
This class represents a mixer device in Live. It provides access to volume, panning and other DeviceParameter objects. See DeviceParameter to learn how to modify them.

Canonical Path

live_set tracks N mixer_device


sends list of DeviceParameter read-onlyobserve

One send per return track.

cue_volume DeviceParameter read-only

[in master track only]

crossfader DeviceParameter read-only

[in master track only]

left_split_stereo DeviceParameter read-only

The Track's Left Split Stereo Pan Parameter.

panning DeviceParameter read-only

right_split_stereo DeviceParameter read-only

The Track's Right Split Stereo Pan Parameter.

song_tempo DeviceParameter read-only

[in master track only]

track_activator DeviceParameter read-only

volume DeviceParameter read-only


crossfade_assign int observe

0 = A, 1 = none, 2 = B [not in master track]

panning_mode int observe

Access to the Track mixer's pan mode: 0 = Stereo, 1 = Split Stereo.