Creating Max for Live Devices

When you use Max for Live to create new devices, you always begin from a basic template - a Max device that contains the necessary Max objects for receiving and transmitting audio or MIDI data to and from other devices in the Devices area of a Live track. When you edit a Max device, you launch the Max application, but you can continue to listen to your device in Live as you edit it thanks to a feature known as preview mode. When your Max for Live device is complete, you can save it (along with any presets you may wish to create) in a central library that allows you to load your patch or preset from the Live File browser at any time in the future.

Creating a New Device

  • Click on the Devices button in Live's File browser to display the list of available devices.

  • Click on the arrow to the left of the folder marked Instruments, MIDI Effects, or Audio Effects to show the available devices and their presets.

  • Click on a Max for live device in Live's File Browser and drag it to the Devices Window for a Live Track.

Saving a New Device

  • To save a device, click on the close button in the patcher's title bar or choose Save from the Max File menu. If you are saving a newly created device, a file dialog will appear and ask where you want to save the file.

  • To see the current library of available devices, click on the arrow to the left of any of the three Max for Live device folders (the Max Audio Effects folder in the Audio Effects folder, the Max MIDI Effects folder in the MIDI Effects folder, or the Max Instruments folder in the Instruments folder). The folder will open and any saved devices will be displayed.

Copying a Device

  • To save a copy of a Max for Live device you want to edit, choose Save As... from the File menu. A file dialog will appear so you can give your device a new name.

  • When you save the device, the copy in Live will update automatically.

See Also