Jitter expr
This document describes the Jitter expression language syntax. This is the language used for the jit.expr object, as well as the exprfill
message to a jit.matrix objects. This expression will be evaluated once for each cell in the input, in order to generate an output matrix with the same matrix dimensions as the input.
You could make a jit.expr that passes through input unchanged.
jit.expr @expr in[0]
Or you could use an expression to add the first and second inputs together:
jit.expr @expr in[0] + in[1]
Or do something more sophisticated, like apply a vignette mask:
jit.expr @expr (1-hypot(snorm[0],snorm[1]))*in[0]*2.
Reference the inputs to the expr object with in
. Get the first input with in[0]
, the second with in[1]
, and so on. Use p
to get a specific plane of the input, where in[0].p[0]
accesses the first plane of the first input, in[0].p[1]
gets the second plane of the first input, and so on.
The jit.expr object defaults to two inputs, but you can increase the number of inputs with the @inputs
To get the cell coordinates, use either cell
, norm
, or snorm
. The index is used to select the dimension, so cell[0]
is the cell coordinate in the x direction (first dimension), cell[1]
is the cell coordinate in the y direction, and so on. You can also use dim
to get the dimensions of the matrix in any direction.
Finally, it's also possible to access any named matrix by simply using the name of that matrix instead of in
. With a matrix named my_matrix
, use my_matrix
to access the contents of that matrix at the current cell coordinates, or my_matrix.p[0]
to access the first plane of that matrix.
Name | Description |
in[0-31] | Input matrix cell contents, corresponding plane |
in[0-31].p[0-31] | Input matrix cell contents, specific plane |
cell[0-31] | Cell coordinates of the current cell |
norm[0-31] | Normalized (0 to 1) cell coordinates |
snorm[0-31] | Signed normalized (-1 to 1) cell coordinates |
dim[0-31] | Matrix dimension size |
matrixname[0-31] | Named matrix cell contents, corresponding plane |
matrixname[0-31].p[0-31] | Named matrix cell contents, specific plane |
Functions and Operators
Within a Jitter expression, Jitter operators can be applied as functions. For the most part, these are the same operators as are defined for the jit.op
object. Some of these can be applied as infix operators, for example in[0] + in[1]
for the +
operator. Others are called as functions, with commas between arguments, like absdiff(in[0], in[1])
Instead of the Jitter operators >p
and <p
, use the function calls gtp(val, test)
and ltp(val, test)
Name | Description |
pass | pass left input, no operator |
* | multiplication (also mult ) |
/ | division (also div ) |
+ | addition (also add ) |
- | subtraction (also sub ) |
+m | addition modulo (char only) (also addm ) |
-m | subtraction modulo (char only) (also subm ) |
% | modulo (also mod ) |
min | minimum |
max | maximum |
abs | absolute value (unary) |
avg | average |
absdiff | absolute value of difference |
fold | folding/mirrored modulo (float only) |
wrap | wrapping/positive modulo (float only) |
!pass | pass right input, no operator |
!/ | right input divided by left input (flipped) |
!- | right input minus left input (flipped) |
!% | right input modulo left input (flipped) |
ignore | leave previous output value |
(float32/float64 only, unary except atan2)
Name | Description |
sin | sine |
cos | cosine |
tan | tangent |
asin | arcsine |
acos | arccosine |
atan | arctangent |
atan2 | arctangent (binary) |
sinh | hyperbolic sine |
cosh | hyperbolic cosine |
tanh | hyperbolic tangent |
asinh | hyperbolic arcsine |
acosh | hyperbolic arccosine |
atanh | hyperbolic arctangent |
(long/char only)
Name | Description |
& | bitwise and |
| | bitwise or |
^ | bitwise xor |
~ | bitwise compliment (unary) |
>> | right shift |
<< | left shift |
Name | Description |
&& | logical and |
|| | logical or |
! | logical not (unary) |
> | greater than |
< | less than |
>= | greater than or equal to |
<= | less than or equal to |
== | equal |
!= | not equal |
>p | greater than (pass) |
<p | less than (pass) |
>=p | greater than or equal to (pass) |
<=p | less than or equal to (pass) |
==p | equal (pass) |
!=p | not equal (pass) |
(float32/float64 only, unary except hypot and pow)
Name | Description |
exp | e to the x |
exp2 | 2 to the x |
ln | log base e |
log2 | log base 2 |
log10 | log base 10 |
hypot | hypotenuse (binary) |
pow | x to the y (binary) |
sqrt | square root |
ceil | integer ceiling |
floor | integer floor |
round | round to nearest integer |
trunc | truncate to integer |
Matrix Operators
Many Jitter Matrix Operators can be used inside of a Jitter expression as well. These are the functional equivalent of Jitter objects like jit.clip
, objects that perform a simple operation on their matrix inputs. There is no exhaustive list of these, but if there's a simple Jitter object that you'd like to use in an expression, chances are it will work. You could use the following expression to convolve two matrices.
