Conversion Cheat Sheet

Message to Audio

Convert a message to a signal without any smoothing

Convert a message to a signal with linear smoothing

Convert a message to a signal with logarithmic smoothing

Audio to Message

Convert audio to a stream of messages

Analyze an audio stream for peaks, average, or RMS

Signal to Event

Signal to Event

Unit Conversions

Samples to Milliseconds

Frequency to MIDI Pitch

Amplitude to Decibel

Note Value to Millisecond

See Time Value Syntax for more details.

Tempo to Millisecond

This same patch will convert milliseconds to tempo (kinda cool huh?)

Linear to Quadratic


Single channel to multichannel

Multichannel to separate channels

Multichannel to stereo mixdown

List to buffer~

Fill using peek~

Fill using jit.buffer~

buffer~ to List

Using peek~ and

Using jit.buffer~ and jit.spill

Audio to Matrix

Filling up a matrix

Reading from a buffer

Writing into a matrix

Matrix to Audio

Scanning a matrix

Read a video as an audio signal

Matrix to Texture

Convert a matrix to a texture. It really is that simple.

Texture to Matrix

Convert a texture to a matrix

Matrix to Messages

Get cell values from a matrix as a list

Read a specific cell from a matrix

Get a representative number from a matrix

Output the cells of a matrix one by one

Message to Matrix

Fill up a matrix using a list

Set a single cell in a matrix

Matrix Upsampling/Downsampling

Downsample a matrix, no interpolation

Upsample a matrix with interpolation

Matrix Color Conversion

Red-Green-Blue to Hue-Saturation-Lightness

Red-Green-Blue to Luminance

More color space conversions

Thread Priority Conversion

Move a high-priority message to the low priority queue

Move a low-priority message to the high-priority scheduler

Note that this won't make the message get processed "sooner", but if you know what you're doing there may be situations where it's useful.


Convert a dictionary to a coll

Convert a coll to a dictionary

Add an array to a dictionary

Number Formats

Decimal to Hex

Hex to Decimal

Decimal to Binary

Binary to Decimal

String to Array

String to Array

Array to String

Array to String

buffer~ to Array

buffer~ to Array

Array to buffer~

Array to buffer~ using array.tobuffer

Array to buffer~ (multiple channels)

Each nested array is its own channel