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Transforms signal data into matrices


Use jit.catch~ to transform MSP signals into a stream of jitter matrices.


Name Type Opt Description
channels The number of input signals. An inlet will be created for each channel and the output matrices will contain the data for each channel on a separate plane.


bang Receiving a bang may trigger a matrix to be output, depending on the mode and the amount of signal data that has been received since the last bang.
bufsize The word bufsize, followed by a floating-point number, sets the size of the buffer to be sampled.
signal SIgnal data received in any inlet of a jit.catch~ object will be converted to a stream of Jitter matrices and sent out the object's outlet.


Name Type g/s Description
mode int Four different modes are possible: in mode 0, all data since the last output is output in a one-dimensional matrix. In mode 1 the amount of buffered data that fits into a multiple of the framesize is output in two dimensions; data not output will be saved for the next time. In these first two modes, every sample collected should be output once and only once. In mode 2 a framesize of the most recent data is output. Mode 3 causes jit.catch~ to behave like an oscilloscope, triggering on channel trigchan when the signal crosses triglevel in the direction trigdir. If the threshold has not been passed for the duration of the entire internal data buffer (100 ms), jit.catch~ reverts temporarily to mode 2 behaviour and outputs the most recent data until the threshold is crossed again.
framesize int In some modes, the width of the output matrix. (default=320)
trigthresh float The signal level at which to trigger a redraw in mode 3 (default=0.0)
trigdir int The direction to use to identify crosses in the trigger point: 0 is upwards, and 1 is downwards. (default=0)
trigchan int In mode 3, the channel to use for trigger points (default=0)
downsample int A downsampling factor (default=1). If downsampling value is set to n, each group of n successive samples are averaged.

Information for box attributes common to all objects


See Also

Name Description
jit.buffer~ A matrix-friendly MSP buffer~
jit.graph Floating-point data visualization
jit.gl.graph Open GL floating-point data visualization
jit.peek~ Read matrix data as an audio signal
jit.poke~ Write an audio signal into a matrix
jit.release~ Transforms matrix data into signals
peek~ Read and write sample values
poke~ Write sample values to a buffer by index
Tutorial 48: Frames of MSP signals Tutorial 48: Frames of MSP signals