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Sawtooth wave generator


phasor~ is a non-bandlimited sawtooth-waveform signal generator which can be used as an audio signal or a sample-accurate timing/control signal. For 'smoother' sounding sawtooth oscillator, but one which isn't as suitable for timing/control, use the saw~ object.
When specifying the behavior of a phasor~ by interval rather than frequency, you can use the tempo-relative Max time format syntax.


Name Type Opt Description
initial-frequency (Hz) int or float opt Sets the initial frequency of the waveform. If a signal is connected to the left inlet, the argument is ignored.


int frequency (Hz) [int]
In left inlet: Sets the frequency of the sawtooth waveform. If a signal is connected to this inlet, int and float messages are ignored.

In right inlet: Sets the phase of the waveform (from 0 to 1). The signal output continues from this value.
float frequency (Hz) [float]
In left inlet: Sets the frequency of the sawtooth waveform. If a signal is connected to this inlet, int and float messages are ignored.

In right inlet: Sets the phase of the waveform (from 0 to 1). The signal output continues from this value.
list transport/time-settings [list]
The phasor~ object accepts transport specific timing/synchronization messages in any of the time formats used in Max.
anything transport/time-settings [list]
The phasor~ object accepts transport specific timing/synchronization messages in any of the time formats used in Max.
signal In left inlet: Sets the frequency of the sawtooth waveform.


Name Type g/s Description
frequency atom Sets the frequency (rate) for the phasor~ object. The frequency can be specified in any of the time formats used in Max.
lock int Locks the frequency of the phasor~ object and prevents its frequency from being changed.

Information for box attributes common to all objects


signal: Sawtooth waveform that increases from 0 to 1 repeatedly at the specified frequency.


A repeating ramp is useful both at audio and at sub-audio frequencies

See Also

Name Description
2d.wave~ Two-dimensional wavetable
cycle~ Table lookup oscillator
line~ Linear ramp generator
saw~ Antialiased sawtooth oscillator
sync~ Synchronize MSP with an external source
techno~ Signal-driven step sequencer
transport Control a master clock and report time values.
trapezoid~ Trapezoidal wavetable
triangle~ Triangle/ramp wavetable
wave~ Variable size wavetable
MSP Tutorial 3: Wavetable Oscillator MSP Tutorial 3: Wavetable Oscillator
MSP Tutorial 15: Variable-length Wavetable MSP Tutorial 15: Variable-length Wavetable