The JXS File Format
Jitter objects that work with shaders use a special shader description file format called JXS, or Jitter XML Shader. This file tells Max how to load a list of shaders and connect them up to Max. It includes a description, a list of textures and parameters, and a list of shaders. There must always be one vertex and fragment shader, and there can be an optional geometry shader. A typical JXS file looks like this:
<jittershader name="myshader">
<!-- optional description -->
<description>This is my shader</description>
<!-- optional list of texture objects to bind -->
<texture file="chilis.jpg" rectangle="0"/>
<!-- optional list of shader parameters -->
<param name="myparam" type="vec3" default="1 2 3" >
<description>This is my parameter</description>
<!-- optional list of shader state parameters -->
<param name="modelViewProjectionMatrix" type="mat4" state="MODELVIEW_PROJECTION_MATRIX" />
<param name="jit_position" type="vec3" state="POSITION" />
<param name="jit_texcoord" type="vec2" state="TEXCOORD" />
<!-- optionally include other glsl sources -->
<include source="diffuse.glsl" program="vp" />
<!-- list of language implementations -->
<language name="glsl" version="1.5">
<!-- list of binding targets for shader parameters -->
<bind param="modelViewProjectionMatrix" program="vp" />
<bind param="jit_position" program="vp" />
<bind param="jit_texcoord" program="vp" />
<bind param="myparam" program="fp" />
<program name="vp" type="vertex">
#version 330 core
in vec3 jit_position;
in vec2 jit_texcoord;
out jit_PerVertex {
vec2 texcoord0;
} jit_out;
uniform mat4 modelViewProjectionMatrix;
void main() {
gl_Position = modelViewProjectionMatrix*vec4(jit_position, 1);
jit_out.texcoord0 = jit_texcoord;
<program name="fp" type="fragment">
#version 330 core
in jit_PerVertex {
vec2 texcoord0;
} jit_in;
layout (location = 0) out vec4 outColor;
uniform sampler2D tex0;
uniform vec3 myparam;
void main() {
outColor = vec4(myparam, 1) * texture(tex0, jit_in.texcoord0);
The jittershader
A JXS file opens with a jittershader
tag. This tag has a single, optional attribute, the name
attribute. This attribute is currently unused by Max, but by convention a JXS author should provide a descriptive name.
The description
A jittershader
may include a description
. This description is also optional, but by convention this is a good place to document the intended behavior of a JXS file. Max may use this information when listing available shaders.
The texture
A jittershader
may have one or more textures, defined using a texture
tag. The file
attribute loads the texture from an image file, which may be any file in Max's Search Path.
<texture file="mytexture.jpg"/>
A texture
may be modified, using any attribute of the object.
<texture file="gn.gradperm.png" rectangle="0" filter="none none" wrap="repeat repeat" mipmap="none" anisotropy="0" />
Bind a texture to a parameter using the unit
attribute. This defaults to zero, and so may be omitted if there is only one texture parameter.
<!-- The texture has unit="1", so binds to texture tex_rand with default="1" -->
<param name="tex_normals" type="int" default="0" />
<param name="tex_rand" type="int" default="1" />
<texture file="random-tex.png" type="float16" unit="1" rectangle="0" filter="none none" wrap="repeat repeat"/>
See texture parameters for more details about binding Max textures to shader programs.
Parameters and the param
Use the param
tag to create parameters, which define bindings between values available in Max and shader variables. These can bind to numerical Max values, to Jitter textures, or to specific state variables calculated by the graphics engine. A parameter may contain a description.
<param name="myparam" type="float" default="1.0">
<description> A parameter description </description>
A parameter must also have a type. Parameter types can be most of the primitive types defined by the glsl standard.
Type | Description |
bool | boolean type |
int | integer type, also used for texture input |
float | float-width number type |
double | double-width number type |
bvec2, bvec3, bvec4 | boolean vector of length 2, 3, or 4 |
ivec2, ivec3, ivec4 | integer vector of length 2, 3, or 4 |
vec2, vec3, vec4 | float vector of length 2, 3, or 4 |
dvec2, dvec3, dvec4 | double vector of length 2, 3, or 4 |
mat2 | two-by-two matrix |
mat3 | three-by-three matrix |
mat4 | four-by-four matrix |
Numeric parameters
Create a binding to a numerical value in Max by creating a param
tag without a state
<param name="myparam" type="float" default="1.0" />
Set this value in Max using the param
Texture parameters
To define a texture parameter, a param
should have the type "int" and a default value that matches the parameter index. Max will recognize that this "int" param represents a texture if the param
is later bound to a sampler type, for example a sampler2DRect or a sampler2D.
