OctiMax Compressor (multichannel)
omx.comp~ is a fully-featured signal compressor with limiting, gating, sidechain, and dual-band options.
Multichannel Group Attributes
The chans attribute sets the number of channels and instances in the MC wrapper object. To define a fixed number of channels regardless of what is connected to the object, set chans via a typed-in argument, for example typing would create 100 instances of a cycle~ object inside the MC wrapper. If chans is 0, the wrapper object will auto-adapt to the number of channels in its input multichannel signals (using the maximum of all connected signals). If an object does not have any multichannel signals connected to its inlets, the chans attribute will need to have a non-zero value if you want more than one instance.
If chans is changed while the audio is on, the number of instances will not change until audio is restarted. However, if chans is reduced while the audio is on, any extra channels will no longer process audio and will output a zero signal.
The initialvalues attribute only applies to object creation time so it must be set via a typed-in argument. initialvalues sets the first (and only the first) initial argument for successive instances in the MC wrapper. For example, typing would assign an initial frequency to the cycle~ instances inside the wrapper. The first instance would be assigned a frequency of 50, the second a frequency of 60, the third 70, and the fourth 80. Note that initialvalues does not determine the actual instance count; this can be done using the chans attribute. If there are more instances than elements for the initialvalues attribute, those instances are instantiated with the default value.
To set a default value of an argument for all instances, type it as an argument before any typed-in attributes. For example, modifying our example above: . In this example, the first four instances are set as before, but the next six are created with a frequency argument of 100.
To change instance values or attributes after the wrapper object has been created, use the , , or messages.
You can use values as an alternate name for the initialvalues attribute.
When replicate is enabled, input single-channel or multichannel signals containing fewer channels than the number instances in the MC wrapper object are repeated to fill all input channels. For example, when replicate is enabled and you connect a two-channel multichannel signal to the input of an MC wrapper object with four instances, channel 1 of the input will be repeated to channel 3, and channel 2 of the input will be repeated to channel 4. If replicate were disabled, channels 3 and 4 of the input would be set to zero.
The target attribute sets an index for targeting specific wrapper instances. Subsequent messages are directed to an individual instance instead of all instances. It is strongly recommended you use the more reliable message instead of the target attribute. The voice index of will override the current setting of target. When target is 0, incoming messages are sent to all instances. When target is -1, incoming messages do nothing. Note that target only affects messages, not setting attribute values.
When usebusymap is enabled, the MC wrapper controls whether individual instances process audio using a busy map maintained by either an mc.noteallocator~ or mc.voiceallocator~ object. When a channel in the busy map is marked as "free" or "released" no audio processing occurs by any instance on the channel corresponding to the voice index. When usebusymap is disabled, instances in the MC wrapper process audio at all times. This will also be true if usebusymap is enabled and there is no local or named busy map available. (See the busymapname attribute for a description of local and named busy maps). For brevity the name bz can also be used.
When the zero attribute is enabled, channels in the MC wrapper due to the use of a busy map output zero signals. To save a small amount of CPU at the risk of loud and unpleasant noises due to uncleared signal data, you can disable zero. In this case, disabled channels in the MC wrapper do nothing to their output channels. If usebusymap is disabled or there is no active local or named busy map available, the setting of the zero attribute has no effect.
Conveniently, when usebusymap is enabled in mc.mixdown~ object, disabled channels are not mixed to the output. When unused signals from wrapped objects with zero disabled feed into mc.mixdown~, they will be ignored, reducing the risk of unpleasantness getting past the mix output.
When the usebusymap attribute is enabled, an MC wrapper object uses the local busy map of any mc.voiceallocator~ or mc.noteallocator~ in the same patcher by default. To use a named global busy map instead, set the busymapname attribute to the desired name. For brevity the name @bzname can also be used.
Sets the function that will be used when the attrui set to edit the op attribute, you can see a handy menu of the 40+ possible functions, so you don't have to memorize their names.
message is set. If you use
The voiceprob attribute is used when employing the $ or * arguments to the message. It determines the probability that the message will be sent. For example, if voiceprob is 0.9, there is a 90% chance the setvalue message will be sent to a randomly chosen voice.
