Controlling Jitter with Messages

Controlling Jitter with Messages

As is the case with Max, you can control Jitter using the message box object. Normally, the message box contains an object, and you click on it or replace a variable typed into the message box to send a message down a patch cord to another Max object. However, if the message in a message box begins with a semicolon (;) followed by the word jitter, any message which follows will be sent directly to the Max application itself, just as though there were a receive object named "jitter".

Another way this may be accomplished is to send messages via the forward object. The forward object works similar to the send object, but is not restricted to sending to named instances of the receive object.

These messages may be also included in a file named "jitter-config.txt", located anywhere in the search path and they will be executed when Jitter loads. This is particularly useful for the javaload message.

Sending a message to Jitter

  • Add a message box to your Patcher, and type in a semicolon and the word jitter (;jitter), followed by the message you want to send. Your message box can contain variables (e.g. ;jitter menubar $1).

When you click on the message box or send it a bang or a value, the message will be sent to the Max application.

Here is listing of the messages you can send using this technique:


(Macintosh only) The word cursor, followed by a zero or one, toggles cursor visibility on/off.


The word html_ref, followed by a symbol that specifies the name of a Jitter object, launches the reference file for the object. (must be in Max's search path).


The word javaload, followed by a zero or one, toggles Jitter Java support on/off.


The word launch_browser, followed by a URL as a symbol, Launches the specified URL in the default system web browser.

(Macintosh only) The word menubar, followed by a zero or one, toggles menubar visibility on/off. Similar to Max's showmenubar, and hidemenubar messages. When using in conjunction with the jit.window object's fullscreen attribute, it is recommended that the jit.window object's fsmenubar attribute is used instead of Jitter's menubar message, in order to prevent possible "pixel trash".


The word parallel, followed by a zero or one, toggles parallel processor support. The default is on if machine has multiple processors (or cores), and otherwise off.


The word parallelthreads, followed by an integer, specifies the number of threads used for parallel processor support. Default is the number of processors (or cores).


The word parallelthresh, followed by an integer, specifies matrix cellcount above which parallel processors are used. Default is 10000 cells.


The word pollthrottle, followed by an integer, sets the number of scheduler events to process per scheduler tick. Equivalent to Max's setpollthrottle message.


The word queuethrottle, followed by an integer, sets the number of low priority queue events to process per low priority queue service. Equivalent to Max's setqueuethrottle message.

See Also

Name Description
Technical Notes Technical Notes
Scripting Scripting