Perform hierarchical transformation
The jit.anim.node object represents a transformation (position, orientation and scale) in 3D space. OpenGL objects bind to a jit.anim.node and receive position, rotate, and scale attributes. In addition, parent-child relationships can be established in a hierarchical transformation structure, where child jit.anim.node objects are transformed relative to their parents.
Messages are provided that allow for translating, rotating and scaling relative to the current transform in either local space, parent space, or absolute world space. Additional attributes are provided for advanced control when a jit.anim.node is bound to a jit.gl.camera.
anchor[3 floats]
Adjust the node anchor (pivot) position (default = 0 0 0). This is the position around which the node will rotate.
Parent anim_node name
Set both turnmode and movemode attributes (default = parent).
Possible values:
transform relative to local axis
transform relative to parent axis
transform relative to world axis
Enable automatic updates from draw context (default = 1).
direction[3 floats]
One way to set the orientation. The node will orient so that it's local Z axis will align with the axis provided. (default = 0 0 1)
Enable inheriting of position values from the parent node (default = 1).
Enable inheriting of rotation values from the parent node (default = 1).
Enable inheriting of scale values from the parent node (default = 1).
invtransform[16 floats]
Retrieve the inverse world transform
Force the node to remain pointed at the lookat value, ignoring orientation messages and attributes (default = 0).
Cause translation values of the specified plane to be set to zero for
0 = 'none'
1 = 'x-plane'
2 = 'y-plane'
3 = 'z-plane'
lookat[3 floats]
One way to set the orientation. The node will orient so that it's local Z points to the 3D position provided. (default = 0 0 0)
Determines which space the
move relative to local axis
Move relative to parent axis
Move relative to world axis
The instance name. Ob3ds can set their anim attribute to this value to bind to this node.
parentpos[3 floats]
Set by the node named by the anim attribute. Specifies a position in 3D space that will be concatenated with the local position to derive the world position. (default = 0 0 0)
parentquat[4 floats]
Set by the node named by the anim attribute. Specifies a quaternion orientation that will be concatenated with the local orientation to derive the world orientation. (default = 0 0 0 1)
parentrot[4 floats]
Set by the node named by the anim attribute. Specifies an angle-axis orientation that will be concatenated with the local orientation to derive the world orientation. (default = 0 0 0 1)
parentscale[3 floats]
Set by the node named by the anim attribute. Specifies a scale value that will be concatenated with the local scale to derive the world scale. (default = 1 1 1)
position[3 floats]
Specifies a position in 3D space. This position is relative to the position provided by the parent node. (default = 0 0 0)
quat[4 floats]
Specifies a quaternion orientation in 3D space. This orientation is relative to the orientation provided by the parent node. (default = 0 0 0 1)
rotate[4 floats]
Specifies an angle-axis orientation in 3D space. This orientation is relative to the orientation provided by the parent node. (default = 0 0 0 1)
Set the order rotations are applied for the rotatexyz attribute (default = auto). E.G. if set to xyz , the object is first rotated around its X axis, then Y, and finally Z. The default of auto implements yzx ordering. To replicate Max 5, use zyx . If an ob3d is bound, this will override the rotate_order inherited from its jit.gl.render context.
Possible values:
rotatexyz[3 floats]
Specifies an Euler orientation in 3D space. This orientation is relative to the orientation provided by the parent node. (default = 0 0 0)
scale[3 floats]
The local 3D scaling factor in the form x y z (default = 1. 1. 1.)
transform[16 floats]
Get and set the full local 4x4 matrix transformation.
Force the node to orient itself as if mounted on a tripod. Y-axis turnmode (default = 0).
values are applied in world-space regardless of
Determines which space the
Rotate relative to local axis
Rotate relative to parent axis
Rotate relative to world axis
worlddir[3 floats]
Retrieve the worldspace direction vector.
worldpos[3 floats]
A position in 3D space that is derived from the local position and parent position. (default = 0 0 0)
worldquat[4 floats]
An orientation in 3D space that is derived from the local orientation and the parent orientation. (default = 0 0 0 1)
worldrot[4 floats]
An orientation in 3D space that is derived from the local orientation and the parent orientation. (default = 0 0 0 1)
worldscale[3 floats]
A scaling value in 3D space that is derived from the local scale and the parent scale. (default = 1 1 1)
worldtransform[16 floats]
The full world transformation
Common Box Attributes
Sets the text that will be displayed in the Clue window when the user moves the mouse over the object.
background[int]: 0
Adds or removes the object from the patcher's background layer.
adds the object to the background layer, removes it. Objects in the background layer are shown behind all objects in the default foreground layer.
color[4 floats]
Sets the color for the object box outline.
Sets the type style used by the object. The options are:
bold italic
Possible values:
0 = 'regular'
1 = 'bold'
2 = 'italic'
3 = 'bold italic'
Sets the object's font.
Sets the object's font size (in points).
Possible values:
Sets the text that will be displayed in as a pop-up hint when the user moves the mouse over the object in a locked patcher.
ignoreclick[int]: 0
Toggles whether an object ignores mouse clicks in a locked patcher.
You can override the default appearance of a user interface object by assigning a JavaScript file with code for painting the object. The file must be in the search path.
patching_rect[4 floats]: 0. 0. 100. 0.
Sets the position and size of the object in the patcher window.
position[2 floats]
Sets the object's x and y position in both patching and presentation modes (if the object belongs to its patcher's presentation), leaving its size unchanged.
presentation[int]: 0
Sets whether an object belongs to the patcher's presentation.
presentation_rect[4 floats]: 0. 0. 0. 0.
Sets the x and y position and width and height of the object in the patcher's presentation, leaving its patching position unchanged.
rect[4 floats]
Sets the x and y position and width and height of the object in both patching and presentation modes (if the object belongs to its patcher's presentation).
size[2 floats]
Sets the object's width and height in both patching and presentation modes (if the object belongs to its patcher's presentation), leaving its position unchanged.
textcolor[4 floats]
Sets the color for the object's text in RGBA format.
Sets the justification for the object's text.
Possible values:
0 = 'left'
1 = 'center'
2 = 'right'
Sets the patcher's scripting name, which can be used to address the object by name in pattr, scripting messages to thispatcher, and the js object.
Output the current world transform coordinates, which is a concatenation of the local transform with the parent transform.
Scale the node along each axis by the amount provided.
- x
- y
- z
Move the node along the axis provided, relative to the space indicated by movemode.
- x
- y
- z
Reset the local transformation attributes to their default values (position = 0 0 0, rotatexyz = 0 0 0, and scale = 1 1 1)
Rotate the node along each axis by the amount provided, relative to the space indicated by turnmode.
- x
- y
- z
Concatenate (multiply) the current transform with the passed in 4x4 matrix. Local transform attributes are updated after the operation.
See the
listing- x
- y
- z
Retrieve the world-space position from passed in local coordinates. The local coordinates are relative to the current world-space transform.
- x
- y
- z
Retrieve the world-space quaternion from passed in local quaternion. The returned quaternion is the product of to the current world-space quaternion and the local quaternion.
- x
- y
- z
- w
See the
listing- x
- y
- z
See the
See the
listing- x
- y
- z
See the
Retrieve the local-space position from passed in world coordinates. The local coordinates are relative to the current world-space transform.
- x
- y
- z
Retrieve the local quaternion from passed in world quaternion. The returned quaternion is the product of to the current inverse world-space quaternion and the world quaternion.
- x
- y
- z
- w
See Also
Name | Description |
jit.anim.drive | Animate a 3D transform |
jit.anim.path | Evaluate a path of 3D transform points |
jit.gl.camera | Set a rendering view |