Common Box Attributes
Sets the text that will be displayed in the Clue window when the user moves the mouse over the object.
background[int]: 0
Adds or removes the object from the patcher's background layer.
adds the object to the background layer, removes it. Objects in the background layer are shown behind all objects in the default foreground layer.
color[4 floats]
Sets the color for the object box outline.
Sets the type style used by the object. The options are:
bold italic
Possible values:
0 = 'regular'
1 = 'bold'
2 = 'italic'
3 = 'bold italic'
Sets the object's font.
Sets the object's font size (in points).
Possible values:
Sets the text that will be displayed in as a pop-up hint when the user moves the mouse over the object in a locked patcher.
ignoreclick[int]: 0
Toggles whether an object ignores mouse clicks in a locked patcher.
You can override the default appearance of a user interface object by assigning a JavaScript file with code for painting the object. The file must be in the search path.
patching_rect[4 floats]: 0. 0. 100. 0.
Sets the position and size of the object in the patcher window.
position[2 floats]
Sets the object's x and y position in both patching and presentation modes (if the object belongs to its patcher's presentation), leaving its size unchanged.
presentation[int]: 0
Sets whether an object belongs to the patcher's presentation.
presentation_rect[4 floats]: 0. 0. 0. 0.
Sets the x and y position and width and height of the object in the patcher's presentation, leaving its patching position unchanged.
rect[4 floats]
Sets the x and y position and width and height of the object in both patching and presentation modes (if the object belongs to its patcher's presentation).
size[2 floats]
Sets the object's width and height in both patching and presentation modes (if the object belongs to its patcher's presentation), leaving its position unchanged.
textcolor[4 floats]
Sets the color for the object's text in RGBA format.
Sets the justification for the object's text.
Possible values:
0 = 'left'
1 = 'center'
2 = 'right'
Sets the patcher's scripting name, which can be used to address the object by name in pattr, scripting messages to thispatcher, and the js object.
The word
, followed by a 1 or 0, enables or disables the compressor.- compression-enable-flag
The word
, followed by a number, sets the compressor threshold (in dB below full scale). This is the main compression threshold. Any signal above the threshold will be reduced, and any signal below the threshold will be amplified, according to the range and ratio parameters.- compression-threshold
The word
, followed by a number, sets the rate at which the compressor is engaged when the signal level exceeds the agcThreshold. The value range is 0-150 on a logarithmic scale, with larger values indicating faster attack.- attack-rate
The word omx.comp~.
followed by a non-zero number will output the dry unchanged input signal straight out the outlet without any processing; followed by a 0, will output the signal effected by- bypass-flag
The word
, followed by a number, sets the gain control source as follows: 0 = stereo, 1 = left, 2 = right. In stereo mode, the gain control signal is derived from whichever channel is loudest, unlike in left or right mode where the gain control signal will only be derived from the selected channel. This can be used for "keying" or "ducking" effects, where the energy of one sound modulates the level of another.- keying-source (0, 1, or 2)
The word omx.comp~ object. These presets are to be considered "starting points" and should be tweaked for your particular purpose or desired sound. The preset options are:
0: Guitar
1: Bass
2: Vocal
3: Drums
4: Program Material - An attempt at smooth "gain riding" of mixed program material as well as can be done with a non-multiband processor.
