
This class represents a series of clip slots in Live's Session View matrix.

Canonical Path

live_set scenes N


clip_slots list of ClipSlot read-onlyobserve


color int observe

The RGB value of the scene's color in the form 0x00rrggbb or (2^16 * red) + (2^8) * green + blue, where red, green and blue are values from 0 (dark) to 255 (light).

When setting the RGB value, the nearest color from the Scene color chooser is taken.

color_index long observe

The color index of the scene.

is_empty bool read-only

1 = none of the slots in the scene is filled.

is_triggered bool read-onlyobserve

1 = scene is blinking.

name symbol observe

The name of the scene.

tempo float observe

The scene's tempo.
Returns -1 if the scene tempo is disabled.

tempo_enabled bool observe

The active state of the scene tempo.
When disabled, the scene will use the song's tempo,
and the tempo value returned will be -1.

time_signature_numerator int observe

The scene's time signature numerator.
Returns -1 if the scene time signature is disabled.

time_signature_denominator int observe

The scene's time signature denominator.
Returns -1 if the scene time signature is disabled.

time_signature_enabled bool observe

The active state of the scene time signature.
When disabled, the scene will use the song's time signature,
and the time signature values returned will be -1.



Parameter: force_legato (optional) [bool]
can_select_scene_on_launch (optional) [bool]
Fire all clip slots contained within the scene and select this scene.
Starts recording of armed and empty tracks within a Group Track in this scene if Preferences->Launch->Start Recording on Scene Launch is ON.
Calling with force_legato = 1 (default = 0) will launch all clips immediately in Legato, independent of their launch mode.
When calling with can_select_scene_on_launch = 0 (default = 1) the scene is fired without selecting it.


Parameter: force_legato (optional) [bool]
Fire the selected scene, then select the next scene.
It doesn't matter on which scene you are calling this function.
Calling with force_legato = 1 (default = 0) will launch all clips immediately in Legato, independent of their launch mode.


Parameter: state [bool]
If the state is set to 1, Live simulates pressing of scene button until the state is set to 0 or until the scene is stopped otherwise.