This class represents a clip in Live. It can be either an audio clip or a MIDI clip in the Arrangement or Session View, depending on the track / slot it lives in.
Canonical Paths
live_set tracks N clip_slots M clip
live_set tracks N arrangement_clips M
view Clip.View read-only
available_warp_modes list read-only
Returns the list of indexes of the Warp Modes available for the clip. Only valid for audio clips.
color int observe
The RGB value of the clip's color in the form 0x00rrggbb
or (2^16 * red) + (2^8) * green + blue, where red, green and blue are values from 0 (dark) to 255 (light).
When setting the RGB value, the nearest color from the clip color chooser is taken.
color_index int observe
The clip's color index.
end_marker float observe
The end marker of the clip in beats, independent of the loop state. Cannot be set before the start marker.
end_time float read-onlyobserve
The end time of the clip. For Session View clips, if Loop is on, this is the Loop End, otherwise it's the End Marker. For Arrangement View clips, this is always the position of the clip's rightmost edge in the Arrangement.
gain float observe
The gain of the clip (range is 0.0 to 1.0). Only valid for audio clips.
gain_display_string symbol read-only
Get the gain display value of the clip as a string (e.g. "1.3 dB"). Can only be called on audio clips.
file_path symbol read-only
Get the location of the audio file represented by the clip. Only available for audio clips.
groove Groove observe
Get/set/observe access to the groove associated with this clip.
Available since Live 11.0.
has_envelopes bool read-onlyobserve
Get/observe whether the clip has any automation.
has_groove bool read-only
Returns true if a groove is associated with this clip.
Available since Live 11.0.
is_arrangement_clip bool read-only
1 = The clip is an Arrangement clip.
A clip can be either an Arrangement or a Session clip.
is_audio_clip bool read-only
0 = MIDI clip, 1 = audio clip
is_midi_clip bool read-only
The opposite of is_audio_clip
is_overdubbing bool read-onlyobserve
1 = clip is overdubbing.
is_playing bool
1 = clip is playing or recording.
is_recording bool read-onlyobserve
1 = clip is recording.
is_triggered bool read-only
1 = Clip Launch button is blinking.
launch_mode int observe
The Launch Mode of the Clip as an integer index. Available Launch Modes are:
0 = Trigger (default)
1 = Gate
2 = Toggle
3 = Repeat
Available since Live 11.0.
launch_quantization int observe
The Launch Quantization of the Clip as an integer index. Available Launch Quantization values are:
0 = Global (default)
1 = None
2 = 8 Bars
3 = 4 Bars
4 = 2 Bars
5 = 1 Bar
6 = 1/2
7 = 1/2T
8 = 1/4
9 = 1/4T
10 = 1/8
11 = 1/8T
12 = 1/16
13 = 1/16T
14 = 1/32
Available since Live 11.0.
legato bool observe
1 = Legato Mode switch in the Clip's Launch settings is on.
Available since Live 11.0.
length float read-only
For looped clips: loop length in beats. Otherwise it's the distance in beats from start to end marker. Makes no sense for unwarped audio clips.
loop_end float observe
For looped clips: loop end.
For unlooped clips: clip end.
loop_jump bang observe
Bangs when the clip play position is crossing the loop start marker (possibly projected into the loop).
loop_start float observe
For looped clips: loop start.
For unlooped clips: clip start.
loop_start and loop_end are in absolute clip beat time if clip is MIDI or warped. The 1.1.1 position has beat time 0. If the clip is unwarped audio, they are given in seconds, 0 is the time of the first sample in the audio material.
looping bool observe
1 = clip is looped. Unwarped audio cannot be looped.
muted bool observe
1 = muted (i.e. the Clip Activator button of the clip is off).
name symbol observe
notes bang observe
Observer sends bang when the list of notes changes.
Available for MIDI clips only.
warp_markers dict/bang read-onlyobserve
The Clip's Warp Markers as a dict. Observing this property bangs when the warp_markers change.
The last Warp Marker in the dict is not visible in the Live interface. This hidden marker is used to calculate the BPM of the last segment.
Available for audio clips only.
Getting is available since Live 11.0.
pitch_coarse int observe
Pitch shift in semitones ("Transpose"), -48 ... 48.
Available for audio clips only.
pitch_fine float observe
Extra pitch shift in cents ("Detune"), -50 ... 49.
Available for audio clips only.
playing_position float read-onlyobserve
Current playing position of the clip.
