
This class represents an instance of an EQ Eight device in Live.
An Eq8Device has all the properties, functions and children of a Device. Listed below are members unique to Eq8Device.


edit_mode bool observe

Access to EQ Eight's edit mode, which toggles the channel currently available for editing. The available edit modes depend on the global mode (see global_mode) and are encoded as follows:

In L/R mode: 0 = L, 1 = R
In M/S mode: 0 = M, 1 = S
In Stereo mode: 0 = A, 1 = B (inactive)

global_mode int observe

Access to EQ Eight's global mode. The modes are encoded as follows:

0 = Stereo
1 = L/R
2 = M/S

oversample bool observe

Access to EQ Eight's Oversampling parameter. 0 = Off, 1 = On.