Geometry Objects

The jit.geom family of objects, like jit.geom.shape, are a specialized group of Jitter objects designed to work with Half-edge Geometry Structures. This way of representing geometries makes certain kinds of geometry manipulations much easier and more efficient:

Learning & Examples

Follow the Jitter Geometry tutorial series, or check out some examples of what's possible with these objects:

ContoursExample of how to make a Jitter geometry look hand-drawn
FractalsFractal geometries using jit.geom + JavaScript
Point CloudGenerate a point cloud using jit.geom
ThicknessExtrude triangles to create volumes

Half-edge Structure

The Jitter geometry objects represent geometries using a half-edge structure. This structure makes it easy to determine which vertices are adjacent to each other, so that manipulations like extruding, decimating, and remeshing are all possible. The basic idea is that each vertex should maintain a pointer to the next vertex in the shape. This pointer from one vertex to the next is the half-edge that gives the structure its name. Each half-edge also has a twin (sometimes called its opposite) that points from the next vertex back to the original. These two half-edges together make up one edge.

A single triangular face, in a half-edge representation.

One more requirement completes the definition of the half-edge structure, that following the half-edges from one vertex to the next must loop around one face of the 3D shape. You can view the structure of a half-edge geometry as text using jit.geom.todict, which converts the geometry to a structured dictionary.

A half-edge structure as a dictionary

Creating Geometries

Use the jit.geom.shape object to create a simple geometry, like an icosphere, torus, or cube. You can also use the jit.geom.togeom object to convert a Jitter matrix of triangles into a geometry. Like you see here, it can work with the output of, but it works just as well with shapes from, or with any kind of triangular mesh.

Use jit.geom.togeom to convert a Jitter matrix to a geometry

If you're not working with the output of or, then you'll need to make sure that the input to jit.geom.togeom follows the standard for 3D surfaces as represented by a Jitter matrix.

Remeshing, Subdividing, Decimating

You can adjust the shape of a Jitter geometry using various objects.

jit.geom.remeshEvenly redistribute vertexes without changing the overall shape
jit.geom.subdivideSubdivide each face into multiple faces, creating new vertices without changing the overall shape
jit.geom.decimateCombine vertices, reducing the number of vertices wihtout changing the overall shape
jit.geom.smoothSmooth out the surface vertices, which will distort the surface of the shape

Texture coordinates

The jit.geom.remesh algorithm cannot generate texture coordinates. Once a geometry passes through this object, there's no guarantee that the texture coordinates will contain anything useful. You can try to use jit.geom.texgen to generate new texture coordinates, although these won't necessarily correspond to the originals.

Texture coordinates are no longer usable after remesh

Texture Cooridinates and Surface Normals

Generate new texture coordinates for a Jitter geometry with jit.geom.texgen. The jit.geom.texgen objects has a few different algorithms that it can use to compute new texture coordinates, based on the shape of the geometry. Generate new surface normals with jit.geom.normgen.

Effect Chains

When chaining multiple Jitter geometry transformation effects together (effects like jit.geom.twist or jit.geom.dimples), you can use the @bypass attribute to route geometries through an object unchanged. This is the right way to work with geometry effects.

Geometry routed through a jit.geom.twist and a jit.geom.waves, using @bypass to skip an effect

Generally, it's not a good idea to treat geometry objects like matrix or texture processing objects, when it comes to using a regular gate object to route geometry computations.

The wrong way to bypass a geometry effect

The jit.geom objects are careful to only trigger new computation when necessary. Unlike video effects, where every new frame passes through the whole render chain, jit.geom objects only trigger new computation when their internal state changes. When you change the state of the gate object in this example, you're not changing the state of any jit.geom object. This won't trigger any new computation, and you won't actually see any change to the geometry.

Of course, you could bang the first object in the jit.geom chain to re-trigger computation manually.

Drawing Geometries

You can draw a Jitter geometry using, after having first converted the geometry to a matrix. The jit.geom.tomesh is slightly more performant, and should be used if you're trying to draw a geometry directly with If you want to use the geometry for some other purpose, where a Jitter matrix would be more useful, there is alto the jit.geom.tomatrix object to convert a geometry to a full matrix.

If you connect jit.geom.tomesh to a object, it will automatically set the @drawmode attribute of to draw the geometry correctly. Otherwise, you should set @drawmode triangles on to draw a geometry.

Both of these objects have an attribute @auto_normals that will compute surface normals, which may make an explicit jit.geom.normgen unnecessary.


By default, the Jitter geometry objects are asynchronous. They process their input on a special thread reserved for geometry calculations. This allows them to handle large, complex inputs, without slowing down video, audio, or other computations. When a Jitter geometry object is actively processing, its appearance will change to show that it's currently working.

When a Jitter geometry object is actively processing, it shows zebra stripes.

Because of this potential asynchrony, when you change a Jitter geometry object's attributes, or when you send it a new geometry, the result may not come out of the object's outlet right away. You can bypass this behavior by setting the @async attribute to 0.