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Play or edit a QuickTime movie


Use the jit.movie for working with QuickTime movies - playback, editing, import, export, effect generation and direct-to-video-output-component streaming.


This document refers to the qt engine version of jit.movie.

Matrix Operator

matrix inputs:1, matrix outputs:1
Name IOProc Planelink Typelink Dimlink Plane Dim Type
out n/a 1 1 1 4 1 char

More about Matrix Operators

The Jitter MOP

Since the matrix is Jitter's focus, it is not surprising that the majority of Jitter objects fall in this category of Matrix Operators. Every Matrix operator has some number of matrix inputs and some number of matrix outputs. Matrix inputs are referred to by the names "in", "in2", "in3", etc., from left to right, and matrix outputs are referred to by the names "out", "out2", "out3", etc., from left to right--i.e. the names are appended by the input/output number except for the first (leftmost) input and first (leftmost) output which are simply named "in" and "out". We will refer to the input or output name names as the "I/O-name".

Matrix inputs and outputs typically each have their own matrices internally where information is kept. This is necessary because Jitter is an asynchronous framework (i.e. all the matrices don't arrive at all inputs at the same time). Various aspects of matrix inputs and outputs can be set using the command [I/O-name] combined with one of the following suffixes: "_dim" which will set the dimensions of the specified I/O matrix, "_type" which will set the type of the specified matrix, "_planecount" which will set the plane of the specified matrix, or "_name" which will set the name of the specified matrix. There is one special case which does not have an internal matrix and this is the first input "in". This is the case since this special input actually triggers the calculation of the matrix operator, so it doesn't need to be cached until a calulation takes place, unlike the other inputs. Therefore there is no mechanism to set the dim, planecount, type, or name of "in".

Matrix operators accept what we'll refer to as "matrix args"--i.e. [planecount (int)] [ type (symbol)] [dim (int list)]. if these arguments are present, the adapt attribute will be turned off, otherwise it will be turned on. If adapt mode is turned on, each time a matrix is received in the first input, there will also be the equivalent of setting the dim, planecount, and type attributes to that of the input matrix. If the other inputs and outputs are linked to these attributes, this will affect their linked attributes as well. See the "MOP" table to determine which inputs and outputs will be linked to which attributes when adapt mode is turned on. For the leftmost input this is not applicable, and hence all columns are labelled "n/a".

The jit.matrix object is a named matrix which may be used to matrix data storage and retrieval, resampling, and matrix type and planecount conversion operations.

MOP Arguments

planecount [int]


Explicitly sets the number of planes for the output and any righthand inputs. If this is absent, the Matrix Operator will typically adapt to the lefthand incoming matrix attributes, except for special case operators.

type [symbol]


Explicitly sets the type of the matrix for the output and any righthand inputs. If this is absent, the Matrix Operator will typically adapt to the lefthand incoming matrix attributes, except for special case operators.

dimensions [list]


Explicitly sets the dimensions of the matrix for the output and any righthand inputs. If this is absent, the Matrix Operator will typically adapt to the lefthand incoming matrix attributes, except for special case operators.

MOP Attributes

adapt [int]

Matrix adaptation flag (default = 0 if matrix arguments are present, otherwise 1) When the flag is set, the jit.matrix object will adapt to the incoming matrix planecount, type, and dimensions.

[in/out]_dim [32 ints]

The matrix data dimensions (default = 1 1)

[in/out]_name [symbol]

The input or output name of the matrix (default = UID)

[in/out]_planecount [int]

The number of planes in matrix input our output data. Except in special cases, this value is equal to the planecount.

[in/out]_type [symbol]

The input or output matrix data type. Except in special cases, this value is equal to type.

[in/out]_type [symbol]

The input or output matrix data type. Except in special cases, this value is equal to type.

outputmode [int]

Output mode (default = 1 (calculate and output matrix))
0 = No output
1 = Calculate and output the matrix
2 = Pass input (no calculation)
3 = Pass output (no calculation)

type [int]

The matrix data type (default = char
Supported data types are char, long, float32, or float64.

MOP Messages


Equivalent to the outputmatrix message.


Sets all cell values in a matrix to zero.



filename [symbol]
Exports an object's current attributes values in XML format. If no filename is specified, a file dialog will open to let you choose a file.


Sends a sequence of lists out the object's right outlet describing the object's attributes, one line per attribute. Each line listing line takes the form attribute attribute-name get get-value set foo set-value data-type(s) number-of-values .


Sends a sequence of lists describing the object's state out the object's right outlet, one line per attribute. Each line listing line takes the form attribute-name attribute-value1 attribute-value2 ... attribute-valueN .



filename [symbol]
Imports attributes specified in XML format to set the object's attributes. If no filename is specified, a file dialog will open to let you choose a file.



matrix-name [symbol]
Handles input for the named matrix. If this messages is received in the left inlet, output is typically triggered. If this message is received in any other inlet, the data is typically cached until the jit_matrix message is received in the left inlet.


Sends the matrix out the left outlet.


