This class represents the view aspects of a Live document: the Session and Arrangement Views.
Canonical Path
live_set view
detail_clip Clip observe
The clip currently displayed in the Live application's Detail View.
highlighted_clip_slot ClipSlot
The slot highlighted in the Session View.
selected_chain Chain observe
The highlighted chain, or "id 0"
selected_parameter DeviceParameter read-onlyobserve
The selected parameter, or "id 0"
selected_scene Scene observe
selected_track Track observe
draw_mode bool observe
Reflects the state of the envelope/automation Draw Mode Switch in the transport bar, as toggled with Cmd/Ctrl-B.
0 = breakpoint editing (shows arrow), 1 = drawing (shows pencil)
follow_song bool observe
Reflects the state of the Follow switch in the transport bar as toggled with Cmd/Ctrl-F.
0 = don't follow playback position, 1 = follow playback position
Parameter: id NN
Selects the given device object in its track.
You may obtain the id using a live.path or by using get devices
on a track, for example.
The track containing the device will not be shown automatically, and the device gets the appointed device (blue hand) only if its track is selected.