<!-- Two input textures -->
<param name="image1" type="int" default="0" />
<param name="image2" type="int" default="1" />
<param name="modelViewProjectionMatrix" type="mat4" state="MODELVIEW_PROJECTION_MATRIX" />
<param name="textureMatrix0" type="mat4" state="TEXTURE0_MATRIX" />
<param name="textureMatrix1" type="mat4" state="TEXTURE1_MATRIX" />
<param name="jit_position" type="vec3" state="POSITION" />
<param name="jit_texcoord" type="vec2" state="TEXCOORD" />
<language name="glsl" version="1.5">
<bind param="image1" program="fp" />
<bind param="image2" program="fp" />
<bind param="modelViewProjectionMatrix" program="vp" />
<bind param="textureMatrix0" program="vp" />
<bind param="textureMatrix1" program="vp" />
<bind param="jit_position" program="vp" />
<bind param="jit_texcoord" program="vp" />
<program name="vp" type="vertex">
#version 330 core
in vec3 jit_position;
in vec2 jit_texcoord;
out jit_PerVertex {
vec2 texcoord0;
vec2 texcoord1;
} jit_out;
uniform mat4 modelViewProjectionMatrix;
uniform mat4 textureMatrix0;
uniform mat4 textureMatrix1;
void main() {
gl_Position = modelViewProjectionMatrix*vec4(jit_position, 1.);
jit_out.texcoord0 = vec2(textureMatrix0 * vec4(jit_texcoord, 0., 1.));
jit_out.texcoord1 = vec2(textureMatrix1 * vec4(jit_texcoord, 0., 1.));
<program name="fp" type="fragment">
#version 330 core
// texcoords
in jit_PerVertex {
vec2 texcoord0;
vec2 texcoord1;
} jit_in;
layout (location = 0) out vec4 outColor;
// samplers
uniform sampler2DRect image1;
uniform sampler2DRect image2;
void main() {
vec4 im1 = texture(image1, jit_in.texcoord0);
vec4 im2 = texture(image2, jit_in.texcoord1);
outColor = im1 + im2;
In Max, you can set these textures using a texture list, or using the inlets of a object.
State parameters
Parameters can also bind to shader state variables, built-in uniform variables that expose the graphics engine state to JXS shader programs. To create a param
bound to a state variable in this way, use the state
<param name="itvmat" type="mat3" state="NORMAL_MATRIX" />
Available shader parameter state bindings are listed below.
Model View and Projection Matrices
WORLD_MATRIX | mat4 | transforms into world coordinates, also known as model matrix |
VIEW_MATRIX | mat4 | transforms into current camera view, also known as eye |
MODELVIEW_MATRIX | mat4 | combined view and model (world) transform |
PROJECTION_MATRIX | mat4 | current camera projection transform |
VIEW_PROJECTION_MATRIX | mat4 | combined projection and view transform |
MODELVIEW_PROJECTION_MATRIX | mat4 | combined projection view and model transform |
NORMAL_MATRIX | mat3 | orients the normals in eye space |
CAM_PROJECTION_MATRIX | mat4 | provides the current rendering camera's projection matrix; in most cases is equivalent to PROJECTION_MATRIX except in cases where a full-screen quad is rendering, e.g. in a (or |
CAMERA_POSITION | vec3 | camera position in world space |
CAMERA_DIRECTION | vec3 | camera direction in world space |
VIEWPORT | vec2 | the pixel size of rendering window |
INVERSE_VIEWPORT | vec2 | the inverse of the viewport dims |
NEAR_CLIP | float | camera near clipping distance |
FAR_CLIP | float | camera far clipping distance |
FAR_CORNER | vec3 | far corner of the view frustrum |
Shaders used in Jitter can reference up to eight simultaneous lights. To create a param
bound to the state of a particular light, use a state
attribute with a value like LIGHT0_POSITION to bind to the position of the first light, LIGHT1_POSITION to bind to the position of the second light, and so on.
LIGHT_VIEWPROJ_MATRIX0-7 | mat4 | scene seen from the light position |
LIGHT_RANGE0-7 | float | distance reached by the light |
LIGHT0-7_POSITION | vec3 | position of the light |
LIGHT0-7_DIRECTION | vec3 | direction of the light |
LIGHT0-7_AMBIENT | vec4 | ambient light color |
LIGHT0-7_DIFFUSE | vec4 | diffuse light color |
LIGHT0-7_SPECULAR | vec4 | specular light color |
LIGHT0-7_CUTOFF | float | the spotlight cutoff in degrees |
LIGHT0-7_EXPONENT | float | the spotlight exponent defining dropoff from cone center |
AMBIENT | vec4 | material ambient color |
DIFFUSE | vec4 | material diffuse color |
SPECULAR | vec4 | material specular color |
EMISSION | vec4 | material emission color |
COLOR0 | vec4 | object color |
Similar to lights, Jitter shaders can reference up to eight texture inputs. For each one, create a param
bound to the state of a particular texture with an indexed key for state
. So TEXTURE0_MATRIX will bind to the texture transform matrix of the first texture, TEXTURE1_MATRIX to bind the texture transform matrix of the second texture, and so on.