Sends a sequence of lists describing the object and it attributes and messages out the rightmost outlet of the object. The first output line takes the form summary objectname object-name . The second and third lines describe the number of inlets and outlets for the object in the form summary (matrixinputcount/matrixoutletcount) number-of-(inlets/outlets) . The fourth line describes the matrixoutput in the form summary matrixoutput descriptor planelink planelink-value typelink typelink-value dimlink dimlink-value types data-type(s) . Each attribute for the object is then listed, one attribute per line. Each line listing takes the form summary attribute attribute-name attribute-value1 attribute-value2 ... attribute-valueN .


acodec [symbol]

Audio codec. 32 bit only.

adapt [int]

Adapt output matrix dimensions to movie size flag

automatic [int]

Enable automatic matrix output when bound to jit.world.

autosave [int]

Autosave movie on close flag (default = 0). 32 bit only.

autostart [int]

Autoplay on movie open flag (default = 1)

codec [symbol]

The visual codec, used by the export message. 32 bit only.

codecquality [symbol]

The visual codec quality, used by the export message. 32 bit only.

colormode [symbol]

The output matrix's color encoding. 32 bit only.

Possible values:

'argb' ( ARGB (alpha, red, green, blue) colormode )
'uyvy' ( UYVY (YUV 4:2:2 packed) colormode )

deinterlace [int]

Deinterlace playback hint flag (default = movie-dependent). When enabled, decompresses both fields of an interlaced movie at high quality, and then filters the image to reduce interlacing artifacts. Notes: Requires QuickTime version 6.5 or above, and the highquality attribute to be enabled. Playback hints are saved with the movie, if any of the jit.movie object's save methods are used. 32 bit only.

drawto [symbol]

A render context name, used when output_texture is enabled.

dstrect [4 ints]

The portion of the output matrix used for decompressing media to the internal matrix (default = 0 0 (matrix width) (matrix height))
The bounds of the rectangle are expressed in the form left top right bottom . All values are relative to the top-left corner of the viewing area of the output matrix.

duration [int]

The duration of the movie. When setting the duration, the entire movie will be scaled to the new length, unless the additional argument noscale is used. In that case, the movie length is changed without scaling. For more precise control of scaling, use the scale message.

editduration [int]

The duration of the movie, in the same units specified by editmode. 32 bit only.

editmode [int]

Editing time-value mode (default = 0 (QuickTime time units)). Sets the expected time units for certain editing operations. At the time of this writing, the following operations support editmode: loadram, unloadram, insert, paste, trim, cut, scale, prepend, append, looppoints, loopstart and loopend.
0 = QuickTime time units (TimeScale-based)
1 = Milliseconds
2 = Frames
3 = True frames
32 bit only.

edittime [int]

The current time in the movie, in the same units specified by editmode. 32 bit only.

engine [symbol]

Video engine backend. This argument can only be set in the max box. If not specified, it is determined by the Video Engine Max preference. As of this writing, possible values include avf (Mac only) and qt .

exporter [int]

The currently selected export component (referenced by position in the output list from getexporterlist). 32 bit only.

fps [float]


Internal FPS for the movie

framecount [int]


Number of frames in the movie

framereport [int]

Frame reporting flag (default = 0). When enabled, the message framecalc will be sent from the rightmost outlet of the jit.movie object as each frame is processed, followed by the number of milliseconds spent doing so.

highquality [int]

High quality playback hint flag (default = movie-dependent). When enabled, the movie renders at the highest possible quality, at the expense of time and memory. Note: playback hints are saved with the movie, if any of the jit.movie object's save methods are used. 32 bit only.

id3album [symbol]

The album ID3 tag is used to tag MP3 file content. 32 bit only.

id3artist [symbol]

The artist ID3 tag is used to tag MP3 file content. 32 bit only.

id3comment [symbol]

The comment ID3 tag is used to tag MP3 file content. 32 bit only.

id3date [int]

The date ID3 tag is used to tag MP3 file content. 32 bit only.

id3encoder [symbol]

The encoder ID3 tag is used to tag MP3 file content. 32 bit only.

id3name [symbol]

The track name ID3 tag is used to tag MP3 file content. 32 bit only.

id3track [symbol]

The track number ID3 tag is used to tag MP3 file content. 32 bit only.

id3url [symbol]

The track URL ID3 tag is used to tag MP3 file content. 32 bit only.

interp [int]

Output interpolation flag

loop [int]

Looping mode (default = 1 (start to end))

Possible values:

0 = 'off' ( 0 = no looping )
1 = 'normal' ( 1 = normal looping (start to end) )
2 = 'palindrome' ( 2 = palindrome looping (start to end to start to ....) )
3 = 'playback-limits' ( 3 = no looping, but use looppoints to define playback limits )

loopend [int]

The movie loop point end. Time is specified as QuickTime time values.

looppoints [2 ints]

The movie loop points. Time is specified as QuickTime time values.

loopreport [int]

Loop notification flag (default = 0). When enabled, the jit.movie object will send the message loopnotify when the playing movie passes the loop point. In palindrome looping mode, the message will be sent at both the beginning and the end of the movie.

loopstart [2 ints]

The movie loop point start. Time is specified as QuickTime time values.

movie_dim [int]


Native movie dimensions

moviedim [int]


Native movie dimensions

moviefile [symbol]

Load a movie file from disk

moviename [symbol]

Identifies the file name of a movie (Note: setting this attribute does not load a movie file).

moviepath [symbol]


The movie's fully-specified path on disk, if the movie has a disk-file (Note: setting this attribute does not load a movie file).

movierate [symbol]


The movie's actual rate (reflecting start/stop/palindrome looping). 32 bit only.

output_texture [int]

Enable OpenGL texture output (default = 0). When enabled an OpenGL texture is output instead of a Jitter matrix. The object's drawto attribute must be set to a valid gl context. An RGBA texture is output using the movie's native dimensions. When enabled, the following attributes have no effect:

poster [int]

The movie's poster frame. An optional int argument specifies the time to use. Time is specified as QuickTime time values. The default is to use the first frame. 32 bit only.