- preset-number
The word
, followed by a number, sets the sidechain delay time (in milliseconds). This emulates the attack characteristics of vintage "opto" compressors, and similar effects. The delay is applied to the control signal only, and hence may result in large peaks at transients.- delay-time
The word
, followed by a 1 or 0, turns dual band mode on or off. In dual band, a crossover filter around 200hz splits the audio into two bands, which are compressed separately. This can reduce bass pumping and other artifacts of wide-band compression.- crossover-enable-flag
The word
, followed by a number, sets the freeze threshold (in dB below full scale). When the signal is below this threshold, the compressor release action will be suppressed, and the gain will remain constant. In normal operation, release action takes place when the signal is below the compression threshold, increasing the gain until the signal returns to its full-scale, uncompressed level. If there is no usable signal present, this can have the effect of simply amplifying the noise floor. Release gate and freeze can suppress gain recovery to avoid this condition.- release-action-threshold
The word
, followed by a number, sets the release gate threshold (in dB below full scale). When the signal is below this threshold, the release time of the compressor will be slowed by a factor of 3. See .- release-gate-threshold
The word
, followed by a 1 or 0 turns the peak-limiter on or off.- peak-limiter-flag
The word
, followed by a number, sets the limiter response mode as follows: 0 = punchy, 1 = smooth. Punchy response yields extremely short attack and release times, useful for transparent limiting, or to create loudness. However, if over-used, intermodulation distortion may result. Smooth response uses longer attack and release times. The result is still a fast look-ahead limiter, but with less intermodulation distortion and less punch.- response-mode-flag
The word omx.comp~ sends a list of six integers, describing compressor gain (left, right), noise gate gain (left, right), and limiter gain (left, right).
will cause output (by instantaneous command as opposed to metering-interval described by the message) of values which describe the current state of various internal gain levels of the compressor, and can be used to drive GUI objects to provide visual feedback.
The word
, followed by a number, specifies the interval (in milliseconds) at which the meter data described above will be sent.- data-output-interval
The word omx.comp~ sends a list of six integers, describing compressor gain (left, right), noise gate gain (left, right), and limiter gain (left, right).
, followed by a 1 or 0, turns the metering output on or off. When metering is on, a list of values will be sent from the rightmost outlet at a rate specified by the message. These values describe the current state of various internal gain levels of the compressor, and can be used to drive GUI objects to provide visual feedback.- metering-enable-flag
The word
, followed by a 1 or 0, turns the noise gate on or off. A noise gate is effective for reducing background hiss when no other signal is present. Here, it's implemented as a downward expander with a ratio of 2:1.- noise-gate-flag
The word
, followed by a number, sets the threshold level (in dB below full scale) at which the noise gate will be engaged.- noise-gate-threshold
The word
, followed by a number from 0-100, activates Progressive Release, which causes the compressor to release faster during heavy gain reduction. This means that the audio will sound more compressed when the input signal is louder. This can be used to create an illusion of dynamics. It is especially useful with the ratio set to Infinite:1, which could sound over-compressed without this option.- release
The word
, followed by a number, sets the maximum amount of gain amplification allowed in dB. This limits the gain that is applied when the signal is below the compression threshold. Note that this limiting takes place before the ratio is applied. For example, if the range is set to 24 dB, and the ratio is 2:1, the most gain amplification you can get (after the ratio is applied) is in fact 12 dB.- maximum-gain-amplification
The word
, followed by a number, sets the numerator of the compressor gain reduction ratio, from 1:1 to Infinite:1.- gain-reduction-ratio-numerator
The word
, followed by a number, sets the rate at which the compressor releases its gain adjustment when the signal level no longer exceeds the agcThreshold. The value range is 0-150 on a logarithmic scale, with larger values indicating faster release. This rate can be modified by the release gate and freeze thresholds.- release-rate
The word
causes all parameter values to be sent out the third outlet.
The word
, followed by a 1 or 0, enables or disables an attenuation filter in the upper midrange that makes the compressor less sensitive to vocal signals, and generally produces a more gentle response. This filter is only applied internally, to the control signal. Note that it may cause more output overshoots, where the signal output level exceeds 0dB.- keying-attenuation-flag
Audio input, the signal or pair of signals to be compressed.
The word
, followed by a number from 0-100, activates gain smoothing. This applies a low-pass filter to the control signal, and is useful both to prevent artifacts (gain fluttering) from high attack/release rates, and to intentionally make the compressor sluggish, adding extra "snap" to transients.- smoothing
Multichannel Group Messages
Generate a random value for each channel around a center value. An optional number after the center value specifies the upper range size so it can be different from the lower range size.