jit.expr @expr "jit.convolve(in[0], in[1])"
If the Jitter matrix operator can be configured with attributes, those can be supplied as an attribute list following the other arguments to the matrix operator. The following would constrain the values in each plane to be between 0.2 and 0.8.
jit.expr @expr "jit.clip(in[0], @min 0.2 @max 0.8)"
Basis Function Generators
The basis function generators from the jit.bfg object can also be used inside of an expression. These work in much the same way as matrix operators.
jit.expr @expr "noise.gradient(norm[0]*2, norm[1]*2, @seed 313)"
Distance functions
Name | Description |
distance.chebychev | Absolute maximum difference between two points |
distance.euclidean | True straight line distance in Euclidean space |
distance.euclidean.squared | Squared Euclidean distance |
distance.manhattan | Rectilinear distance measured along axes at right angles |
distance.manhattan.radial | Manhattan distance with radius fall-off control |
distance.minkovsky | Exponentially controlled distance |
Filter functions
Name | Description |
filter.box | Sums all samples in the filter area with equal weight |
filter.gaussian | Weights samples in the filter area using a bell curve |
filter.lanczossinc | Weights samples using a steep windowed sinc curve |
filter.mitchell | Weights samples using a controllable cubic polynomial |
filter.disk | Sums all samples inside the filter's radius with equal weight |
filter.sinc | Weights samples using an un-windowed sinc curve |
filter.catmullrom | Weights samples using a Catmull-Rom cubic polynomial |
filter.bessel | Weights samples with a linear phase response |
filter.triangle | Weights samples in the filter area using a pyramid |
Transfer functions
Name | Descrpition |
transfer.step | Always 0 if value is less than threshold, otherwise always 1 |
transfer.smoothstep | Step function with cubic smoothing at boundaries |
transfer.bias | Polynomial similar to gamma but remapped to unit interval |
transfer.cubic | Generic 3rd order polynomial with controllable coefficients |
transfer.saw | Periodic triangle pulse train |
transfer.quintic | Generic 5th order polynomial with controllable coefficients |
transfer.gain | S-Shaped polynomial evaluated inside unit interval |
transfer.pulse | Periodic step function |
transfer.smoothpulse | Periodic step function with cubic smoothing at boundaries |
transfer.sine | Periodic sinusoidal curve |
transfer.linear | Linear function across unit interval |
transfer.solarize | Scales given value if threshold is exceeded |
Noise functions
Name | Description |
noise.cellnoise | Coherent blocky noise |
noise.checker | Periodic checker squares |
noise.value.cubicspline | Polynomial smoothed pseudo-random values |
noise.value.convolution | Convolution filtered pseudo-random values |
noise.sparse.convolution | Convolution filtered pseudo-random feature points |
noise.gradient | Directionally weighted polynomially interpolated values |
noise.simplex | Simplex weighted pseudo-random values |
noise.voronoi | Distance weighted pseudo-random feature points |
noise.distorted | Domain distorted combinational noise |
Fractal functions
Name | Description |
mono | Additive fractal with global simularity across scales |
multi | Multiplicative fractal with varying simularity across scales |
multi.hybrid | A hybrid additive and multiplicative fractal |
multi.hetero | Heterogenous multiplicative fractal |
multi.ridged | Multiplicative fractal with sharp ridges |
turbulence | Additive mono-fractal with sharp ridges |
There's also a handful of constants ready as well. An expression like in[0] * DEGTORAD
would convert a matrix full of degrees to a matrix full of radians.
Name | Description |
PI | Ratio of a circle's circumference to its diameter |
TWOPI | Twice the value of pi |
HALFPI | Half the value of pi |
INVPI | One over pi |
DEGTORAD | Scale factor to convert degrees to radians |
RADTODEG | Scale factor to convert radians to degrees |
E | Base of the natural logarithm |
LN2 | Natural logarithm evaluated for 2 |
LN10 | Natural logarithm evaluated for 10 |
LOG10E | Log base 10 evaluated for e |
LOG2E | Log base 2 evaluated for e |
SQRT2 | Square root of 2 |
SQRT1_2 | One over the square root of 2 |