preroll [int]

Preroll movie on stop flag (default = 0). When enabled, the jit.movie object will attempt to asynchronously preroll the next section of the current movie for fast, non-interrupting restart. 32 bit only.

rate [float]

Movie rate

singlefield [int]

Single-field playback hint flag (default = movie-dependent). When enabled, decompresses one field of an interlaced movie at high quality, and then scales the image to the frame size. Notes: Requires the highquality attribute to be enabled. Playback hints are saved with the movie, if any of the jit.movie object's save methods are used. 32 bit only.

soc [symbol]

Name of the spigot~ object associated with the movie. 32 bit only.

srcrect [4 ints]

The portion of the QuickTime movie to decompress into a matrix (default = 0 0 (movie width) (movie height)). The bounds of the rectangle are expressed in the form left top right bottom . All values are relative to the top-left corner of the viewing area of the movie.

texture_name [symbol]

Output texture name, when output_texture is enabled.

time [int]

The current time in the movie. Time is specified as QuickTime time values.

timecode [1/4 int/lists]


The movie's timecode. If the current movie has a Timecode track, sends the list timecode timecode-val . If the timecode is to be interpreted as a simple counter (see timecodeinfo, below), the list has a single timecode-val : the counter. If the timecode represents a timer value, the list has 4 elements, which represent hours , minutes , seconds , frames . 32 bit only.

timecodeinfo [4 lists]


The movie's timecode definition information. If the current movie has a Timecode track, sends the list timecodeinfo [ drop/nondrop ] [ counter/time ] [ fps1 ] [ fps2 ]. These represent:
drop/nondrop = whether timecode drops frames occasionally to stay in synchronization (possible values: drop, nondrop).
counter/timer = whether timecode should be interpreted as a simple counter, rather than as a time value (possible values: counter, timer).
fps1 = a frames-per-second calculation, based on the number of time units per second, divided by the standard duration of a frame, as provided by the timecode definition.
fps2 = frames-per-second, as provided by the timecode definition. If the timecode is to be interpreted as a counter (see counter/timer , above, this is the number of frames stored per timer "tick". 32 bit only.

timecodevis [int]

Timecode track visibility flag (default = 0). When enabled, any Timecode tracks in the current movie are made visible (rendered in the frame). 32 bit only.

timescale [int]


The timescale for the movie (default = 600, but movie-dependent)

unique [int]

Unique frame filter flag (default = 0 (disabled)). When the flag is set, only new frames from the movie are output when the object receives a bang. If no new frame has been decompressed, the jit.movie object will not respond to the bang.

use_movie_loop [int]

Internal looping mode flag (default = 0 (use object's loop attribute))
0 = use the object's loop attribute to determine looping status, ignoring any internal looping information in the movie itself.
1 = the movie's internal looping status overrides the object's loop attribute. 32 bit only.

usedstrect [int]

Destination rect flag (default = 0). When the flag is set, the dstrect attributes are used when copying an input matrix to the internal matrix.

usemovieloop [int]

Internal looping mode flag (default = 0 (use object's loop attribute))
0 = use the object's loop attribute to determine looping status, ignoring any internal looping information in the movie itself.
1 = the movie's internal looping status overrides the object's loop attribute. 32 bit only.

usesrcrect [int]

Source rect flag (default = 0). When the flag is set, the srcrect attributes are used when copying an input matrix to the internal matrix.

voc_sound_mode [int]

VOC sound mode flag (default = 0). When the flag is set, movie sound is not passed to the VOC when in video output component playback mode (see the voc attribute for more information.) 32 bit only.

voc [int]

Video output component playback mode (default = -1)
-1 or no argument = video output component playback off
0 or above = video output component playback on (argument determines which component to use, using an index derived from its position in the list generated by the getvoclist message). 32 bit only.

vocmode [int]

The video output component mode (e.g. for DV, this might be NTSC or PAL) (default = component-specific). 32 bit only.

vol [float]

Movie sound volume

vrcorrection [long]

The current VR node imaging correction (warping) (default = movie-specific), only applies to panoramic nodes. 32 bit only.
0 = No warping
1 = 1-dimensional warping
2 = 2-dimensional warping

vrfov [float]

The current VR movie field of view (default = movie-specific). Valid ranges are typically in the range 8-145. 32 bit only.

vrnode [int]

The current VR node (default = movie-specific). 32 bit only.

vrpan [float]

The current VR movie pan (default = movie-specific). 32 bit only.

vrquality [long]

The current VR node quality (default = movie-specific), only applies to panoramic nodes. 32 bit only.
0 = Minimum quality
1 = Low quality
2 = Normal quality
3 = High quality
4 = Maximum quality

vrtilt [float]

The current VR movie tilt (default = movie-specific). 32 bit only.

window [symbol]

Window name (default = none). If this attribute is set, the jit.movie object will render directly into the named jit.window object, and will use hardware decompression and interpolation as permitted by QuickTime. The window must have noaccel set to 1 in order for this to work. If no symbol argument is given, the jit.movie object's default behavior of rendering to and outputting a matrix is used.

Common Box Attributes

annotation [symbol]

Sets the text that will be displayed in the Clue window when the user moves the mouse over the object.

background [int] (default: 0)

Adds or removes the object from the patcher's background layer. background 1 adds the object to the background layer, background 0 removes it. Objects in the background layer are shown behind all objects in the default foreground layer.

color [4 floats]

Sets the color for the object box outline.

fontface [int]

Sets the type style used by the object. The options are:

bold italic

Possible values:

0 = 'regular'
1 = 'bold'
2 = 'italic'
3 = 'bold italic'

fontname [symbol]

Sets the object's font.

fontsize [float]

Sets the object's font size (in points).

