
This class represents a groove in Live.

Available since Live 11.0.
All grooves are stored in Live's groove pool.

Canonical Paths

live_set groove_pool grooves N
live_set tracks N clip_slots M clip groove


base int

Get/set the groove's base grid (index based setter).
0 = 1/4
1 = 1/8
2 = 1/8T
3 = 1/16
4 = 1/16T
5 = 1/32

name symbol observe

Get/set/observe the name of the groove.

quantization_amount float observe

Get/set/observe the groove's quantization amount.

random_amount float observe

Get/set/observe the groove's random amount.

timing_amount float observe

Get/set/observe the groove's timing amount.

velocity_amount float observe

Get/set/observe the groove's velocity amount.