Render Passes
Rendering means taking the elements of a scene, including the lighting, camera position, and the geometry of the objects in the scene, and using those to compute an image. After the initial pass, we can perform additional render passes to create postprocessing effects. These passes can use the initial image output, along with intermediary structures computed during the previous pass—for example the depth buffer—to produce another image. Depth of field is a classic example of a postprocessing effect, using the depth buffer to apply a blur proportional to the distance from the camera. Multiple passes can be chained together to produce complex effects.
The object provides a high-level, text-based way to describe a render pass. Working with a pass description file (a .jxp file), you can combine Jitter shaders defined in text (.jxs files) with Gen-based Jitter shaders (.genjit files) to create a final, complex shader with multiple stages.
Because a object works with intermediate render targets like the depth buffer, it works differently from objects like or, which can work as simple video effects. The object always works with a object, even if it's the internal object in a object.
To work with a, geometry must have a material attached to it, for example by attaching a or a object.
The typical use pattern for is to bind to a object with the same name. Multiple objects can be connected together to create complex effects. Finally, the texture output of the last object is connected to a object to be displayed in the root rendering context.

When a object is connected to a, the @capture
attribute is controlled by the object. It will be set automatically to accommodate for the render targets requested by all effects bound to that node.
The JXP File Format
To determine its behavior, a object loads a Jitter Pass file: a specially-formatted XML file that defines one or more render passes. Every JXP file has a <jitterpass>
node as its root.
<!-- Pass definitions go here -->
Max includes several examples of common post-processing effects, implemented in the JXP format. Start with motionblur and look for other examples in the same folder.
The <pass> tag
The <jitterpass>
tag can contain multiple <pass>
tags, each of which defines one pass.
<pass name="passname">
<!-- Pass definition here -->
Each <pass>
must have a name attribute, which is the identifier that a will use with the @fxname
attribute to load the pass definition. For built-in pass definitions, the @fxname
attribute is sufficient to select the pass. To load a custom pass
definition, use the @file
attribute to load the custom pass file, followed by @fxname
to load the specific pass.

The <bind> tag
At the top of a <pass>
tag, you can can use the <bind>
tag to create a binding between Max attributes and shader parameters. Use the name
attribute to define the name of the attribute as it will appear in Max. The param
attribute will specify which shader parameter to bind to. The param
attribute will bind to the first shader parameter among <subpass>
tags with a matching name.

The <inputs> tag
A <pass>
tag can optionally contain an <inputs>
tag containing one or more <input>
tags specifying input source properties (see source input). The properties are exposed via attributes on the underlying render targets of the bound context. A common use case might be inverting the depth buffer clear value. Render target erase_color
defaults to 0 0 0 0. Since the alpha component determines the depth, this default implies a depth clear value 0. To invert, specify a 1 for the alpha component of erase_color
in the <input>
tag for source
NORMALS. The code below demonstrates this, and specifies type
and erase_color
per target.
<pass name="passname">
<input source="COLOR" type="char" erase_color="0 0 0 1" />
<!-- inverted depth clear value -->
<input source="NORMALS" type="float16" erase_color="0 0 0 1" />
<!-- subpasses -->
Important to note, input sources are shared by all pass effects bound to a particular context. As a concequence any <input>
tag attribute defined here will change that attribute for all active passes in the context.
The <subpass> tag
Each <pass>
tag contains one or more <subpass>
tags. These <subpass>
tags define which shader program to load, as well as how that shader should connect to the various input sources available (see subpass sources). To load a shader, set the file
attribute to load a Jitter shader (a .jxs
file), or set the gen
attribute to load a shader (a .genjit
<pass name="passname">
<subpass file="cf.radialblur.jxs">
<!-- subpass inputs -->
<subpass gen="kaleido.genjit">
<!-- subpass inputs -->
A <subpass>
tag can also have a name, allowing it to be referred to as an input by other subpasses. Finally, a subpass can also use the dimscale
attribute to scale the size of any dimension of the output texture, and the rect
attribute to adjust or invert the subpass texture coordinates. See the object reference for for more.
<pass name="passname">
<!-- a named subpass can be referred to by other subpasses -->
<subpass file="cf.radialblur.jxs" name="subpass_name">
<!-- here dimscale will downsample (shrink) the output texture -->
<subpass file="cf.radialblur.jxs" dimscale="0.5 0.5">
<!-- rect defines normalized texture coordinates, left-bottom-right-top -->
<!-- used in this way, we could mirror the texture left to right-->
<subpass file="cf.radialblur.jxs" rect="1 0 0 1">
<!-- >
Subpass sources
The number of texture inputs to a subpass will depend on the number of texture inputs of its loaded shader. You can connect each input to a different source using the <input>
child tag. The input to a subpass can be a named texture, another named subpass, or one of several special sources.
Named texture input
Use the name
attribute to specify a named texture as input.
<pass name="passname">
<subpass file="cf.radialblur.jxs">
<input name="named_texture" />
Source input
The source
tag can get input from any of several special sources.
<pass name="passname">
<subpass file="hdr.bloom.jxs">
<input source="VELOCITY" />
Name | Description |
COLOR | RGBA color render target |
NORMALS | normals in RBG, depth buffer in A |
VELOCITY | horizontal velocity in R, vertical velocity in G |
PREVIOUS | the preceeding subpass output |
HISTORY | the previous output (output from the previous frame) of the entire <pass> |
TEXTURE0...N | any of the textures, input as a list, to If three texture names are bound to the @texture attribute of, refer to the first one with TEXTURE0, the second with TEXTURE1, and the third with TEXTURE2. |
SUBPASS0...N | any subpass output of the current <pass> . The first <subpass> is SUBPASS0, the second is SUBPASS1, and so on. |
ALBEDO | the albedo material component ( materials use diffuse). |
ROUGHMETAL | material roughness in R and metalness G ( materials use inverted shininess in R and shininess in G). |
ENVIRONMENT | the environment cubemap texture of the active Specifying will disable environment input on bound materials. |
Pass effects that request NORMALS, VELOCITY, ALBEDO, ROUGHMETAL, or ENVIRONMENT as input sources require or generated materials.
Subpass input
Use the subpass
attribute to specify another subpass to use as input.
<pass name="passname">
<subpass file="cf.laplace.jxs" name="laplace">
<input source="COLOR" />
<subpass file="hdr.bloom.jxs">
<input subpass="laplace" />
The output index of a multi-output subpass
input type is specified using an "output" attribute and 0-based indexing. The previous frame of subpass input types can be requested using the history keyword and setting it to 1. For example to set second output of the previous frame as the input.
<input subpass="mysubpass" output="1" history="1" />