Possible values:


hidden [int] (default: 0)

Toggles whether an object is hidden when the patcher is locked.

hint [symbol]

Sets the text that will be displayed in as a pop-up hint when the user moves the mouse over the object in a locked patcher.

ignoreclick [int] (default: 0)

Toggles whether an object ignores mouse clicks in a locked patcher.

patching_rect [4 floats] (default: 0. 0. 100. 0.)

Sets the position and size of the object in the patcher window.

position [2 floats]


Sets the object's x and y position in both patching and presentation modes (if the object belongs to its patcher's presentation), leaving its size unchanged.

presentation [int] (default: 0)

Sets whether an object belongs to the patcher's presentation.

presentation_rect [4 floats] (default: 0. 0. 0. 0.)

Sets the x and y position and width and height of the object in the patcher's presentation, leaving its patching position unchanged.

rect [4 floats]


Sets the x and y position and width and height of the object in both patching and presentation modes (if the object belongs to its patcher's presentation).

size [2 floats]


Sets the object's width and height in both patching and presentation modes (if the object belongs to its patcher's presentation), leaving its position unchanged.

textcolor [float]

Sets the color for the object's text in RGBA format.

textjustification [int]

Text Justification

Possible values:

0 = 'left'
1 = 'center'
2 = 'right'

varname [symbol]

Sets the patcher's scripting name, which can be used to address the object by name in pattr, scripting messages to thispatcher, and the js object.



Load a QuickTime-compatible media file



red [int]
green [int]
blue [int]
Adds a background color track. Three arguments in the range 0-255 specify the RGB components of the track. 32 bit only.



filename [symbol]
offset [int]
duration [int]
src1-track-number [int]
src2-track-number [int]
Adds a QuickTime Effect track or track group. The filename refers to a qtfx file generated by jit.qt.effect. Using the symbol dialog in place of the filename argument opens a file selection dialog, which permits you to you choose a file name. The message requires a time offset , a time duration and a reference to existing tracks in the current movie to use as sources. The precise number of source tracks used will vary depending on the specific QuickTime effect. 32 bit only.



track-type [symbol]
Adds a track and associated media to the movie, as specified by the track-type . 32 bit only. . Supported track types are video, sound, text, base, mpeg, music, timecode, sprite, flash, movie, tween, and 3d.



src-name [symbol]
group (optional)
track [int]
src-track-number [int]
end group
time-start [int]
time-end [int]
group (optional)
track [int]
dst-track-number [int]
end group
Appends a portion of movie or track media to the current movie or track. To specify the entire movie as the source (and target), omit the source argument. If the symbol dialog is used for the src-name argument, a file selection dialog will be presented to choose a file. If the symbol scrap is used for the src-name argument, the jit.movie object will attempt to read the source from the clipboard.
To specify a track, use track track-number in the source and destination fields, where track-number is a valid track number (e.g., append mayhem.mov track 3 0 10000 track 2). A target track value of -1 creates a new track. You can also specify an entire movie by using track 0. 32 bit only.



filename [symbol]
show-import-dialog [int]
converted-filename [symbol]
Reads non-movie formats recognized by QuickTime, such as CD tracks, asynchronously, if possible. The filename argument specifies a source file, or you can use the word dialog to open a file selection dialog. The converted-filename argument specifies a destination file for the imported/converted file, or you can use the word dialog to open a file selection dialog. If you don't explicitly provide a filename for the converted file, a temporary file will be created and later destroyed when you unload or close the movie. The show-import-dialog flag, if set to 1, opens the appropriate import settings dialog for the type of file being imported. Settings persist, so you should only have to set them up once, if you are importing a batch of similar files. 32 bit only.



src-name [symbol]
Asynchronously reads a movie from a disk file, if possible. If no argument is present, or if the symbol dialog is used for the src-name argument, a file selection dialog will be presented to choose a file. Any argument is assumed to be a local file name. At this time, asynchronous reading is not supported for URL- or clipboard-based movies; the normal read behavior will be used instead.


Stops the frame dump process. See framedump.



src-name [symbol]
group (optional)
track [int]
src-track-number [int]
end group
group (optional)
track [int]
dst-track-number [int]
end group
Copies an entire movie or track to the current movie. To specify the entire movie as the source (and target), omit the source arguments. If the symbol dialog is used for the src-name argument, a file selection dialog will be presented to choose a file. If the symbol scrap is used for the src-name argument, the jit.movie object will attempt to read the source from the clipboard. To specify a track, use track track-number in the source and target fields. A target track value of -1 creates a new track. You can also specify an entire movie by using track 0. 32 bit only.



group (optional)
track [int]
track-number [int]
end group
start-time [int]
end-time [int]
noshift [int]
Deletes a selected portion of a track or movie. To specify the entire movie for the operation, omit the track arguments. To specify a track, use track track-number .
Specifying the noshift argument will replace the deleted portions of the file or track with empty time. 32 bit only.


Delete a previously created background color track. 32 bit only.


Deletes a previously created QuickTime Effects track or track group. QuickTime Effects tracks are identified using special reserved names such as ___effect_track or ___effect_src1. This message will delete any and all tracks having such reserved names. 32 bit only.



track-number [int]
Delete a specified track number. 32 bit only.


