Ableton DSP
The Ableton DSP package is a collection of objects that bring Ableton Live devices and high-level DSP components into Max. From oscillators to modulators and filters to reverbs, these objects provide building blocks that speed up patch creation.

abl.device vs. abl.dsp
The prefixes "abl.device" and "abl.dsp" are used to distinguish between objects that wrap entire Live devices and objects that wrap DSP components. For instance, abl.device.utility~ has the same functionality as the Live Utility device, whereas abl.dsp.ramp~ wraps one of the modulators in Live's Meld instrument and abl.dsp.shimmer~ wraps one of Live's Hybrid Reverb audio effects.
Inlets and attributes
In most Ableton DSP objects, there are a select number of parameters that can be changed as either attributes or signals. For example, the @ratio
attribute of abl.dsp.harmonicfm~ can be controlled via the third inlet. When a signal is connected to the inlet, the attribute will become disabled while the signal takes over control. If the signal is disconnected, the attribute will re-enable.

Internal smoothing
Unlike most Max objects, Ableton DSP objects offer internal parameter smoothing. Whenever a float-type attribute is changed at event-rate (from an attrui or float inlet, for example), a short ramp is applied instead of immediately stepping to the new value. This mitigates "zipper noise" as attributes are changed at event-rate. However, if you control a parameter at signal rate by attaching a signal to an inlet, no extra smoothing is applied.