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Patching Mechanics

Keyboard Patching Enhancements

Max includes a number of keyboard commands created to make patching fast and efficient. These features are enabled by default using the Enable Patching Mechanics settings in the Preferences Window. When enabled the following keyboard shortcuts are available:

  • With an object selected, press shift-N to create a new object, already connected to the first object. You can also push shift-B, shift-T and so on to create a button, toggle, etc. Just remember "press shift to connect".
  • Shift+N and these other patching mechanics using "shift" add and connect a new object either to the selected object's leftmost inlet or outlet depending on your mouse location. For example, if you select the object and press shift+T while your mouse is "above" the object, it will connect a toggle to the leftmost inlet, while if you do the same while your mouse is "below" the object, it will connect a toggle to the leftmost outlet.
  • While typing in an object, press shift-enter to "finalize" the object, and to shift keyboard focus to a new object already connected to the first.
  • With a patchcord selected, push shift-N to move keyboard focus to a new object inserted along that patchcord (you can also push shift-B, shift-T and so on)
  • With an object selected, you can press alt-up to select a patchcord leading into the object. Pressing alt-down moves the selection to patchcords coming from the object. Then, alt-left and alt-right rotate your selection through patchcords.
  • Alt-shift-drag an object to create a new object already connected to the first.
  • Shift-drag an object onto a patchcord to insert that object into the patchcord at that location. Shift-drag a connected object to remove its connections and repatching the remaining objects together.

See Also

Name Description
Object Groups Object Groups
Max Console Max Console
Debugging Max Patchers Debugging Max Patchers
Preferences Window Preferences Window