Close the currently loaded movie



filename [symbol]
file-type [symbol]
show-configuration-dialog [int]
Saves movies in non-native QuickTime formats (including still image formats). Using the symbol dialog in place of the filename argument opens a Save dialog, which lets you choose a file name. Using the symbol fulldialog in place of the filename argument will show you an exporter-specific Export dialog box before the movie is exported. Setting the optional final argument to 1 will show you a configuration dialog box before the movie is exported. 32 bit only.



filename [symbol]
file-type [symbol]
show-configuration-dialog [int]
Saves movies in non-native QuickTime formats (including still image formats). Using the symbol dialog in place of the filename argument opens a Save dialog, which lets you choose a file name. Using the symbol fulldialog in place of the filename argument will show you an exporter-specific Export dialog box before the movie is exported. Setting the optional final argument to 1 will show you a configuration dialog box before the movie is exported. 32 bit only.


Exports the movie audio using the current spigot~ settings. Mostly for internal use, this message can be used to batch-export movie audio for later use with spigot~. 32 bit only.



src-name [symbol]
file-type [symbol]
show-file-dialog [int]
Exports the current movie frame as an image file. If no src-name is specified, an optional final argument of 1 will open a file dialog. 32 bit only.Available file types are png, bmp, jpeg, macpaint, photoshop, pict, qtimage, sgi, tga and tiff. If no file type is specified, the file type specified for the last image export will be used. If no images have been exported, the png filetype will be used as the default.
You can use the Max Preferences to specify a default image resolution.


Opens the settings dialog box for image export. Any changes made are applied to subsequent exportimage operations. 32 bit only.


Opens the settings dialog box for the currently chosen exporter component. Any changes made are applied to subsequent export operations performed with the same exporter. 32 bit only.



variable path [symbol]
data [list]
Passes a value to a Flash ActionScript variable specified by the variable path argument to the method. This path should conform to the ActionScript path spec ( path/to.variable ) for the variable in question. At this time, only simple ActionScript variables are supported (no arrays). 32 bit only.



filename [symbol]
inplace [symbol]
compress [symbol]
faststart [symbol]
activeonly [symbol]
Creates a "flattened" movie with no unresolved data references (i.e., the movie is self-contained). If a filename is not specified, the Save dialog will be shown, unless the inplace argument is present (see below). 32 bit only. The flatten message can take a number of optional symbol arguments, which may appear in any order:
inplace = a new file will not be created. the movie will be flattened in place
compress = compress the movie resource
faststart = places the movie resource before the data in the file
activeonly = flatten and copy active tracks only



frame-number [int]
Jump to a frame number (slower, more accurate method)



frame-number [int]
Jump to a frame number (fast method)



start-frame [int]
end-frame [int]
frame-skip [int]
Commences a framedump, in which the movie will start from a frame specified by start-frame (the default is 1) and automatically output frames in sequence (no bang or outputmatrix message is necessary) up to the frame specified by end-frame , skipping frame-skip frames between each frame. The default values are 1 for the start frame, and the total framecount of the movie for the end frame. The default frame-skip value is 1.
During operation, the message framedump current_frame is sent out the right outlet after each frame has been output. When finished, the message framedump done is output.


Reports available export components. 32 bit only.



variable path [symbol]
Retrieves the value of a Flash ActionScript variable specified by the variable path argument to the method. This path should conform to the ActionScript path spec ( path/to.variable ) for the variable in question. At this time, only simple ActionScript variables are supported (no arrays). 32 bit only.



src-name [symbol]
track-number [int]
Reports a track's graphics mode from the object's right outlet, using the format trackgmode track-number graphic-mode red green blue . An optional src-name argument can be used to used to specify a source other than the current movie. Using the symbol dialog rather than specifying a source will open a file selection dialog. If no track number is specified, separate line listings for each track are sent out the right outlet. 32 bit only.



src-name [symbol]
track-number [int]
Reports a track's bass EQ level from the object's right outlet, using the format trackbass track-number sound bass level . Values can be between -1. and 1. An optional src-name argument can be used to used to specify a source other than the current movie. Using the symbol dialog rather than specifying a source will open a file selection dialog. If no track number is specified, separate line listings for each track are sent out the right outlet. 32 bit only.



src-name [symbol]
track-number [int]
Reports a track's clipping region from the object's right outlet, using the format trackclip track-number clip-left clip-top clip-right clip-bottom . An optional src-name argument can be used to used to specify a source other than the current movie. Using the symbol dialog rather than specifying a source will open a file selection dialog. If no track number is specified, separate line listings for each track are sent out the right outlet. 32 bit only.



src-name [symbol]
track-number [int]
Reports a track's codec from the object's right outlet, using the format trackcodec track-number codec-number codec-name out the object's right outlet. An optional src-name argument can be used to used to specify a source other than the current movie. Using the symbol dialog rather than specifying a source will open a file selection dialog. If no track number is specified, separate line listings for each track are sent out the right outlet. 32 bit only.



src-name [symbol]
Reports the number of tracks in a movie from the object's right outlet, preceded by the word trackcount. An optional src-name argument can be used to used to specify a source other than the current movie. Using the symbol dialog rather than specifying a source will open a file selection dialog. 32 bit only.



src-name [symbol]
track-number [int]
Reports a track's dimensions from the object's right outlet, using the format trackdim track-number width height . An optional src-name argument can be used to used to specify a source other than the current movie. Using the symbol dialog rather than specifying a source will open a file selection dialog. If no track number is specified, separate line listings for each track are sent out the right outlet. 32 bit only.



