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Generates GL geometry from existing data


The jit.gl.mesh object creates a geometric surface from a jit.matrix connected to the left-most inlet containing spatial coordinates. Additional geometry can be specified by attaching other jit.matrix objects to the other inlets, which correspond to (from left to right): vertex, texcoord, normal, color, specular, edgeflag, tangent, bitangent, and index data.
The jit.gl.mesh object requires one argument: the name of a drawing context. A named drawing context is a named instance of a jit.window, jit.pwindow, or jit.matrix object that has an instance of the jit.gl.render object associated with it. This value may also be set via the OB3D drawto attribute.

Information for Jitter 3D Object (OB3D) messages and attributes to this object


color_matrix Specifies a matrix of color values. This must be the same size as the matrix specified by the vertex_matrix message, and can be a 3 or 4 plane matrix.
bind Binds the internal mesh buffers for drawing.
bitangent_matrix The word bitangent_matrix, followed by a symbol, specifies a matrix of bitangent values. This must be the same size as the matrix specified by the vertex_matrix message. It must be a 3 plane matrix.
edgeflag_matrix The word edgeflag_matrix, followed by a symbol, specifies a matrix of edge flag values. This must be the same size as the matrix specified by the vertex_matrix message. It must be a 1 plane matrix.
get_cache The word index_matrix, followed by a symbol, matrix of indices. Although it can be any size, it must be a 1 plane integer matrix.
index_matrix The word index_matrix, followed by a symbol, specifies a matrix of indices. It can be any size, but it must have 1 plane and be an integer matrix.
normal_matrix The word normal_matrix, followed by a symbol, specifies a matrix of normal values. This must be the same size as the matrix specified by the vertex_matrix message. It must be a 3 plane matrix.
reset The word reset resets all parameters to their default states.
texcoord_matrix The word texcoord_matrix, followed by a symbol, specifies a matrix of texture coordinate values. This must be the same size as the matrix specified by the vertex_matrix message. It can be a 2, 3, or 4 plane matrix.
specular_matrix The word specular_matrix, followed by a symbol, specifies a matrix of specular values
tangent_matrix The word tangent_matrix, followed by a symbol, specifies a matrix of tangent values. This must be the same size as the matrix specified by the vertex_matrix message. It must be a 3 plane matrix.
vertex_attr_matrix The word vertex_attr_matrix, followed by a symbol, specifies a matrix of arbitrary per-vertex data
vertex_matrix The word ertex_matrix, followed by a symbol, specifies a matrix of vertex values. It can be 3 or 4 planes.
unbind Unbinds the internal mesh buffers after drawing.


Name Type g/s Description
auto_bitangents int Enables or disables the calculation of bitangent (aka binormal) directions (only available if texcoords and normals exist) (default = 0).
auto_colors int Enables or disables the calculation of vertex colors (default = 0).
auto_normals int Enables or disables the calculation of normal directions used for calculating lighting (default = 1).
auto_tangents int Enables or disables the calculation of tangent directions (only available if texcoords and normals exist) (default = 0).
cache_mode symbol The mode to use for the geometry cache. (default = var) Supported modes are:
var (vertex arrays)
vbo (vertex buffer objects)
color_mode symbol The mode to use for the calculating vertex colors. (default = none) Supported modes are:
draw_mode symbol The mode to use for rendering the geometry. (default = tri_grid) Supported modes are:

Information for box attributes common to all objects


See Also

Name Description
jit.gl.graph Open GL floating-point data visualization
jit.gl.gridshape Generate simple geometric shapes as a connected grid
jit.gl.handle Use mouse movement to control position/rotation
jit.gl.isosurf Generates a GL based surface extraction
jit.gl.model Read and draw Wavefront .obj models
jit.gl.nurbs Generate NURBS surface
jit.gl.plato Generate platonic solids
jit.gl.render Render Open GL
jit.gl.shader Manages a GL shader
jit.gl.sketch GL parallel to lcd
jit.gl.slab Performs a GL accelerated grid-based evaluation
jit.gl.text2d Write bitmap text
jit.gl.text3d Write vector text
jit.gl.texture Manages a GL texture
jit.gl.videoplane GL accelerated video plane
jit.gl.volume Creates a GL accelerated volume vizualization