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Display or change a range of numbers


rslider takes a list to set a range from the lowest to highest value. In the right inlet, the number is taken as one end of the range. The left inlet sets the other end. Drawing the range with the mouse always outputs the lowest value out the left outlet and the highest out the right.
Shift-clicking extends the range instead of replacing it. Command-clicking (Macintosh) or Control-double-clicking (Windows) and dragging shifts the current range values up or down. Option-clicking (Macintosh) or Alt-clicking (Windows) and dragging up or down expands or shrinks the currently selected range. Command-double-clicking (Macintosh) or Control-double-clicking (Windows) selects the entire range.




bang In left inlet: Sends out the minimum and maximum values of the currently displayed range.
int minimum [int]
In left inlet: The number sets the minimum limit of a range displayed as a colored region on the rslider, and causes the minimum and maximum values of that range to be sent out. A number that exceeds the limits of the rslider itself will be limited to stay within the rslider.

The minimum and maximum values can also be set (and sent out) by dragging with the mouse across a range in the rslider.
  (inlet1) maximum [int]
In right inlet: The number is stored as the maximum limit of the range displayed in color on the rslider. A number that exceeds the limits of the rslider itself will be limited to stay within the rslider.

The minimum and maximum values can also be set (and sent out) by dragging with the mouse across a range in the rslider.
float minimum [float]
Converted to int.
  (inlet1) maximum [float]
In right inlet: The number is stored as the maximum limit of the range displayed in color on the rslider. A number that exceeds the limits of the rslider itself will be limited to stay within the rslider.

The minimum and maximum values can also be set (and sent out) by dragging with the mouse across a range in the rslider.
list minimum-and-maximum [list]
In left inlet: The first two numbers in the list are used to set the minimum and maximum values of the displayed range, and are sent out.
(mouse) Clicking on the rslider object and dragging sets the minimum and maximum values and sends them out the object's outlets (or left outlet in list mode). or setting attributes.
set minimum [int]
maximum [int]
In left inlet: The word set, followed by two numbers, sets the minimum and maximum values of the currently displayed range, without sending them out the outlets.
setminmax low-and-high-values [list]
The word setminmax, followed by two numbers, sets the low and high range values for the rslider object. The floatoutput attribute will automatically be set.


Name Type g/s Description
bgcolor float Sets the background color of the rslider object in RGBA format.
bordercolor float Sets the border color of the rslider object in RGBA format.
drawline int
Toggles the drawing of a center line on the rslider display. The default value is 1 (on).
fgcolor float Sets the range color of the rslider object in RGBA format.
floatoutput int
Toggles floating-point output from the slider object. The default is 0 (off).
listmode int
Toggles the list output mode. When it is on, the rslider object will output the min and max values as a list out the left outlet. Otherwise, the values are sent out the right and left outlets. The default value is 0 (off).
min int
Sets value that will be added to the rslider object's lower value before it is sent out the outlet.
mult float
Sets a multiplier value. The rslider object's value will be multiplied by this number before it is sent out the outlet. The default value is 1.
orientation int
Sets the rslider object to a horizontal or vertical data display.
0 Automatic: (the default) sets the display dependent on the size of the slider - longest side of the rectangle that describes the slider sets the orientation.
1 Horizontal
2 Vertical
size float
Sets the total range of the rslider. The rslider will range from 0 to one less than the specified size. A size message smaller than 1 will be automatically set to 2. By default, the size of an rslider is 128.

Information for box attributes common to all objects

Menu Items

Name Description
Color Choosing the Color... menu item from the Object menu when the object is selected opens a color picker, permitting adjustment to the appearance of the rslider object.


int: The maximum value of the displayed range is sent out the right outlet, and the minimum value is sent out the left outlet. Output is triggered by a new minimum value (or a bang) received in the left inlet, or by clicking or dragging the mouse in the rslider.


Output minimum and maximum values to set the range of another object

See Also

Name Description
multislider Multiple slider and scrolling display
nslider Output numbers from a notation display onscreen
pictctrl Picture-based control
pictslider Picture-based slider control
slider Output numbers by moving a slider onscreen
split Look for a range of numbers
Max Basic Tutorial 13: Movie Sequencing Max Basic Tutorial 13: Movie Sequencing