src-name [symbol]
track-number [int]
Reports a track's duration from the object's right outlet, using the format trackduration track-number duration . An optional src-name argument can be used to used to specify a source other than the current movie. Using the symbol dialog rather than specifying a source will open a file selection dialog. If no track number is specified, separate line listings for each track are sent out the right outlet. 32 bit only.



src-name [symbol]
track-number [int]
Reports a track's enabled status from the object's right outlet, using the format trackenabled track-number enabled-status . An optional src-name argument can be used to used to specify a source other than the current movie. Using the symbol dialog rather than specifying a source will open a file selection dialog. If no track number is specified, separate line listings for each track are sent out the right outlet. 32 bit only.



src-name [symbol]
track-number [int]
Reports a track's graphics mode from the object's right outlet, using the format trackgmode track-number graphic-mode red green blue . An optional src-name argument can be used to used to specify a source other than the current movie. Using the symbol dialog rather than specifying a source will open a file selection dialog. If no track number is specified, separate line listings for each track are sent out the right outlet. 32 bit only.



src-name [symbol]
track-number [int]
Reports general information about a track from the object's right outlet, using the format trackinfo track-number track-type enabled-status layer-number . An optional src-name argument can be used to used to specify a source other than the current movie. Using the symbol dialog rather than specifying a source will open a file selection dialog. If no track number is specified, separate line listings for each track are sent out the right outlet. 32 bit only.



src-name [symbol]
track-number [int]
Reports a track's layer information from the object's right outlet, using the format tracklayer track-number visibility-number-layer . 32 bit only.



src-name [symbol]
track-number [int]
Reports a track's name from the object's right outlet, using the format trackname track-number track-name . An optional src-name argument can be used to used to specify a source other than the current movie. Using the symbol dialog rather than specifying a source will open a file selection dialog. If no track number is specified, separate line listings for each track are sent out the right outlet. 32 bit only.



src-name [symbol]
track-number [int]
Reports a track's time offset from the object's right outlet, using the format trackoffset track-number time-offset . An optional src-name argument can be used to used to specify a source other than the current movie. Using the symbol dialog rather than specifying a source will open a file selection dialog. If no track number is specified, separate line listings for each track are sent out the right outlet. 32 bit only.



src-name [symbol]
track-number [int]
Reports a track's pan value from the object's right outlet, using the format trackpan track-number sound pan value . Values can be between -1. and 1. An optional src-name argument can be used to used to specify a source other than the current movie. Using the symbol dialog rather than specifying a source will open a file selection dialog. If no track number is specified, separate line listings for each track are sent out the right outlet. 32 bit only.



src-name [symbol]
track-number [int]
Reports a track's timescale from the object's right outlet, using the format tracktimescale track-number track-timescale . An optional src-name argument can be used to used to specify a source other than the current movie. Using the symbol dialog rather than specifying a source will open a file selection dialog. If no track number is specified, separate line listings for each track are sent out the right outlet. 32 bit only.



src-name [symbol]
track-number [int]
Reports a track's treble EQ level from the object's right outlet, using the format tracktreble track-number sound treble level . Values can be between -1. and 1. An optional src-name argument can be used to used to specify a source other than the current movie. Using the symbol dialog rather than specifying a source will open a file selection dialog. If no track number is specified, separate line listings for each track are sent out the right outlet. 32 bit only.



src-name [symbol]
track-number [int]
Reports a track's type from the object's right outlet, using the format tracktype track-number mediatype . An optional src-name argument can be used to used to specify a source other than the current movie. Using the symbol dialog rather than specifying a source will open a file selection dialog. If no track number is specified, separate line listings for each track are sent out the right outlet. 32 bit only.



src-name [symbol]
track-number [int]
Reports a track's typecode from the object's right outlet, using the format tracktypecode track-number track-typecode . An optional src-name argument can be used to used to specify a source other than the current movie. Using the symbol dialog rather than specifying a source will open a file selection dialog. If no track number is specified, separate line listings for each track are sent out the right outlet. 32 bit only.



src-name [symbol]
track-number [int]
Reports a track's audio volume from the object's right outlet, using the format trackvol track-number sound amplitude level . Values can be between -1. and 1. (values below 0. aren't audible). An optional src-name argument can be used to used to specify a source other than the current movie. Using the symbol dialog rather than specifying a source will open a file selection dialog. If no track number is specified, separate line listings for each track are sent out the right outlet. 32 bit only.


Report available video output components. 32 bit only.


Report available video output component modes. 32 bit only.


Report current VR node frame arrangement (columns by rows). 32 bit only.


Report available VR movie nodes. 32 bit only.



track-number [int]
mode [int]
red [int]
green [int]
blue [int]
Reports a track's graphics mode from the object's right outlet, using the format trackgmode track-number graphic-mode red green blue . An optional src-name argument can be used to used to specify a source other than the current movie. Using the symbol dialog rather than specifying a source will open a file selection dialog. If no track number is specified, separate line listings for each track are sent out the right outlet. 32 bit only.



filename [symbol]
show-import-dialog [int]
converted-filename [symbol]
Reads non-movie formats recognized by QuickTime, such as CD tracks. The filename argument specifies a source file, or you can use the word dialog to open a file selection dialog. The converted-filename argument specifies a destination file for the imported/converted file, or you can use the word dialog to open a file selection dialog. If you don't explicitly provide a filename for the converted file, a temporary file will be created and later destroyed when you unload or close the movie. The show-import-dialog flag, if set to 1, opens the appropriate import settings dialog for the type of file being imported. Settings persist, so you should only have to set them up once, if you are importing a batch of similar files. 32 bit only.