Example: will generate random values for the cutoff attribute of the objects in the wrapper centered around 1000 Hz (between 900 and 1100 Hz). sends messages to the objects in the wrapper with random values between 900 and 1200.
If no message name is provided, a message is used by default.
- range
- message-name
- center-value
- upper-range
K * exp(-1 * N * channel) where channel starts at 0 for the first channel.
If the second argument is not present the default value is 1. Example: would generate, for four channels, values of 10, 3.678, 1.353, and 0.498. would generate 2, 5.437, 14.78, and 40.17.
If no message name is provided, a message is used by default.
- exponent
- message-name
- multiplier
K * exp(-1 * N * (channel / num_channels) where channel starts at 0 for the first channel.
If the second argument is not present the default value is 1. Example: would generate, for six channels, values of 2, 2.363, 2.791, 3.297, 3.895, 4.602. for four channels would generate 2, 2.568, 3.297, 4.324. provides a way to keep the range of the exponential series roughly the same independent of the number of channels.
If no message name is provided, a message is used by default.
- exponent
- message-name
- base
Example: for four channels would generate 2, 7, 12, and 17.
If no message name is provided, a message is used by default.
- increment-amount
- message-name
- start-value
F * (1 + N * channel) where channel starts at 0 for the first channel.
Example: for five channels would generate 440, 880, 1320, 1760, and 2200. for
four channels would generate 440, 660, 880, and 1100.
If no message name is provided, a message is used by default.
- multiplier
- message-name
- fundamental
F / (1 + N * channel) where channel starts at 0 for the first channel.
Example: for five channels would generate 440, 220, 146.7, and 110.
If no message name is provided, a message is used by default.
- multiplier
- message-name
- fundamental
Example: for four channels would generate 0, 2.5, 5, and 7.5.
If no message name is provided, a message is used by default.
- boundary-value
- message-name
- other-boundary-value
Example: for four channels would generate 0, 3.33, 6.66, and 10.
If no message name is provided, a message is used by default.
- boundary-value
- message-name
- other-boundary-value
Example: for four channels would generate 2, 4, 6, and 8.
If no message name is provided, a message is used by default.
- boundary-value
- message-name
- other-boundary-value
Example: for four channels would generate 0, 2.5, 5, and 7.5.
If no message name is provided, a message is used by default.
- boundary-value
- message-name
- other-boundary-value
Example: for four channels would generate 2.5, 5, 7.5, and 10.
If no message name is provided, a message is used by default.
- boundary-value
- message-name
- other-boundary-value
Example: for four channels would generate 0, 0, 0, 0 because the probability of generating a 1 is zero. could generate 10, 0, 0, 10 if the randomly generated values exceeded 0.5 for the first and fourth channels.
If no message name is provided, a message is used by default.
- probability
- message-name
- value
If no message name is provided, a message is used by default.
- low-value
- message-name
- high-value
The op attribute. Arguments passed to will be given to the function that is called. Example: if op is set to , is the same as sending the message .
message runs the function whose name is stored in the- low-value
- message-name
- high-value
The MC wrapper provides access to the easing functions found in the Ease Package. These are accessed with message names consisting of
The messages generate an non-linear and inclusive range of values across the space of channels. When you use two number arguments, the first value will be the low end of the range and the second will be the high end of the range. For and functions, this means the low end value will be set for the first channel and the high end will be set for the last channel. For function variants, the high end will be set for the first channel and the low end will be set for the last channel.
When the messages are supplied with three numerical arguments, the first two specify the range as in the two-argument case, but the third argument, which will be constrained between 0 and 1, defines a mid point. Between the first channel and the channel closest to the mid point, the entire range of the function is applied. Between the mid point and the last channel, the range of the function is applied with the values reversed, creating a mirror image. The mirror image is exact when the third argument is 0.5, otherwise it will be biased toward 0 or 1. With a mid point of 1, the result is the same as if the third argument was not supplied at all. With a mid point of 0, the result is the same as if it was entirely reversed. In other words, it's as if the version of the function were used instead of the version that was originally specified -- or vice versa.
