The word ‘MIDI’ often brings to mind a particular type of sound or musical style, but these are just things that were made with the assistance of MIDI. Although the MIDI ‘standard’ encompasses much more, it is fundamentally a method of communication. This is commonly called a ‘communication protocol’. Max was first developed as a way of generating, processing or manipulating data like MIDI, and it is still a core component of the software. Here are some links on how to get started with configuring, sending, and receiving MIDI with Max.

See Also

Name Description
Using Max with Other Applications Using Max with Other Applications
MIDI Setup Window MIDI Setup Window
Max MIDI Tutorial 1: Basic MIDI Max MIDI Tutorial 1: Basic MIDI
Max MIDI Tutorial 2: MIDI Note Management Max MIDI Tutorial 2: MIDI Note Management
Max MIDI Tutorial 3: MIDI Parsing Max MIDI Tutorial 3: MIDI Parsing
Max MIDI Tutorial 4: MIDI Basic Sequencing Max MIDI Tutorial 4: MIDI Basic Sequencing
Max MIDI Tutorial 5: MIDI Advanced Sequencing Max MIDI Tutorial 5: MIDI Advanced Sequencing
bendin Output MIDI pitch bend values
bendout Send MIDI pitch bend messages
ctlin Output received MIDI control values
ctlout Transmit MIDI controller messages
midiformat Prepare data in the form of a MIDI message
midiin Output raw MIDI data
midiout Transmit raw MIDI data
midiparse Interpret raw MIDI data
notein Receive MIDI note messages
noteout Transmit MIDI note messages
pgmin Receive MIDI program changes
pgmout Send MIDI program changes
polyin Received MIDI poly pressure
polyout Send MIDI poly pressure
rtin Receive MIDI real time messages
seq Sequencer for recording and playing MIDI data
sysexin Receive MIDI system exclusive messages
touchin Receive MIDI aftertouch values
touchout Transmit MIDI aftertouch messages
midiselect Select and interpret raw MIDI data
ftom Convert frequency to a MIDI note number
midiflush Send MIDI note-offs for hanging note-ons
midiinfo Fill a pop-up menu with MIDI device names
mtof Convert a MIDI note number to frequency
sxformat Prepare MIDI system exclusive messages
xbendin Interpret extra precision MIDI pitch bend values
xbendout Format extra precision MIDI pitch bend messages
xnotein Interpret MIDI note messages with release velocity
xnoteout Format MIDI note messages with release velocity
ftom~ Convert frequency to MIDI note numbers at signal-rate
mtof~ Convert a MIDI note number to frequency at signal rate
sustain Hold note-off messages for release
kslider Output numbers from an onscreen keyboard
makenote Generate a note-on/note-off pair
mtr Record and sequence messages
vst~ Host VST, VST3 and Audio Unit plug-ins