src-name [symbol]
group (optional)
track [int]
src-track-number [int]
end group
time-start [int]
time-end [int]
group (optional)
track [int]
dst-track-number [int]
end group
time-start [int]
time-end [int]
Inserts a portion of movie or track media into the current movie or track, shifting any existing data to make room. To specify the entire movie as the source (and target), omit the source argument. If the symbol dialog is used for the src-name argument, a file selection dialog will be presented to choose a file. If the symbol scrap is used for the src-name argument, the jit.movie object will attempt to read the source from the clipboard.
To specify a track, use track track-number in the source and destination fields, where track-number is a valid track number (e.g., insert mayhem.mov track 3 0 10000 track 2 0 10000). A target track value of -1 creates a new track. You can also specify an entire movie by using track 0. 32 bit only.



frame-offset [int]
Jump to a relative movie frame (slower, more accurate method)



frame-offset [int]
Jump to a relative movie frame (fast method)



ASCII value [int]
key code [int]
modifiers [int]
Passes the description of keyboard activity to a Flash movie. The argument format is identical to that output from the key object in response to keypresses. 32 bit only.


Deletes the diskfile associated with the currently loaded movie. This command does not offer a warning dialog, and cannot be undone.



track-number [int]
group (optional)
time-start [int]
time-end [int]
end group
Loads a specified movie or track into RAM. Without arguments, loadram loads the entire movie. To specify an entire track, use a valid track number as a single argument.
Two additional arguments may be used to specify start and end times for the loadram operation. So, loadram followed by 2 arguments will load a specified portion of an entire movie, while loadram followed by 3 arguments will cause the jit.movie to load a portion of a single track into RAM. 32 bit only.



x [int]
y [int]
button-flag [int]
group (optional)
cmd/ctrl-flag [int]
shift-flag [int]
caps-flag [int]
opt/alt-flag [int]
Mac-ctrl-flag [int]
end group
Passes the description of a mouse movement or click to a Flash movie. The argument format is identical to that output from the jit.window and jit.pwindow objects in response to mouse activity. The key modifiers flags are currently unused, although their presence has no adverse affects and simplifies patching. 32 bit only.



track-number [int]
a [float]
b [float]
u [float]
c [float]
d [float]
v [float]
tx [float]
ty [float]
w [float]
Sets up a movie or track geometrical matrix transformation using the same 3x3 matrix used with the jit.mxform2d object. The matrix transform can be used to perform scaling, rotation, skewing, and perspective operations on a movie or track using a list of 9 floating point values for the 3x3 transformation matrix. (default 1. 0. 0. 0. 1. 0. 0. 0. 1.) For more information on this transformation, see the jit.mxform2d object reference page. 32 bit only.



width [int]
height [int]
timescale [int]
Creates a new empty movie of the specified width and height (default 320 240) and timescale (default 600) to fill as you desire. 32 bit only.



track-number [int]
red [int]
green [int]
blue [int]
Sets a track's opcolor, used by some QuickTime gmodes. The message arguments specify a track number and three integers in the range 0-255 specify the RGB value of the opcolor. 32 bit only.



src-name [symbol]
group (optional)
track [int]
src-track-number [int]
end group
time-start [int]
time-end [int]
group (optional)
track [int]
dst-track-number [int]
end group
time-start [int]
time-end [int]
Pastes a portion of movie or track media into the current movie or track, overwriting any existing data. To specify the entire movie as the source (and target), omit the source argument. If the symbol dialog is used for the src-name argument, a file selection dialog will be presented to choose a file. If the symbol scrap is used for the src-name argument, the jit.movie object will attempt to read the source from the clipboard.
To specify a track, use track track-number in the source and destination fields, where track-number is a valid track number (e.g., paste mayhem.mov track 3 0 10000 track 2 0 10000). A target track value of -1 creates a new track. You can also specify an entire movie by using track 0. 32 bit only.



src-name [symbol]
group (optional)
track [int]
src-track-number [int]
end group
time-start [int]
time-end [int]
group (optional)
track [int]
dst-track-number [int]
end group
Prepends a portion of movie or track media to the current movie or track. To specify the entire movie as the source (and target), omit the source argument. If the symbol dialog is used for the src-name argument, a file selection dialog will be presented to choose a file. If the symbol scrap is used for the src-name argument, the jit.movie object will attempt to read the source from the clipboard.
To specify a track, use track track-number in the source and destination fields, where track-number is a valid track number (e.g., append mayhem.mov track 3 0 10000 track 2). A target track value of -1 creates a new track. You can also specify an entire movie by using track 0. 32 bit only.



src-name [symbol]
Reads a movie from a disk file, URL or the clipboard. If no argument is present, or if the symbol dialog is used for the src-name argument, a file selection dialog will be presented to choose a file. If the argument scrap is used for the src-name argument, the object will attempt to load a movie from the clipboard. If the argument is parsable as an http://, ftp:///, file://, or rtsp:// URL, the object will attempt to load a movie from that location. Otherwise, an argument is assumed to be a local file name.
If autostart is enabled, the movie will begin playing at once.