For MIDI and warped audio clips, the value is given in beats of absolute clip time. The clip's beat time of 0 is where 1 is shown in the bar/beat/16th time scale at the top of the clip view.
For unwarped audio clips, the position is given in seconds, according to the time scale shown at the bottom of the clip view.
Stopped clips have a playing position of 0.
playing_status bang observe
Observer sends bang when playing/trigger status changes.
position float read-onlyobserve
Get and set the clip's loop position. The value will always equal loop_start, however setting this property, unlike setting loop_start, preserves the loop length.
ram_mode bool observe
1 = an audio clip’s RAM switch is enabled.
sample_length int read-only
Length of the Clip's sample, in samples.
sample_rate float read-only
Get the Clip's sample rate.
signature_denominator int observe
signature_numerator int observe
start_marker float observe
The start marker of the clip in beats, independent of the loop state. Cannot be set behind the end marker.
start_time float read-onlyobserve
The start time of the clip, relative to the global song time. The value is in beats.
For Arrangement View clips, this is the offset within the arrangement. For Session View clips, this is the time the clip was started. Note that what is reported is the start_time of the currently playing clip on the track, regardless of which clip.
When a Session View clip's playback position was offset by clicking in its time ruler in the Clip Detail View or moving its start marker, its start_time may be negative. This allows using the start_time as an offset when calculating the clip's current playback position based on the global song time.
velocity_amount float observe
How much the velocity of the note that triggers the clip affects its volume, 0 = no effect, 1 = full effect.
Available since Live 11.0.
warp_mode int observe
The Warp Mode of the clip as an integer index. Available Warp Modes are:
0 = Beats Mode
1 = Tones Mode
2 = Texture Mode
3 = Re-Pitch Mode
4 = Complex Mode
5 = REX Mode
6 = Complex Pro Mode
Available for audio clips only.
warping bool observe
1 = Warp switch is on.
Available for audio clips only.
Technical note: Internally, Live will defer the setting of this property. This has the consequence that if you are sequencing API calls from a single event, the actual order of operations may differ from what you'd intuitively expect. Most of the time this should be transparent to you, but if you run into issues, please report them.
will_record_on_start bool read-only
1 for MIDI clips which are in triggered state, with the track armed and MIDI Arrangement Overdub on.
Key: "notes"
[list of note specification dictionaries]
Note specification dictionaries have the following keys:
: [int] the MIDI note number, 0...127, 60 is C3.
: [float] the note start time in beats of absolute clip time.
: [float] the note length in beats.
velocity (optional)
: [float] the note velocity, 0 ... 127 (100 by default).
mute (optional)
: [bool] 1 = the note is deactivated (0 by default).
probability (optional)
: [float] the chance that the note will be played:
1.0 = the note is always played
0.0 = the note is never played
(1.0 by default).
velocity_deviation (optional)
: [float] the range of velocity values at which the note can be played:
0.0 = no deviation; the note will always play at the velocity specified by the velocity property
-127.0 to 127.0 = the note will be assigned a velocity value between velocity and velocity + velocity_deviation, inclusive; if the resulting range exceeds the limits of MIDI velocity (0 to 127), then it will be clamped within those limits
(0.0 by default).
release_velocity (optional)
: [float] the note release velocity (64 by default).
Returns a list of note IDs of the added notes.
For MIDI clips only.
Available since Live 11.0.
Only available for warped Audio Clips. Adds the specified warp marker, if possible.
The warp marker is specified as a dict which can have a beat_time
and a sample_time
key, both associated with float values.
The sample_time
key may be omitted; in this case, Live will calculate the appropriate sample time to create a warp marker at the specified beat time without changing the Clip's playback timing, similar to what would happen if you were to double-click in the upper half of the Sample Display in Clip View.
If sample_time
is specified, certain limitations must be taken into account: \
The sample time must lie within the range [0, s], where s is the sample's length. The
Clip property helps with this. -
The sample time must lie between the left and right adjacents markers' respective sample times (this is a logical constraint).
Within these constraints, there are limitations on the resulting segments' BPM. The allowed BPM range is [5, 999].
Key: "notes"
[list of note dictionaries] as returned from get_notes_extended
The list of note dictionaries passed to the function can be a subset of notes in the clip, but will be ignored if it contains any notes that are not present in the clip.
For MIDI clips only.
Available since Live 11.0. Replaces modifying notes with remove_notes followed by set_notes.
Removes all automation in the clip.
Removes the automation of the clip for the given parameter.
