jit.gl.lua Color Bindings
hue (HSLA, factor)
Shift the hue part of an HSL[A] color by a factor- HSLA
A table of HSL and optionally an A value
The shifting factor
saturate (HSLA, factor)
Scale the saturation part of an HSL[A] color by a factor- HSLA
A table of HSL and optionally an A value
The scaling factor
lighten (HSLA, factor)
Scale the lightness part of an HSL[A] color by a factor- HSLA
A table of HSL and optionally an A value
The scaling factor
RGBtoHSL (...)
Convert RGB[A] [0, 1] to HSL[A] [0, 1]If the input has an alpha channel, it will be appended to output
A table or unpacked list of RGB[A] values
HSLtoRGB (...)
Convert HSL[A] [0, 1] to RGB[A] [0, 1]If the input has an alpha channel, it will be appended to the output
A table or unpacked list of HSL[A] values
Color Names
aliceblue | |
antiquewhite | |
- | -------------- |
aquamarine | |
- | ------------ |
azure | |
- | ------- |
beige | |
- | ------- |
bisque | |
- | -------- |
black | |
- | ------- |
blanchedalmond | |
- | ---------------- |
blueviolet | |
- | ------------ |
brown | |
- | ------- |
burlywood | |
- | ----------- |
chartreuse | |
- | ------------ |
chocolate | |
- | ----------- |
coral | |
- | ------- |
cornflowerblue | |
- | ---------------- |
cornsilk | |
- | ---------- |
crimson | |
- | --------- |
darkgoldenrod | |
- | --------------- |
darkgray | |
- | ---------- |
darkgrey | |
- | ---------- |
darkkhaki | |
- | ----------- |
darkmagenta | |
- | ------------- |
darkorange | |
- | ------------ |
darkorchid | |
- | ------------ |
darkred | |
- | --------- |
darksalmon | |
- | ------------ |
darkseagreen | |
- | -------------- |
darkviolet | |
- | ------------ |
deeppink | |
- | ---------- |
dimgray | |
- | --------- |
dimgrey | |
- | --------- |
firebrick | |
- | ----------- |
floralwhite | |
- | ------------- |
fuchsia | |
- | --------- |
gainsboro | |
- | ----------- |
ghostwhite | |
- | ------------ |
gold | |
- | ------ |
goldenrod | |
- | ----------- |
gray | |
- | ------ |
grey | |
- | ------ |
greenyellow | |
- | ------------- |
honeydew | |
- | ---------- |
hotpink | |
- | --------- |
indianred | |
- | ----------- |
ivory | |
- | ------- |
khaki | |
- | ------- |
lavender | |
- | ---------- |
lavenderblush | |
- | --------------- |
lawngreen | |
- | ----------- |
lemonchiffon | |
- | -------------- |
lightblue | |
- | ----------- |
lightcoral | |
- | ------------ |
lightcyan | |
- | ----------- |
lightgoldenrodyellow | |
- | ---------------------- |
lightgray | |
- | ----------- |
lightgreen | |
- | ------------ |
lightgrey | |
- | ----------- |
lightpink | |
- | ----------- |
lightsalmon | |
- | ------------- |
lightskyblue | |
- | -------------- |
lightslategray | |
- | ---------------- |
lightslategrey | |
- | ---------------- |
lightsteelblue | |
- | ---------------- |
lightyellow | |
- | ------------- |
linen | |
- | ------- |
magenta | |
- | --------- |
maroon | |
- | -------- |
mediumaquamarine | |
- | ------------------ |
mediumorchid | |
- | -------------- |
mediumpurple | |
- | -------------- |
mediumslateblue | |
- | ----------------- |
mediumvioletred | |
- | ----------------- |
mintcream | |
- | ----------- |
mistyrose | |
- | ----------- |
moccasin | |
- | ---------- |
navajowhite | |
- | ------------- |
oldlace | |
- | --------- |
olive | |
- | ------- |
olivedrab | |
- | ----------- |
orange | |
- | -------- |
orangered | |
- | ----------- |
orchid | |
- | -------- |
palegoldenrod | |
- | --------------- |
palegreen | |
- | ----------- |
paleturquoise | |
- | --------------- |
palevioletred | |
- | --------------- |
papayawhip | |
- | ------------ |
peachpuff | |
- | ----------- |
peru | |
- | ------ |
pink | |
- | ------ |
plum | |
- | ------ |
powderblue | |
- | ------------ |
purple | |
- | -------- |
red | |
- | ----- |
rosybrown | |
- | ----------- |
saddlebrown | |
- | ------------- |
salmon | |
- | -------- |
sandybrown | |
- | ------------ |
seashell | |
- | ---------- |
sienna | |
- | -------- |
silver | |
- | -------- |
skyblue | |
- | --------- |
slateblue | |
- | ----------- |
slategray | |
- | ----------- |
slategrey | |
- | ----------- |
snow | |
- | ------ |
tan | |
- | ----- |
thistle | |
- | --------- |
tomato | |
- | -------- |
violet | |
- | -------- |
wheat | |
- | ------- |
white | |
- | ------- |
whitesmoke | |
- | ------------ |
yellow | |
- | -------- |
yellowgreen | |
- | ------------- |