frequencies.



attack-rate [int]
The word mbagc_b5_rel, followed by a number, sets the release rate for band 5. The release rate determines how quickly the compressor returns to unity gain. The value range is 0-150 on a logarithmic scale, with larger values indicating faster release.



compression-threshold [float]
The word mbagc_b5_threshold, followed by a number, sets the compression threshold level (in dB below full scale) for band 5. A frequency band will be compressed if its signal level exceeds the threshold.



progressive-release-mode-flag [int]
The word mbagc_progressive, followed by a 1 or 0, enables or disables the Progressive Release mode, which causes the multi-band compressor to release faster during heavy gain reduction.



clipping-threshold [int]
The word mbclip_b1_threshold, followed by a number, sets the bass clipping threshold level (in dB below full scale).



peak-limiter-threshold [float]
The word mblim_b1_threshold, followed by a number, sets the threshold signal level in dB for the peak limiter of band 1.



peak-limiter-threshold [float]
The word mblim_b2_threshold, followed by a number, sets the threshold signal level in dB for the peak limiter of band 2.



peak-limiter-threshold [float]
The word mblim_b3_threshold, followed by a number, sets the threshold signal level in dB for the peak limiter of band 3.



peak-limiter-threshold [float]
The word mblim_b4_threshold, followed by a number, sets the threshold signal level in dB for the peak limiter of band 4.



peak-limiter-threshold [float]
The word mblim_b5_threshold, followed by a number, sets the threshold signal level in dB for the peak limiter of band 5.



maximum-compressor-gain [float]
The word mbrange, followed by a number, sets the maximum amount of gain in dB applied by the multiband compressor. This limits the gain that is applied when the signal is below the compression threshold. Note that this limiting takes place before the ratio is applied. For example, if the range is set to 24 dB, and the ratio is 2:1, the most gain amplification you can get (after the ratio is applied) is in fact 12 dB.



compressor-gain-reduction-ratio-numerator [int]
The word mbratio, followed by a number, sets the numerator of the compressor gain reduction ratio, from 1:1 to Infinite:1.


The word meterData will cause output (by instantaneous command as opposed to metering-interval described by the meterRate message) of values which describe the current state of various internal levels of the compressor, and can be used to drive GUI objects to provide visual feedback.



data-output-interval [int]
The word meterRate, followed by a number, specifies the interval (in milliseconds) at which the meter data described above will be sent.



metering-output-flag [int]
The word meters, followed by a 1 or 0, turns the metering output on or off. When metering is on, a list of values will be sent from the rightmost outlet at a rate specified by the meterRate message. These values describe the current state of various internal levels of the compressor, and can be used to drive GUI objects to provide visual feedback.



peak-limiting-flag [int]
The word multiband_limiters, followed by a 1 or 0, enables or disables the peak limiting function, which limits the signal level of each frequency band independently, so it does not exceed the threshold set for that band.



noise-gate-enable-flag [int]
The word ng_enabled_maxch, followed by a 1 or 0, enables or disables noise gating for the multi-band compressor. The noise gating itself has multiple bands, separate from the compressor, allowing independent control via the ngthresh messages.



noise-gate-enable-flag [int]
The word ngenabled, followed by a 1 or 0, turns the noise gate on or off. A noise gate is effective for reducing background hiss when no other signal is present. omx.4band~ features two noise gates: one that operates on the entire signal, and one that only affects higher frequencies, such as hiss.



threshold-level [float]
The word ngthresh1, followed by a number that specifies a threshold level (expressed as dB below full scale), sets the threshold level at which the noise gate for band 1 will be engaged.



threshold-level [float]
The word ngthresh2, followed by a number that specifies a threshold level (expressed as dB below full scale), sets the threshold level at which the noise gate for band 2 will be engaged.



threshold-level [float]
The word ngthresh3, followed by a number that specifies a threshold level (expressed as dB below full scale), sets the threshold level at which the noise gate for band 3 will be engaged.



threshold-level [float]
The word ngthresh4, followed by a number that specifies a threshold level (expressed as dB below full scale), sets the threshold level at which the noise gate for band 4 will be engaged.



threshold-level [float]
The word ngthresh5, followed by a number that specifies a threshold level (expressed as dB below full scale), sets the threshold level at which the noise gate for band 5 will be engaged.



level [float]
The word outlevel_lf, followed by a number, sets the left channel output level in dB for the omx.5band~ object.



level [float]
The word outlevel_rf, followed by a number, sets the right channel output level in dB for the omx.5band~ object.



post-compression-gain [float]
The word outmix1, followed by a number, sets the gain in dB applied to band 1 after compression.



post-compression-gain [float]
The word outmix2, followed by a number, sets the gain in dB applied to band 2 after compression.



post-compression-gain [float]
The word outmix3, followed by a number, sets the gain in dB applied to band 3 after compression.



post-compression-gain [float]
The word outmix4, followed by a number, sets the gain in dB applied to band 4 after compression.



post-compression-gain [float]
The word outmix5, followed by a number, sets the gain in dB applied to band 5 after compression.



output level [int]
The word output_level, followed by a number, sets the output level. This setting is used for attenuating the output, but clipping will never occur even if you set it to gain. The gain for each channel will take both this control and the controls on the Global Settings page into account, but the gain for each channel will be clamped below 0 to prevent clipping.


The word saveSettings causes all parameter values to be sent out the third outlet.


Audio input, the signal or pair of signals to be compressed.



difference-between-signals (0-100) [int]
The spatial enhancer separates the channels of mixes that are nearly (but not quite) mono by subtracting a bit of left from the right signal and vice versa, but only when the two are nearly the same. The word spatial_desired, followed by a number, sets the difference between the side signal and the combined (mono) signal,



0/1 [int]
The word spatial_enabled, followed by a zero or one, disables/enables spatial enhancement.



maximum-gain [int]
The spatial enhancer separates the channels of mixes that are nearly (but not quite) mono by subtracting a bit of left from the right signal and vice versa, but only when the two are nearly the same. The word spatial_maximum, followed by a number, sets the maximum gain on the two difference signals.



response speed [int]
The spatial enhancer separates the channels of mixes that are nearly (but not quite) mono by subtracting a bit of left from the right signal and vice versa, but only when the two are nearly the same. The word spatial_speed, followed by a number, sets the speed of response to changes in separation.



Out third outlet: parameter values in response to saveSettings messages.

Out fourth outlet: meter data. When metering is turned on, lists of values will be output that describe various internal levels. See the description of the meters message.


Out leftmost two outlets: the input signals (if present), with dynamics processing applied.

See Also

Name Description
omx.4band~ OctiMax 4-band Compressor
omx.comp~ OctiMax Compressor
omx.peaklim~ OctiMax Peak Limiter
MSP Compression Tutorial 6: Multiband Compression 2 MSP Compression Tutorial 6: Multiband Compression 2