Crops the clip: if the clip is looped, the region outside the loop is removed; if it isn't, the region outside the start and end markers.
Call this before replace_selected_notes if you just want to add some notes.
deselect_all_notes id 0
For MIDI clips only.
Makes the loop two times longer by moving loop_end to the right, and duplicates both the notes and the envelopes. If the clip is not looped, the clip start/end range is duplicated. Available for MIDI clips only.
of note IDs.
Or dictionary
[list of note IDs] as returned from get_notes_extended
destination_time (optional)
transposition_amount (optional)
Duplicates all notes matching the given note IDs.
Provided note IDs must be associated with existing notes in the clip. Existing notes can be queried with get_notes_extended
The selection of notes will be duplicated to destination_time, if provided. Otherwise the new notes will be inserted after the last selected note. This behavior can be observed when duplicating notes in the Live GUI.
If the transposition_amount is specified, the duplicated notes will be transposed by the number of semitones.
Available for MIDI clips only.
Available since Live 11.1.2
pitch (optional)
transposition_amount (optional)
Duplicate the notes in the specified region to the destination_time. Only notes of the specified pitch are duplicated or all if pitch is -1. If the transposition_amount is not 0, the notes in the region will be transposed by the transpose_amount of semitones. Available for MIDI clips only.
Same effect as pressing the Clip Launch button.
dict (optional)
(See below for a discussion of this argument).
Returns a dictionary of all of the notes in the clip, regardless of where they are positioned with respect to the start/end markers and the loop start/loop end, as a list of note dictionaries. Each note dictionary consists of the following key-value pairs:
: [int] the unique note identifier.
: [int] the MIDI note number, 0...127, 60 is C3.
: [float] the note start time in beats of absolute clip time.
: [float] the note length in beats.
: [float] the note velocity, 0 ... 127.
: [bool] 1 = the note is deactivated.
: [float] the chance that the note will be played:
1.0 = the note is always played;
0.0 = the note is never played.
: [float] the range of velocity values at which the note can be played:
0.0 = no deviation; the note will always play at the velocity specified by the velocity property
-127.0 to 127.0 = the note will be assigned a velocity value between velocity and velocity + velocity_deviation, inclusive; if the resulting range exceeds the limits of MIDI velocity (0 to 127), then it will be clamped within those limits.
: [float] the note release velocity.
It is possible to optionally provide a single [dict] argument to this function, containing a single key-value pair: the key is "return" and the associated value is a list of the note properties as listed above in the discussion of the returned note dictionaries, e.g. ["note_id", "pitch", "velocity"]. The effect of this will be that the returned note dictionaries will only contain the key-value pairs for the specified properties, which can be useful to improve patch performance when processing large notes dictionaries.
For MIDI clips only.
Available since Live 11.1
of note IDs.
Provided note IDs must be associated with existing notes in the clip. Existing notes can be queried with get_notes_extended
Returns a dictionary of notes associated with the provided IDs, as a list of note dictionaries. Each note dictionary consists of the following key-value pairs:
: [int] the unique note identifier.
: [int] the MIDI note number, 0...127, 60 is C3.
: [float] the note start time in beats of absolute clip time.
: [float] the note length in beats.
: [float] the note velocity, 0 ... 127.
: [bool] 1 = the note is deactivated.
: [float] the chance that the note will be played:
1.0 = the note is always played;
0.0 = the note is never played.
: [float] the range of velocity values at which the note can be played:
0.0 = no deviation; the note will always play at the velocity specified by the velocity property
-127.0 to 127.0 = the note will be assigned a velocity value between velocity and velocity + velocity_deviation, inclusive; if the resulting range exceeds the limits of MIDI velocity (0 to 127), then it will be clamped within those limits.
: [float] the note release velocity.
It is possible to optionally provide the argument to this function in the form of a dictionary instead. The dictionary must include the "note_ids" key associated with a list of [int]s, which are the ID values you would like to pass to the function.
If you use this method, you can optionally provide an additional key-value pair: the key is "return" and the associated value is a list of the note properties as listed above in the discussion of the returned note dictionaries, e.g. ["note_id", "pitch", "velocity"]. The effect of this will be that the returned note dictionaries will only contain the key-value pairs for the specified properties, which can be useful to improve patch performance when processing large notes dictionaries.
For MIDI clips only.
Available since Live 11.0.
and time_span
are given in beats.
