
The Max API module to interact and communicate with Max from within the Node context.
// To make this API module available simply require max-api
const maxAPI = require("max-api");


static, constant MESSAGE_TYPES :String

Built-in message types used for generic event handling
Name Type Description
ALL String Generic Type for *all* kinds of messages
BANG String Bang message type
DICT String Dictionary message type
NUMBER String Number message type
LIST String List message type

static, constant POST_LEVELS :String

Post/Log Levels
Name Type Description
ERROR String error level messages
INFO String info level messages
WARN String warn level messages


static addHandler(msg, handler)

Set a handler/callback function for the given message
Name Type Description
msg module:max-api.MessageIdentifier The message identifier to set the handler for
handler module:max-api.MessageHandler The message handler to add

static addHandlers(handlers)

Bulk register a set of handlers provided in an object fashion
Name Type Description
handlers Object The handler objects
const maxAPI = require("max-api");

const handlers = {
    console.log("got a bang");
  [MESSAGE_TYPES.NUMBER]: (num) => {
  my_message: () => {
    console.log("got my_message");
  my_message_with_args: (arg1, arg2) => {
    console.log("got my arged message: ${arg1}, ${arg2} ");
  [MESSAGE_TYPES.ALL]: (handled, ...args) => {
    console.log("This will be called for ALL messages");
    console.log(`The following inlet event was ${!handled ? "not " : "" }handled`);


static getDict(id) → {Promise.<module:max-api.Dict, Error>}

Access the contents of a dictionary in Max
Name Type Description
id module:max-api.DictIdentifier The identifier of the dictionary
Promise.<module:max-api.Dict, Error> - Return the dictionary if resolved or an Error if rejected

static outlet(…anything) → {Promise.<null, Error>}

Outlets the given value of the object's outlet in Max
Name Type Attributes Description
anything module:max-api.Anything <repeatable>
The value to output
Promise.<null, Error> - Returns null if resolved or an Error if rejected

static outletBang() → {Promise.<null, Error>}

Sends a bang out of the object's outlet
Promise.<null, Error> - Returns null if resolved or an Error if rejected

static post(…anything, level) → {Promise.<null, Error>}

Print the given value to the Max console
Name Type Attributes Default Description
anything module:max-api.Anything <repeatable>
The value to post
level module:max-api.POST_LEVELS POST_LEVELS.INFO The log level of the post
Promise.<null, Error> - Returns null if resolved or an Error if rejected

static removeHandler(msg, handler)

Set a handler/callback function for the given message
Name Type Description
msg module:max-api.MessageIdentifier The message identifier to remove the handler for
handler module:max-api.MessageHandler The message handler to remove

static removeHandlers(msgopt)

Remove all inlet handlers for the given MessageIdentifier. If no identifer is provided this function call removes *all* inlet handlers for *all* messages
Name Type Attributes Description
msg module:max-api.MessageIdentifier <optional>
The message identifier to remove the handler for

static setDict(id, content) → {Promise.<module:max-api.Dict, Error>}

Overrides the *entire* content of a dictionary in Max
Name Type Description
id module:max-api.DictIdentifier The identifier of the dictionary
content module:max-api.Dict The new content of the dictionary
Promise.<module:max-api.Dict, Error> - Return the updated dictionary if resolved or an Error if rejected

static updateDict(id, path, value) → {Promise.<module:max-api.Dict, Error>}

Updates the content of a dictionary in Max at the given path with the given value
Name Type Description
id module:max-api.DictIdentifier The identifier of the dictionary
path module:max-api.DictPath The path of the value change within the dictionary
value module:max-api.Anything The value to set at this path
Promise.<module:max-api.Dict, Error> - Return the updated dictionary if resolved or an Error if rejected

Type Definitions


Mirroring the "anything" type known in Max. Can be lists (represented as array), numbers, strings and dictionaries
const list = ["this", "is", "a", "list", 1, 2, 3];
const str = "this is a string message";
const numi = 42;
const numf = 42.42;
const dict = { "my": "dict" };


Dicts in Max are very similiar to simple, JS Object structures. Therefore the type is simply an object representing the contents in a JSON like structure
const dict = {
  "my": "content",
  "is": {
    "here", "!",
    "1": 2,
    "a": [0,1,2]


Dictionaries are referenced by a unique String identifier . So use this type to interact with dicts defined in Max
// in Max [dit mydict]

const dictId = "mydict";
try {
  const dict = await maxAPI.getDict(dictId);
  // dict contains the dict's contents
} catch (err) {
  // handle Error here


A DictPath is a string describing the access path to a portion of content within a Dict.
const dict = {
  a: 1,
  b: {
    c: 2
  d: {
    e: {
      f: 3
  h: [0, 1, 2, 3]

const pathToA = "a"; // 1
const pathToC = "b.c"; // 2
const pathtoE = "d.e"; // { f: 3 }
const pathToF = "d.e.f"; // 3
const arrayAccess = "h[1]"; // 1


Message Handlers are function callbacks assigned to inlet messages from Max.


A message identifier is the message symbol received from Max.