Saves the current movie to the currently referenced disk file. If there is no currently referenced disk file (e.g. the movie was read from a URL or from the clipboard), this message operates as savemovieas. 32 bit only.



filename [symbol]
Saves the current movie under a new filename, and changes the movie's file reference to the saved file. In the absence of a filename argument, or if dialog is specified in place of a filename, the object will present a standard file selection dialog. 32 bit only.



filename [symbol]
Saves a copy of the current movie under a new filename, without changing the movie's file reference to the saved file (subsequent saves continue to reference whatever file (if any) was referred to previous to issuing the message). In the absence of a filename argument, or if dialog is specified in place of a file name, the object will present a standard file selection dialog. 32 bit only.



group (optional)
track [int]
track-number [int]
end group
start [int]
end [int]
scaled-end [int]
Temporally scales a portion of movie or track media. The media will be selected between start and end and scaled to the range start to scaled end. To specify the entire movie for the operation, omit the track argument. To specify a track, use track track-number in the track number field, where track-number is a valid track number. 32 bit only.


Starts movie playback at the current rate from the current QuickTime time value specified by time.


Stops movie playback. rate is unaffected).



src-name [symbol]
group (optional)
track [int]
track-number [int]
end group
Remove empty time from a movie or a track media. 32 bit only.



group (optional)
track [int]
src-track-number [int]
end group
time-start [int]
time-end [int]
Copies a movie or track (or portion thereof) to the clipboard. The message toscrap with no arguments copies the entire movie. The message toscrap track track-number copies a track to the clipboard. Additional optional arguments specify the start and end times of the movie to copy. 32 bit only.



track-number [int]
bass-level [int]
Sets a track's bass EQ level. Valid input values are between -1. and 1. 32 bit only.



track-number [int]
left [int]
top [int]
right [int]
bottom [int]
Set a track's clipping region. 32 bit only.



track-number [int]
width [int]
height [int]
Set a track's dimensions. 32 bit only.



track-number [int]
duration [int]
Sets a track's duration. The track will be scaled to the new duration. 32 bit only.



track-number [int]
0/1 [int]
Enable/disable a track. 32 bit only.



track-number [int]
mode [int]
red [int]
green [int]
blue [int]
Sets a track's graphic mode. The arguments specify a track number, an integer which specifies the graphic mode, and three integers in the range 0-255 which specify the RGB value of the opcolor. 32 bit only. Available graphic mode numbers are:
0 = srcCopy
1 = srcOr
2 = srcXor
3 = srcBic
4 = notSrcCopy
5 = notSrcOr
6 = notSrcXor
7 = notSrcBic
8 = patCopy
9 = patOr
10 = patXor
11 = patBic
12 = notPatCopy
13 = notPatOr
14 = notPatXor
15 = notPatBic
32 = blend
33 = addPin
34 = addOver
35 = subPin
36 = transparent
37 = addMax
38 = subOver
39 = adMin
49 = grayishTextOr
50 = highlighttransfermode
64 = ditherCopy
256 = graphicsModeStraightAlpha
257 = graphicsModePreWhiteAlpha
258 = graphicsModePreBlackAlpha
260 = graphicsModeStraightAlphaBlend



track-number [int]
layer-number [int]
Sets a track's visibility layer. Valid visibility layer values are integers between -32768 and 32767. Lower numbers are "on top". 32 bit only.


Set a track's name. 32 bit only.



track-number [int]
offset-value [int]
Set a track's time offset. 32 bit only.



track-number [int]
red [int]
green [int]
blue [int]
Sets a track's opcolor, used by some QuickTime gmodes. The message arguments specify a track number and three integers in the range 0-255 specify the RGB value of the opcolor. 32 bit only.



track-number [int]
pan [int]
The track's panning. Valid input values are between -1. (left channel only) and 1. (right channel only). 32 bit only.



track-number [int]
timescale [int]
Adjusts a track's timescale. The default timescale is media dependent. 32 bit only.



track-number [int]
treble-level [int]
Sets a track's treble EQ level. Valid input values are between -1. and 1. 32 bit only.



track-number [int]
volume [int]
Set a track's amplitude level. Valid input values are between -1. and 1. (values below 0 are inaudible). 32 bit only.



track-number [int]
start [int]
end [int]
mutex group (optional)
noshift [int]
scale [int]
endmutex group
Retains a selected portion of movie or track between the time points specified by the start and end arguments, deleting the rest. Setting the noshift argument to a non-zero value will replace the deleted portions of the file or track with blank space. Setting the scale argument to a non-zero value will scale the remaining portion to the length of the original movie or track. 32 bit only.


Revert the most recent editing operation. 32 bit only.


Unloads any previously loaded portions of the current movie from RAM. Portions of the movie may have been loaded into RAM through use of the loadram message, or through the asyncread and preroll messages, which preroll sections of the movie into RAM, as well. 32 bit only.

See Also

Name Description
Working with Video in Jitter Working with Video in Jitter
jit.grab Digitize video from an external source
jit.record Record a QuickTime movie
jit.dx.grab Digitize video using DirectX (Windows)
jit.qt.effect QuickTime Effects for Jitter matrices
jit.qt.videoout Output video to QuickTime video output component
Tutorial 1: Playing a QuickTime Movie Tutorial 1: Playing a QuickTime Movie
Tutorial 4: Controlling Movie Playback Tutorial 4: Controlling Movie Playback
Tutorial 19: Recording QuickTime movies Tutorial 19: Recording QuickTime movies
Tutorial 24: QuickTime Effects Tutorial 24: QuickTime Effects
Tutorial 44: Flash Interactivity Tutorial 44: Flash Interactivity
Tutorial 49: Colorspaces Tutorial 49: Colorspaces
Appendix A: QuickTime Confidential Appendix A: QuickTime Confidential