Returns a dictionary of notes that have their start times in the given area, as a list of note dictionaries. Each note dictionary consists of the following key-value pairs:
: [int] the unique note identifier.
: [int] the MIDI note number, 0...127, 60 is C3.
: [float] the note start time in beats of absolute clip time.
: [float] the note length in beats.
: [float] the note velocity, 0 ... 127.
: [bool] 1 = the note is deactivated.
: [float] the chance that the note will be played:
1.0 = the note is always played;
0.0 = the note is never played.
: [float] the range of velocity values at which the note can be played:
0.0 = no deviation; the note will always play at the velocity specified by the velocity property
-127.0 to 127.0 = the note will be assigned a velocity value between velocity and velocity + velocity_deviation, inclusive; if the resulting range exceeds the limits of MIDI velocity (0 to 127), then it will be clamped within those limits.
: [float] the note release velocity.
It is possible to optionally provide the arguments to this function in the form of a single dictionary instead. The dictionary must include all of the parameter names given above as its keys; the associated values are the parameter values you wish to pass to the function.
If you use this method, you can optionally provide an additional key-value pair: the key is "return" and the associated value is a list of the note properties as listed above in the discussion of the returned note dictionaries, e.g. ["note_id", "pitch", "velocity"]. The effect of this will be that the returned note dictionaries will only contain the key-value pairs for the specified properties, which can be useful to improve patch performance when processing large notes dictionaries.
For MIDI clips only.
Available since Live 11.0. Replaces get_notes.
dict (optional)
(See below for a discussion of this argument).
Returns a dictionary of the selected notes in the clip, as a list of note dictionaries. Each note dictionary consists of the following key-value pairs:
: [int] the unique note identifier.
: [int] the MIDI note number, 0...127, 60 is C3.
: [float] the note start time in beats of absolute clip time.
: [float] the note length in beats.
: [float] the note velocity, 0 ... 127.
: [bool] 1 = the note is deactivated.
: [float] the chance that the note will be played:
1.0 = the note is always played;
0.0 = the note is never played.
: [float] the range of velocity values at which the note can be played:
0.0 = no deviation; the note will always play at the velocity specified by the velocity property
-127.0 to 127.0 = the note will be assigned a velocity value between velocity and velocity + velocity_deviation, inclusive; if the resulting range exceeds the limits of MIDI velocity (0 to 127), then it will be clamped within those limits.
: [float] the note release velocity.
It is possible to optionally provide a single [dict] argument to this function, containing a single key-value pair: the key is "return" and the associated value is a list of the note properties as listed above in the discussion of the returned note dictionaries, e.g. ["note_id", "pitch", "velocity"]. The effect of this will be that the returned note dictionaries will only contain the key-value pairs for the specified properties, which can be useful to improve patch performance when processing large notes dictionaries.
For MIDI clips only.
Available since Live 11.0. Replaces get_selected_notes.
Parameter: beats
[float] relative jump distance in beats. Negative beats jump backwards.
Jumps by given amount, unquantized.
Unwarped audio clips, recording audio clips and recording non-overdub MIDI clips cannot jump.
Parameters: beat_time
Moves the warp marker specified by beat_time the specified beat time distance.
Quantizes all notes in the clip to the quantization_grid taking the song's swing_amount into account.
Same as quantize, but only for notes in the given pitch.
of note IDs.
Deletes all notes associated with the provided IDs.
Provided note IDs must be associated with existing notes in the clip. Existing notes can be queried with get_notes_extended
Available since Live 11.0.
Deletes all notes that start in the given area. from_time
and time_span
are given in beats.
Available since Live 11.0. Replaces remove_notes.
Parameter: beat_time
Removes the warp marker at the given beat time.
Parameter: beat_time
Scrub the clip to a time, specified in beats. This behaves exactly like scrubbing with the mouse; the scrub will respect Global Quantization, starting and looping in time with the transport. The scrub will continue until stop_scrub() is called.
Use this function to process all notes of a clip, independent of the current selection.
select_all_notes id 0
For MIDI clips only.
of note IDs.
Selects all notes associated with the provided IDs.
Note that this function will not print a warning or error if the list contains nonexistent IDs.
Available since Live 11.0.6
Parameter: state
If the state is set to 1, Live simulates pressing the clip start button until the state is set to 0, or until the clip is otherwise stopped.
Same effect as pressing the stop button of the track, but only if this clip is actually playing or recording. If this clip is triggered or if another clip in this track is playing, it has no effect.
Stops an active scrub on a clip.