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Get the colors of the Live Skin


Gets the color used in the current Live application color scheme (Skin).




active_automation Sends the active automation color out the outlet (in RGBA format).
assignment_text_bg Sends the assignment text bg color out the outlet (in RGBA format).
contrast_frame Sends the contrast frame color out the outlet (in RGBA format).
control_bg Sends the control bg color out the outlet (in RGBA format).
control_fg Sends the control fg color out the live.colors object's left outlet in RGBA format.
control_fg_off Sends the control fg off color out the live.colors object's left outlet in RGBA format.
control_fg_on Sends the control fg on color out the live.colors object's left outlet in RGBA format.
control_fg_zombie Sends the control fg zombie color out the live.colors object's left outlet in RGBA format.
control_text_bg Sends the control text bg color out the live.colors object's left outlet in RGBA format.
control_selection Sends the control selection color out the live.colors object's left outlet in RGBA format.
control_zombie Sends the control zombie color out the live.colors object's left outlet in RGBA format.
everything Sends all the available colors out the outlet as a series of messages. Each message consists of the color scheme name followed by four floating-point values that describe the color scheme color in RGBA format.
inactive_automation Sends the inactive automation color out the live.colors object's left outlet in RGBA format.
key_assignment Sends the key assignment color out the live.colors object's left outlet in RGBA format.
macro_assigned Sends the macro assigned color out the live.colors object's left outlet in RGBA format.
macro_assignment Sends the macro assignment color out the live.colors object's left outlet in RGBA format.
midi_assignment Sends the midi assignment color out the live.colors object's left outlet in RGBA format.
led_bg Sends the led bg color out the live.colors object's left outlet in RGBA format.
numbox_triangle Sends the numbox triangle color out the live.colors object's left outlet in RGBA format.
macro_title Sends the macro title color out the live.colors object's left outlet in RGBA format.
selection Sends the selection color out the live.colors object's left outlet in RGBA format.
surface_bg Sends the surface bg color out the live.colors object's left outlet in RGBA format.
value_arc Sends the value arc color out the live.colors object's left outlet in RGBA format.
value_bar Sends the value bar color out the live.colors object's left outlet in RGBA format.
value_arc_zombie Sends the value arc zombie color out the live.colors object's left outlet in RGBA format.

Information for box attributes common to all objects


bang: Out right outlet: A bang messages is sent out the right outlet if the Live colors are changed.
color: Out right outlet: The live.colors object sends a message composed of a color name followed by four floating point values that specify the RBGA value of the color out the left outlet in response to a query.


See Also

Name Description
panel Colored background area
colorpicker Select a color using a modal dialog
suckah Get pixel color at display coordinates