Available messages are: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , and . Refer to the Ease Package documentation for details on these functions and demonstrations of their behavior.
If no message name is provided, a message is used by default.
- low-value
- message-name
- high-value
- mid-point
If no message name is provided, a message is used by default.
- low-value
- message-name
- high-value
- mid-point
The word
Instead of a number, the message can also take a symbol indicating that the target channel index should be randomly chosen:
- urn object). Before chosing a channel, will also decide whether to send the message according to the current value of the voiceprob attribute. If voiceprob is 0.1, there is a 10% chance of sending the message. If voiceprob is 0.9, there is a 90% chance of sending the message. will choose a channel randomly but avoid duplicate choices until all channels have been chosen (similar to the Max
- urn object). Unlike it will always send the message. will choose a channel randomly but avoid duplicate choices until all channels have been chosen (similar to the Max
- random object). Before chosing a channel, will also decide whether to send the message according to the current value of the voiceprob attribute. If voiceprob is 0.1, there is a 10% chance of sending the message. If voiceprob is 0.9, there is a 90% chance of sending the message. will choose a channel randomly (similar to the Max
- random object). Unlike it will always send the message. will choose a channel randomly (similar to the Max
- channel
- message
- message arguments
The word
Example: , sends the message 50 to channels 1 - 4. If the second argument is -1, the message is sent to all subsequent channels. For example, sends the message 50 to all channels between 2 and the current number of voices.
Note: the random channel selection feature using , , , and does not work with the message.
- low channel
- high channel
- message
- message arguments
The word
, followed by one or more numbers and/or symbols, sends individual messages successively to instances in the MC wrapper, starting with the first instance. For example, the message will send the '0' message to the first instance, and the 'bang' message to the second instance. If there are more instances than arguments to , the extra instances are unaffected.- messages
The word
, followed by an optional message name and one or more message arguments, sends individual values in the arguments successively to instances in the MC wrapper, starting with the first instance. For example, the message will send 4 to the first instance, 5 to the second instance, and 6 to the third instance. If there are more instances than arguments to , the extra instances are unaffected.- message-name
- values
The word
, followed by an optional message name and one or more message arguments, sends individual values in the arguments successively to instances in the MC wrapper, starting with the first instance. Unlike , the message continues sending values to successive instances, restarting with the first element, if it runs out of arguments to send. For example, to an MC wrapper object with three instances will send 4 to the first instance, 5 to the second instance, and 4 to the third instance.- message-name
- values
Whereas wave~ to set start/end points. The message syntax is [applynvalues N value1, value2 etc.] where N is the number of values to set for each instance. For example, the message will send 500 600 to the first instance and 900 1000 to the second instance. If there are more instances than specified in , the extra instances are unaffected.
can only set one value, the message permits sending a message or setting an attribute with multiple values to instances in the MC wrapper, starting with the first instance. This is helpful for messages that require multiple values, such as the list message to- message
- values
Whereas wave~ to set start/end points. The message syntax is [replicatenvalues N value1, value2 etc.] where N is the number of values to set for each instance. Unlike , the message continues sending values to successive instances, restarting with the first group, if it runs out of arguments to send. For example, to an MC wrapper object with three instances will send 500 600 to the first instance, 900 1000 to the second instance, and 500 600 to the third instance.
can only set one value, the message permits sending a message or setting an attribute with multiple values to instances in the MC wrapper, starting with the first instance. This is helpful for messages that require multiple values, such as the list message to- message
- values
Out right outlet: when metering is turned on (via the
message), a list will be output describing various internal levels. See meters, above.signal
Out leftmost two outlets: the input signals (if present), with dynamics processing applied.
See Also
Name | Description |
omx.4band~ | OctiMax 4-band Compressor |
omx.5band~ | OctiMax 5-band Compressor |
omx.peaklim~ | OctiMax Peak Limiter |