TEXTURE0-7_MATRIX | mat4 | Texture tranform matrix for textures 0-7 |
TEXDIM0-7 | vec2 | Texture dimentions for textures 0-7 |
Jitter provides time, frame and date based state parameters, useful for tasks like animating values and seeding random number generators in your shader program. TIME
will be specific to a particular shader program, whereas GLOBAL_TIME
, and DATE
will be uniform for all shader programs running in a particular context.
TIME | float | time in seconds since program compilation |
GLOBAL_TIME | float | time in seconds since context initialization |
DELTA_TIME | float | time in seconds since previous frame |
FRAME | int | frame count since program compilation |
CONTEXT_FRAME | int | frame count since context initialization |
DATE | vec4 | year, month, day, time in seconds |
Matrix transformations
You can apply a matrix transformation to any param
with a mat4 type
, using the transform
<param name="itvmat" type="mat4" state="VIEW_MATRIX" transform="INVERSE_TRANSPOSE" />
Recognized matrix transformations include IDENTITY
Vertex attributes
Several built-in vertex attributes are available via the following state tags:
POSITION | vec3 |
TEXCOORD | vec2 |
NORMAL | vec3 |
TANGENT | vec3 |
BITANGENT | vec3 |
COLOR | vec4 |
VERTEX_ATTR | user-defined |
VERTEX_ATTR0 | user-defined |
VERTEX_ATTR1 | user-defined |
VERTEX_ATTR2 | user-defined |
VERTEX_ATTR3 | user-defined |
The state tags VERTEX_ATTR and VERTEX_ATTR0 through VERTEX_ATTR4 are for custom vertex attributes. Define the param
tag like so:
<param name="pvel" type="vec4" state="VERTEX_ATTR" />
and in the vertex program:
in vec4 pvel;
To set the values of custom vertex attributes from the patcher, send the vertex_attr_matrix
message followed by the name of a jit.matrix containing the attribute values. The example patcher custom.vertex.attribute demonstrates this.
Shaders and the language
After the description, textures, and parameters are declared, the language
tag includes the shader definitions themselves.
<!-- list of language implementations -->
<language type="glsl" version="1.0">
<!-- list of binding targets for shader parameters -->
<bind param="myparam" program="vp"/>
<!-- vertex and fragment programs -->
<program name="vp" type="vertex" source="sh.passthru.xform.vp.glsl"/>
<program name="fp" type="fragment">
// entry point
void main()
gl_FragColor=vec4(0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1.0);
The language tag includes the type
, which will always be "glsl", as well as the version
. Shader versions 1.5 or higher are treated as "modern" shaders, whereas anything lower will be treated as legacy and transformed automatically before getting passed to the graphics engine.
The bind
The bind
tag binds declared parameters to variables in any one of the shader programs.
<param name="myparam1" type="vec3" default="3.0 4.0 5.0" />
<param name="myparam2" type="float" default="0" />
<language type="glsl" version="1.5">
<bind param="myparam1" program="vp" />
<bind param="myparam2" program="fp" />
<program name="vp" type="vertex">
uniform vec3 myparam1;
void main() {
// ... the vertex program
<program name="fp" type="fragment">
uniform float myparam2;
void main() {
// ... the fragment program
The param
attribute of a bind
tag identifies a parameter with that name. The program
attribute directs that parameter to a particular program. Within the program, the parameter is bound to the variable with the same name.
The type
of the param
tag should match the type of the variable in the vertex, fragment, or geometry shader program. One exception is for texture parameters. The type of the param
for a texture parameter should be int
, and it should be bound to a variable with a "Sampler" type, like Sampler2D
or Sampler2DRect
The include
After binding parameters but before declaring shaders, you can use the include
tag to include external glsl sources. These can be any files in the Max search path.
<bind param="FrontMaterialParameters" program="vp" />
<bind param="LightingParameters" program="vp" />
<include source="diffuse.glsl" program="vp" />
<include source="specular.glsl" program="vp" />
<program name="vp" type="vertex">
The program
A program
tag contains the actual shader program. The name
of a program
tag can be anything, and is used by the bind
tag to bind external parameters to program variables. The type
attribute of a program
tag can be vertex
, fragment
, or geometry
. To define the shader program itself, a program can use the source
attribute to specify a .glsl
file, or the contents of the program
tag can be character data containing the glsl shader program itself.
<language type="glsl" version="1.0">
<program name="vp" type="vertex" source="sh.passthru.xform.vp.glsl"/>
<program name="fp" type="fragment">
void main()
gl_FragColor=vec4(0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1.0);