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Is equal to, comparison of two signals


==~ outputs a 1 signal when the left input is equal to the right input and a 0 when it is not equal to the right input. The right input can be a signal or a float.


Name Type Opt Description
initial-comparison-value float or int opt Sets an initial comparison value for the signal coming into the left inlet. 1 is sent out if the signal is equal to the argument; otherwise, 0 is sent out. If a signal is connected to the right inlet, the argument is ignored. If no argument is present, and no signal is connected to the right inlet, the initial value is 0 by default.


int input-comparison-value [int]
In right inlet: A number to be used for comparison with the signal coming into the left inlet. If a signal is also connected to the right inlet, a float or int is ignored.
float input-comparison-value [float]
In right inlet: A number to be used for comparison with the signal coming into the left inlet. If a signal is also connected to the right inlet, a float or int is ignored.
signal In left inlet: The signal is compared to a signal coming into the right inlet, or a constant value received in the right inlet. If it is equal to the value in the right inlet, 1 is sent out; otherwise, 0 is sent out.

In right inlet: The signal is used for comparison with the signal coming into the left inlet.

Information for box attributes common to all objects


signal: If the signal in the left inlet is equal to the value in the right inlet, 1 is sent out; otherwise, 0 is sent out.


Detect when a signal equals a certain value or when two signals equal each other

See Also

Name Description
<~ Is less than, comparison of two signals
<=~ Is less than or equal to, comparison of two signals
>~ Is greater than, comparison of two signals
>=~ Is greater than or equal to, comparison of two signals
!=~ Not equal to, comparison of two signals
change~ Report signal direction
edge~ Detect logical signal transitions