MC Visualization and Probing
Multichannel signals can be visualized using the following objects:
meter~ - standard LED-like metering
levelmeter~ - VU metering
number~ - displays the numerical value a signal
scope~ - oscilliscope-like signal display
spectroscope~ - displays the spectral content of a signal
Selecting a Display Channel
The number~, levelmeter~, scope~ and spectroscope~ objects will adapt to show all multichannel signals, but will only display or foreground one channel at a time. Use the channel display selector to bring one of the channels into focus.
- Click on one of the channel display selector indicators to switch to the chosen channel.
The scope~ and levelmeter~ objects have an inactivealpha attribute that controls the relative brightness of unselected channels.
Signal Probing
The Signal Probe works with MC signals.
Enable Signal Probe in the Debug menu
Move the cursor over a multi-channel patch cord to view the signals it contains:
- Press the down-arrow key to switch to one of the alternative displays: