Object Thesaurus
A collection of messages to send remotely
qlist |
A matrix-friendly MSP buffer~
jit.buffer~ |
A set of matrices for storage/resequencing
jit.matrixset |
ADSR envelope generator for signals
adsr~ |
ASCII number for each character in a string
spell |
ASCII number, convert to text character
sprintf |
ASCII numbers, convert symbol to
spell |
Absolute to relative path conversion
relativepath |
Absolute value
of an integer or floating-point number | abs |
of all samples in a signal | abs~ |
of all samples in a matrix | jit.op |
Accelerate Max timing in objects
setclock |
Accelerate, control clock speed of Max timing objects
setclock |
Access all pattr objects in a patcher
pattrhub |
Access audio driver output channels
adoutput~ |
two matrices | jit.op , jit.expr |
two numbers | + , accum , expr |
two signals | +~ |
arguments to the begining of a message | prepend |
arguments to the end of a message | append |
a series of numbers | accum , expr , table |
Adjust image brightness/contrast/saturation
jit.brcosa |
display a text message | dialog , lcd , umenu , message , pcontrol , print |
flash when an event occurs | button , led , ubutton |
Allocate notes to different voices
poly |
Allpass filter
allpass~ |
amplitude control | *~ , /~ , gain~ , normalize~ , omx.4band~ , omx.5band~ , omx.comp~ , omx.peaklim~ |
amplitude indicator | average~ , avg~ , levelmeter~ , meter~ , spectroscope~ |
conversion from decibels | dbtoa |
conversion from decibels (for signals) | dbtoa~ |
convesion to decibels | atodb |
convesion to decibels (for signals) | atodb~ |
Analysis of a signal
fft~ , pfft~ , scope~ , spectroscope~ |
Analyze a signal
compute signal minimum and maximum values | minmax~ |
detect signal change and direction | change~ |
detect when input goes above a set value | thresh~ |
detect zero to non-zero signal transitions | edge~ |
display a signal in real time | scope~ |
FFT analysis of a signal | cartopol~ , fft~ , fftin~ , fftout~ , pfft~ |
output the maximum of two signals | maximum~ |
output the minimum of two signals | minimum~ |
report intervals of zero to non-zero transitions | spike~ |
report sample values from a signal | snapshot~ |
report the peak amplitude of a signal | peakamp~ |
signal counter | count~ |
store a signal to view as text | capture~ |
sync MSP with MIDI, click, or tap tempo | sync~ |
zero-crossing counter/transient detector | zerox~ |
Analyzing video
convert a scan line to a Max list | jit.iter |
find the location of a specified color/data | jit.findbounds |
histogram of matrix components | jit.histogram |
output the min, mean, and max for each plane | jit.3m |
read a matrix as an audio signal | jit.peek~ |
Animation of shapes or pictures
lcd |
Apply common string operations
jit.str.op |
Apply single force to particles
jit.p.vishnu |
Arbitrary rectangular resampling
jit.tiffany |
Arc- functions for numbers, matrices and signals
see Arithmetic operators |
Arithmetic operators
for integers and floating-point numbers | expr , + , - , !- , * , / , !/ , % , acos , acosh , asin , asinh , atan , atan2 , atanh , cosh , sin , sinh , sqrt , tan , tanh , vexpr |
for matrices | jit.expr , jit.op |
+~ , -~ , !-~ , *~ , /~ , !/~ , %~ , acos~ , acosh~ , asin~ , asinh~ , atan~ , atanh~ , atan2~ , cos~ , cosh~ , cosx~ , sinh~ , sinx~ , tanh~ , tanx~ |
Ascii to integers
atoi |
for a file or folder | opendialog |
the user to enter information | dialog , message |
Audio driver settings, reporting and controlling
adstatus |
Audio I/O
access audio driver output channels | adoutput~ |
audio output | dac~ |
icon-based 2 channel audio output | ezdac~ |
icon-based 2 channel audio input | ezadc~ |
output audio from computer's input source | adc~ |
record signals to soundfiles on disk | sfrecord~ |
report information about a sound file | sfinfo~ |
soundfile playback | sfplay~ |
store a list of sound file cues | sflist~ |
Audio processing system utilities
convert number of samples to millisecond values | sampstoms~ |
convert millisecond values to a number of samples | mstosamps~ |
disable signal objects in a patcher | mute~ |
elminate noise in a muted subpatcher | pass~ |
manage polyphony | poly~ |
report time since audio was turned on | dsptime~ |
report info about current DSP settings | dspstate~ |
report audio processing information | adstatus |
Average a running stream of numbers
a running stream of numbers | mean |
values of cells in a matrix | jit.3m |
four points in a matrix | jit.avg4 |
signal amplitude | avg~ |
Background colour
bgcolor |
Background panel
panel |
Background, notify objects when patcher window is moved to background
active |
Band-limited random signal
rand~ |
Bandpass filter
biquad~ , filtercoeff~ , filtergraph~ , reson~ |
the bang message
count bang messages | counter |
message traffic control | onebang |
report elapsed time between two bang messages | timer |
send a bang on closing a patch | closebang |
send a bang on loading a patch | loadbang |
send a bang to several outlets | bangbang |
send a bang when a message is received or the mouse is clicked | button , ubutton |
send a number of bangs as fast as possible | uzi |
send a single bang to different places in immediate succession | bangbang , trigger |
send bangs repeatedly at a certain rate | metro |
Binary, display numbers as
number |
Bitwise ones complement operation
expr |
Bitwise operators
for integers and floating point numbers | bitand , bitor , expr , & , | |
for matrices | jit.op , jit.expr |
for signals | bitand~ , bitor~ , bitxor~ , bitnot~ |
Boolean logic operations
for integers and floating-point numbers | if , < , <= , == , != , >= , > , && , || |
for matrices | jit.op |
for signals | <~ , <=~ , ==~ , !=~ , >=~ , >~ |
Break up a list
into a series of numbers | iter , zl |
into individual items | cycle , message , spray , unpack |
Broadcast a message to all instances of the same class in a patcher
universal |
Broadcast video using RTSP (Macintosh only)
jit.qt.broadcast |
Brownian motion simulator
drunk |
Bubble sort
jit.bsort |
Buffer-based audio
see Sampling and audio buffers |
Buffer-based FIR filter
buffir~ |
Buffer viewer and editor
waveform~ |
a standalone patcher | standalone |
Button for user Interface
sends 0 or 1 | led , toggle |
sends bang | button , ubutton |
picture based button | pictctrl |
a histogram for matrices | jit.histogram |
bounding dimensions for a range of values in a matrix | jit.findbounds |
the determinant of a matrix | jit.la.determinant |
the inverse of a matrix | jit.la.inverse |
a mathematical expression | see Arithmetic operators |
the product across the main diagonal of a matrix | jit.la.diagproduct |
the square root of a number | sqrt |
the sum across the main diagonal of a matrix | jit.la.trace |
the transpose of a matrix | jit.transpose |
x to the power of y | pow |
x to the power of y (for signals) | pow~ |
Cascaded series of biquad filters
cascade~ |
Cellwise envelope follower for matrices
spatial | jit.scanslide |
temporal | jit.slide |
Change background colour
bgcolor |
Characters in a string of text, convert to ASCII numbers
spell |
Check box user interface object
radiogroup |
Choke chromakey 3 sources
jit.keyscreen |
clip~ , dac~ , normalize~ |
Clock speed of Max timing objects, control
setclock |
Close a patcher window automatically
pcontrol , thispatcher |
Closing a patcher window, send a bang when window is closed
closebang |
Coerce a matrix into different types/planecount
jit.coerce |
Color screen with threshold
jit.altern |
Color selection using a modal dialog
colorpicker |
Color swatch for RGB color selection and display
swatch |
Colored button area
panel |
Comb filter with feedforward and feedback delay control
teeth~ |
Comb filter
comb~ |
Combinatorics, produce random orderings of a set
urn |
Commands, place your own commands in the menu bar
menubar |
Commenting a patch
comment |
a live MIDI performance to a recorded one | follow |
two integers or floating-point numbers | see Boolean operators , change , multislider , number |
two lists | zl |
two matricess | see Boolean operators , jit.change , jit.fpsgui , jit.pwindow |
two signals | see Boolean operators , change~ , meter~ , scope~ , snapshot~ |
Compress a signal
compressor/gate | omx.comp~ |
4-band compressor | omx.4band~ |
5-band compressor | omx.5band~ |
a mathematical expression | expr , + , - , * , / , % |
the minimum and maximum values of a signal | minmax~ |
phase deviation between successive FFT frames | framedelta~ |
"running phase" of successive phase deviation frames | frameaccum~ |
x to the power of y | pow |
Conditional statements
if | if , match , select , split |
boolean | see Boolean operators |
Conform file paths
conformpath |
Constant signal of a number
sig~ |
Constrained random movement
drunk |
Construct MIDI messages for transmission or recording
midiformat , sxformat |
a matrix of switches | matrixctrl |
audio driver settings | adstatus |
the clock speed of Max timing objects | setclock |
an external (non-MIDI) device | serial , vdp |
a function | curve~ , function , line~ |
a patcher window automatically | thispatcher |
a picture in a graphic window | pictctrl |
poly~ voice allocation and muting | thispoly~ |
a QuickTime movie | jit.qt.movie , playbar |
timing of max objects | setclock |
traffic for bang messages | onebang |
a videodisk player through serial port | vdp |
Controller, picture-based
pictctrl |
an absolute to a relative path | relativepath |
ASCII to integers | atoi |
ASCII to text | sprintf |
between colorspaces | jit.colorspace , see Convert colorspaces |
Cartesian to polar coordinates | cartopol |
Cartesian to polar coordinates for signals | cartopol~ |
deciBel value to linear amplitude | dbtoa |
deciBel value to linear amplitude at signal rate | dbtoa~ |
a filename into an absolute path | absolutepath |
frequency to MIDI note numbers | ftom |
frequency to MIDI note numbers at signal rate | ftom~ |
image to halftone image | jit.roy |
input characters to ASCII | spell |
an input range to an output range | scale |
integers to ASCII | itoa |
linear amplitude to a deciBel value | atodb |
linear amplitude to a deciBel value at signal rate | atodb~ |
a matrix into an upper triangular matrix | jit.la.uppertri |
Max messages to low priority at scheduler time | jit.qball |
Max messages to symbols | tosymbol |
Max symbol to Jitter string matrix | jit.str.fromsymbol |
MIDI note number to frequency | mtof |
MIDI note number to frequency at signal rate | mtof~ |
milliseconds to samples | mstosamps~ |
a number, list, or symbol to a bang | button , bangbang , trigger |
pathname to filename | strippath |
polar coordinates to Cartesian | poltocar |
polar coordinates to Cartesian at signal rate | poltocar~ |
symbol(s) into messages and numbers | fromsymbol |
numbers between decimal, hexadecimal, and binary forms | number |
samples to milliseconds | sampstoms~ |
text to ASCII numbers | spell |
Max window errors into messages | error |
Convert colorspaces
ARGB to AYUV | jit.argb2ayuv |
ARGB to GRGB | jit.argb2grgb |
ARGB to UYVY | jit.argb2uyvy |
AYUV to ARGB | jit.ayuv2argb |
AYUV to UYVY | jit.ayuv2uyvy |
AYUV to monochrome (luminance) | jit.ayuv2luma |
GRGB to ARGB | jit.grgb2argb |
HSL to RGB | jit.hsl2rgb |
RGB to monochrome (luminance) | jit.rgb2luma |
UYVY to ARGB | jit.uyvy2argb |
UYVY to AYUV | jit.uyvy2ayuv |
UYVY to monochrome (luminance) | jit.uyvy2luma |
monochrome (luminance) to AYUV | jit.luma2ayuv |
monochrome (luminance) to UYVY | jit.luma2uyvy |
Convert Max data types
messages to audio | curve~ , line~ , peek~ , sig~ |
messages to matrices | jit.cellblock , jit.fill , jit.matrix , jit.str.fromsymbol |
audio to matrices | jit.buffer~ , jit.catch~ , jit.poke~ |
audio to messages | capture~ , peakamp~ , peek~ , snapshot~ |
matrices to audio | jit.buffer~ , jit.peek~ , jit.release~ |
matrices to messages | jit.iter , jit.matrix , jit.spill , jit.str.tosymbol |
Convolve two matrices
jit.convolve |
Conway's game of life (cellular automata)
jit.conway |
Copy the screen contents into a Jitter matrix
jit.desktop |
Cosine functions for numbers, matrices and signals
see Arithmetic operators |
Count how many bang messages or numbers have been received
counter |
Count the occurrences of numbers
histo |
Count, send a series of numbers as fast as possible
uzi |
an audio impulse | click~ |
a drop region for files | dropfile |
a file dialog | opendialog |
a GL accelerated volume vizualization | jit.gl.volume |
a pop-up menu with names of MIDI devices | midiinfo |
a multi-track sequencer | mtr |
multiple sliders with graphic display | multislider |
a subpatch within a patch | patcher |
a visible subpatcher inside a box | bpatcher |
Crossfade between 2 matrices
jit.xfade |
Crosshatch filter
jit.hatch |
Crossover filter
cross~ |
Cut up a matrix into evenly spaced sub matrices
jit.scissors |
Cycle a number from outlet to outlet
bucket |
Cycle messages through outputs
jit.cycle |
Data arriving at different times gets synched
buddy |
Data storage
information about the state of a Max patch | preset , pattrstorage |
messages | coll , text , jit.cellblock , zl , umenu |
MIDI data | mtr , seq |
number pairs | bag , coll , funbuff , offer , table , zl |
numbers | int , float , pvar , value |
audio | buffer~ , sfplay~ , sfrecord~ |
matrices | jit.matrix , jit.matrixset , jit.qt.movie , jit.qt.record , jit.textfile , jit.fprint |
Date and time of day
date |
Decrement or increment a value
incdec |
Defer the execution of a message
deferlow |
a region for dragging and dropping a file | dropfile |
a bang | delay |
audio | allpass~ , comb~ , delay~ , tapin~ , tapout~ , teeth~ |
audio delay line specified in samples | delay~ |
event timing | borax , clocker , date , timer |
the execution of a message | deferlow |
note-off messages | sustain |
one or more numbers for specific time | pipe , thresh |
numbers or a list | pipe |
Demultiplex (deinterleave) a single matrix into two
jit.demultiplex |
Deprioritize a message
defer |
numbers above zero | > |
the active patcher window | active |
chords | quickthresh |
when input exceeds a certain number | past |
key presses | key |
key releases | keyup |
largest numbers in a list | maximum |
the logical separation of messages | next |
logical signal transitions | edge~ |
signals above a set level | thresh~ |
smallest numbers in a list | minimum |
the smallest of a series of numbers | trough |
zero crossings | zerox~ |
zero/non-zero transitions | togedge |
Devices, get a list of MIDI devices and ports currently available
midiinfo |
Dial user interface
dial |
between matrices | jit.change , jit.op |
between numbers | expr , - , zl |
between samples | change~ , delta~ |
between signals | -~ , scope~ |
Digitize video from an external source
using DirectX (Windows only) | jit.dx.grab |
using QuickTime | jit.qt.grab |
Disk-based audio playback
sfplay~ |
Disable signal processing in a subpatch
mute~ |
Discrete values from a continuous stream of data
speedlim |
Displace points based on luminance
jit.plume |
data in a window | jit.window |
display/change a range of numbers | rslider |
a flash on event | button , led , ubutton |
matrix attributes | jit.fpsgui |
numbers in decimal, hexadecimal, or binary form | number |
numerical data graphically | dial , kslider , multislider , number , slider , table |
on/off status in colour | led |
a picture from a graphics file | fpic |
signal values | capture~ , meter~ , number~ , scope~ , snapshot~ |
a text message | dialog , lcd , umenu , message , pcontrol , print |
zero/non-zero status of a number | led , number , toggle |
Distort a sawtooth waveform
kink~ |
two matrices | jit.expr , jit.op |
two numbers | / , expr |
two numbers (inlets reversed) | !/ |
two numbers and output the remainder | % |
two signals | /~ |
two signals (inlets reversed) | !/~ |
two signals and output the remainder | %~ |
Drag and drop
dropfile |
graphics in a patcher window | lcd |
coloured background area | panel |
shapes with the mouse | lcd , jit.lcd , mousestate |
report length of MIDI notes | borax |
specify duration for transmitted MIDI notes | flush , makenote , midiflush , pipe |
time between events | timer |
Eliminate noise in a muted subpatcher
pass~ |
Eliminate number repetitions
change |
Embed a visible subpatcher inside a box
bpatcher |
Emboss image
jit.brass |
Enable or disable MIDI objects in a patcher automatically
pcontrol |
End of a message, add items to
append |
editors | function |
follower | peakamp~ , meter~ |
follower, vector-based | vectral~ |
generator | adsr~ , curve~ , function , line~ , techno~ |
allpass~ , biquad~ , comb~ , filtercoeff~ , filtergraph~ , lores~ , reson~ |
Error messages
display error text in a patcher window | dialog , lcd , umenu , message , pcontrol |
print errors in the Max window |
a procedural basis function graph | jit.bfg , jit.gencoord |
input according to Perl-style expressions | regexp |
a mathematical expression | expr , jit.expr , see Arithmetic operators |
math expression for a list of inputs | vexpr |
Event number, assign to each MIDI note
borax |
Event-driven, multi-segment line object
bline |
Exclusive or, bitwise XOR operation
expr |
Execute Javascript commands sequentially
jstrigger |
Exponential scaling volume slider
gain~ |
Export MIDI file
seq |
Expose multiple objects to the pattr system
autopattr |
External clock source, synchronize Max to
setclock |
Extract indexed elements of a list
listfunnel |
FIR filter, buffer-based
buffir~ |
Fader for displaying or generating numerical data
multislider , rslider , slider |
Fake queue status
jit.qfaker |
Fast chord detection
quickthresh |
Fast fixed filter bank
fffb~ |
File menu, add your own items to
menubar |
get file modification date | filedate |
import and export MIDI files | seq |
list the files in a specific folder | folder |
open any type of file | filein |
Fill a matrix with a list
jit.fill |
Film or video, synchronize Max to
setclock |
Filter (audio)
allpass filter | allpass~ |
bandpass filter | reson~ |
biquadratic (multimode) filter | biquad~ , cascade~ |
buffer-based FIR convolution filter | buffir~ |
comb filter | comb~ , teeth~ |
crossover filter | cross~ |
fast fixed filter bank | fffb~ |
lowpass filter | lores~ , onepole~ |
state variable filter | svf~ |
Filter MIDI
note-on messages | stripnote |
Filter a continuous stream of messages
speedlim |
Filter a signal logarithmically
slide~ |
out repetitions of a number | change |
numbers to a certain range | clip |
an input number logarithmically | slide |
the elapsed time | clocker |
which of two numbers is less than the other | < |
Find which of two numbers is less than or equal to the other | <= |
which of two numbers is greater than the other | < |
which of two numbers is greater than or equal to the other | <= |
Bitwise intersection of two numbers | & |
Bitwise union of two numbers | | |
the absolute value of a number | abs |
the greatest number in a list | maximum |
the smallest number in a list | minimum |
the running average in a stream of numbers | mean |
the peak number | peak |
FireWire VTR control
jit.avc |
Fix file paths and conform
conformpath |
Flash on a message
button |
Floating-point data visualization
jit.graph |
Folder content listings
folder |
Follow a performance, comparing it to a pre-recorded sequence
follow |
Foreground, move a patcher window automatically to the front
thispatcher |
Foreground, notify objects when patcher window is brought to foreground
active |
a message of numbers and words | sprintf |
Prepare MIDI messages for transmission or recording | midiformat , sxformat |
Numbers as a text file | text |
Forward messages to receive objects
forward |
FreeFrame Effects for Jitter matrices
jit.freeframe |
Frequency domain
frequency shifter for pfft~ | fbinshift~ |
pitch shifter for pfft~ | gizmo~ |
Frequency shifter
freqshift~ , fbinshift~ |
Frequency-to-pitch conversion
ftom |
Frequency, keep track of how many times a number has occurred
histo |
Full pathname to filename conversion
strippath |
Function generator
for integers and floating-point numbers | funbuff , function , line |
for signals | adsr~ , curve~ , function , line~ , peek~ , poke~ , techno~ |
Gating and switching
numbers, messages, or matrices | gate , ggate , switch , gswitch , router |
signals | gate~ , matrix~ , selector~ |
Generate a bang message
a plain old bang | button |
on loading a patch | loadbang |
on close of patch | closebang |
to numerous outlets | bangbang |
at regular intervals | metro |
a certain number of times, as fast as possible | uzi |
for messages received or mouse clicks | button , ubutton |
to all loadbang objects | thispatcher |
Generate graphics
Chebyshev gradients | jit.gradient |
draw in a Jitter window (using OpenGL) | jit.gl.sketch |
draw in a Jitter window (using QuickDraw) | jit.lcd |
GL geometry from existing data | jit.gl.mesh |
GL-based surface extraction | jit.gl.isosurf |
NURBS surfaces | jit.gl.nurbs |
Particle systems | jit.p.bounds , jit.p.shiva , jit.p.vishnu |
Platonic solids | jit.gl.plato |
simple geometric shapes as a connected grid | jit.gl.gridshape |
Generate numbers
Pseudo-random numbers | drunk , expr , random , urn |
a zero or one randomly | decide |
random numbers | random |
random numbers without duplicates | urn |
random numbers in a moving range | drunk |
numbers from onscreen keyboard slider | kslider |
numbers in a ramp from one value to another | line |
exponentially scaled numbers | linedrive |
in a weighted series | prob |
or change a range of numbers | rslider |
using an on-screen slider | slider |
Generate MIDI
data in MIDI format | midiformat |
MIDI notes with off messages | makenote |
MIDI note-offs for hanging note-ons | midiflush |
Generate numbers with the mouse
dial , imovie , kslider , lcd , mousestate , multislider , number , rslider , slider , table |
the absolute value of a number | abs |
arguments from parent patcher | patcherargs |
the ASCII number for each character in a string | spell |
the current file search path | filepath |
the current system info | gestalt |
the current time/date | date |
discrete values from data stream | speedlim |
the filename from a pathname | strippath |
input MIDI pitch bend values | bendin |
MIDI note on/off info | borax |
MIDI control values | ctlin |
the modification date of a file | filedate |
the monitor screen size | screensize |
the pixel value at display coordinates | suckah |
the square root of a number | sqrt |
Glue many matrices into one
jit.glue |
Graph filter poles and zeros on the Z-plane
zplane~ |
Graphic display of an array of numbers, editable with the mouse
multislider , table |
breakpoint function editor | function |
display of an audio buffer's contents | waveform~ |
filter editor | filtergraph~ |
score of MIDI note events | detonate |
see Draw |
Greater than
see Boolean operators |
Greater than, report when all numbers in a list surpass specific thresholds
past |
Hexadecimal display of integer values
number |
Hierarchical on/off switch
decode |
Hint, pop-up menu
hint |
Histogram of how many times a number has occurred
histo |
Hold (store)
one or more numbers | float , funbuff , int , number , offer , pv , table , value |
note-off messages | sustain |
the smallest in a series of numbers | trough |
VST plug-ins | vst~ |
Host-synchronized sawtooth wave
plugphasor~ |
Human interface (gaming) device input
hi |
Hyperbolic functions for numbers, matrices and signals
see Arithmetic operators |
Idiosyncratic downsampling/upsampling
jit.ameba |
If-then-else control structure
if |
Image keying based on distance from a luminance value
jit.lumakey |
Import MIDI file
seq |
Impulse generator
click~ |
In-Patcher Window
jit.pwindow |
Incoming MIDI messages, parse
midiparse , xbendin , xnotein , bendin , ctlin , notein , pgmin , polyin , rtin , sysexin , touchin |
Increment a value
incdec |
Index elements of a list and output them individually
listfunnel |
Information about current operating system and hardware
gestalt |
for a patcher loaded by pfft~ (FFT) | fftin~ |
for a patcher loaded by pfft~ | in |
for a patcher loaded by pfft~ (signal) | in~ |
for a subpatcher | bpatcher , inlet , patcher |
Input received from MIDI devices, raw
midiin |
Input to a delay line
tapin~ |
Input to output matrix mapping (256-point char data)
jit.charmap |
Intercept and redirect the output of an object
grab |
Interpolate between two numerical values
line |
Interpolating oscillator bank
ioscbank~ |
Introduce spatial noise
jit.sprinkle |
Inverse fast Fourier transform
ifft~ |
Invert the color of a rectangular area of a patcher window over a picture or a comment
ubutton |
Invisible button
ubutton |
Invisible patcher
close | thispatcher |
load | pcontrol |
Is equal to, less than, greater than, comparison of numbers, matrices, or signals
see Boolean operators |
Iterate a matrix as a series of Max lists/values
jit.iter |
event execution in sequence | jstrigger |
in Max | mxj |
run a script | js , jstrigger |
user interface for OpenGL | jsui |
Keyboard style slider for displaying and generating numbers
kslider |
Keydown event on computer keyboard, detect
key |
Keying based on chromatic distance
jit.chromakey |
Keyup event on computer keyboard, detect
keyup |
Knob, picture-based
pictctrl |
Last (few) of a series of numbers are retained and sent out separate outlets
bucket |
Launch html object reference
jit.obref |
Less than/greater than comparisons, redirect numbers based on
see Boolean operators |
Level (audio)
control | *~ , /~ , gain~ , normalize~ |
indicator | levelmeter~ |
metering | meter~ , number~ |
changes in signal amplitude | deltaclip~ |
matrix data to the range [min,max] | jit.clip |
numbers to a certain range | clip |
particles to a region of space | jit.p.bounds |
the rates at which messages are sent | speedlim |
signal amplitude | clip~ |
Lindenmayer string expansion (L-systems)
jit.linden |
Linear algebra for matrices
determinant of a matrix | jit.la.determinant |
inversion of a matrix | jit.la.inverse |
product across the diagonal | jit.la.diagproduct |
make a triangular matrix | jit.la.uppertri |
sum across the diagonal | jit.la.trace |
true matrix multiplications | jit.la.mult |
Linked list function editor
zigzag~ |
List processing
all-purpose list processing | zl |
break up items in a list into individual messages | cycle , iter , message , spray , unpack |
combine separate items into a list | append , pack , prepend , thresh |
detect a specific ordered set within a list of numbers | match |
evaluate a mathematical expression multiple times using lists of numbers as input | vexpr |
graphically display and send out a list of number values | multislider |
list the files in a specific folder | folder |
Load a patcher automatically
pcontrol |
Local variable
for any message, known only to a single patcher and its subpatches | pv |
for storing a number value | float , number , pv |
logarithmic curve function | curve~ , gain~ , linedrive , log~ , pow~ , sqrt~ , techno~ |
of a signal | log~ |
solve for the logarithm of a number | expr |
for a series of numbers, output as list | match |
Loop points in a sound file
info~ |
Loops, count repeated events
counter |
an array of arbitrary messages | coll , umenu |
a mathematical expression | expr |
a weighted series of numbers | prob |
a checkbox user interface | radiogroup |
a custom menu bar | menubar |
a histogram of received number pairs | anal |
a histogram of received numbers | histo |
Max window errors into messages | error |
MIDI noteoff messages for held notes | flush |
MIDI notes with off messages | makenote |
a multiplane matrix out of single plane matrices | jit.pack |
multiple single plane matrices out of a multiplane matrix | jit.unpack |
a patcher standalone | standalone |
a playbar for a QuickTime movie | playbar |
a popup text hint | hint |
a subpatch within a patch | patcher |
Map-based crossfader
jit.shade |
an input range of matrix values to an output range | jit.map |
an input range of numbers to an output range | scale , zmap |
Mark data with number identifying its inlet
funnel |
Markov chain
prob |
the first item in a message, route the message accordingly | route |
an incoming message to arguments, send a bang out a specific outlet if there is a match | select |
incoming messages and bang if detected | select |
and route incoming message | route |
Matrix utilities
get information about a matrix | jit.matrixinfo |
storage bin for matrices | jit.matrixset |
matrix header munging | jit.coerce |
remap matrix dimensions | jit.dimmap |
remove redundant dimensions | jit.thin |
reference a subregion of a matrix | jit.submatrix |
store a matrix | jit.matrix |
Matrix-style switch control
matrixctrl |
Matrixctrl-compatible Max message router
router |
Max messages
converted to signals | curve~ , line~ , peek~ , poke~ , sig~ |
derived from signals | avg~ , edge~ , meter~ , number~ , peek~ , snapshot~ |
Max search path information
filepath |
find the greater of two numbers | expr , maximum , number , peak , > , >= |
find the maximum value of a group of numbers | maximum , table |
Menu bar, customize or alter menus or menu items
menubar |
Menu, pop-up menu in a patcher
umenu |
input for a patcher loaded by poly~ or pfft~ | in |
input for a subpatcher | inlet |
output for a patcher loaded by poly~ or pfft~ | out |
output for a subpatcher | outlet |
Message symbol substitution
substitute |
construct | append , message , pack , prepend |
construct MIDI messages for transmission or recording | midiformat , sxformat |
send and display | umenu , message |
send remotely without patch cords | float , forward , grab , int , message , pv , receive , send , value |
send with the menu bar | menubar |
type in and send in a locked patcher | dialog , message |
jit.eclipse |
construct MIDI messages | midiformat , sxformat , midiout |
control from MSP | avg~ , ftom , function , number~ , snapshot~ |
control of MSP | curve~ , line~ , mtof , sig~ |
data, receive unaltered | midiin |
data, transmit byte by byte | midiout |
display numbers as MIDI note names | number |
enable or disable MIDI objects in a patcher automatically | pcontrol |
generate MIDI notes from frequency | ftom |
get a list of currently available devices and ports | midiinfo |
make noteoff messages for held notes | flush |
interpret raw MIDI data | midiparse |
parse MIDI messages | midiparse , xbendin , xnotein |
prepare data in MIDI format | midiformat |
generate MIDI control change messages | ctlin , ctlout |
Generate MIDI notes with off messages | makenote |
Generate note-offs for hanging note-ons | midiflush |
Generate data in MIDI format | midiformat |
real-time MIDI system messages | midiin , midiout , rtin |
Receive afterpressure, polyphonic | polyin |
Receive incoming pitchbend data | bendin , midiin , xbendin , xbendin2 |
Delay note off messages | sustain |
Export MIDI file | seq |
Prepare MIDI sysex messages | sxformat |
Receive aftertouch values | touchin |
receive and transmit sample dump | midiin , midiout , sysexin |
Millisecond calculations
mstosamps~ , sampstoms~ |
Mixing video
jit.xfade , see Video mixing and compositing |
Modem communication, transmit and receive non-MIDI data
serial |
Modification date of a file
filedate |
Modify a signal
apply a nonlinear transfer function to a signal | overdrive~ |
arithmetic operations | see Arithmetic operators |
constrain a signal between two values | clip~ |
create differences between successive samples | delta~ |
degrade the signal | degrade~ |
downsample a signal | downsamp~ |
fold or wrap a signal within a given range | pong~ |
limit the change between samples in signal | deltaclip~ |
round signal to nearest integer value | round~ |
scale a signal based on its maximum amplitude | normalize~ |
smooth out an incoming signal via a ramp | rampsmooth~ |
shift frequency in the time-domain | freqshift~ |
time-scale the output of a phasor~ | rate~ |
truncate fractional part of signal values | trunc~ |
Monitor size
screensize |
detect mouse events | imovie , lcd , mousefilter , mousestate |
generate numbers with the mouse | dial , imovie , kslider , lcd , mousestate , multislider , number , rslider , slider , table |
pass numbers through only when the mouse button is up | mousefilter |
report mouse location | imovie , lcd , mousestate |
report status of mouse button | mousestate |
Multi-mode signal average
average~ |
Multi-purpose list processor
zl |
Multi-segment line object, event-driven
bline |
Multi-track sequencer of MIDI messages or numbers
mtr |
Multiplex(interleave) two matrices into one matrix
jit.multiplex |
and add a set of values in a matrix | jit.scalebias |
and/or add a series of numbers | accum , expr , table |
the planar vector by a matrix | jit.traffic |
two numbers | accum , expr , * |
two matrices | jit.op |
two signals | *~ |
Neon glow
jit.fluoride |
Noise gate
gate~ |
audio noise generator | noise~ , pink~ , rand~ |
filtered noise generator (numbers) | drunk |
white noise generator (matrices) | jit.noise , random |
white noise generator (numbers) | expr , random |
Non-interpolating oscillator bank
oscbank~ |
Non-zero numbers
notify when input changes from zero/non-zero | change , togedge |
test if a number or expression is a non-zero value | change , if , led , select , split , togedge , toggle , == , != , && , || |
a signal | *~ , /~ , normalize~ |
a matrix | jit.normalize |
Not equal to
see Boolean operators |
Note data
duration, delta time, etc. derived from MIDI note messages | borax |
receive incoming MIDI data | midiin , notein , xnotein |
transmit MIDI data | midiout , noteout , xnoteout |
Note-off messages
detect and format note-off messages messages with release velocity | xnotein , xnoteout |
hold note-off messages until a specific event occurs | sustain |
supply note-off messages for held or stuck MIDI note-ons | bag , borax , flush , makenote , midiflush |
surpress note-off messages | gate , stripnote |
Notify Max of a file change
filewatch |
Notify objects when patcher window is moved to foreground or background
active |
automatically generate number sequences | counter , line , clocker , tempo |
convert numbers between decimal, hexadecimal, and binary | number |
examine selected bits of a number’s binary representation (nybble) | & , | , << , >> |
generate numbers with the mouse | dial , imovie , kslider , lcd , mousestate , multislider , number , rslider , slider , table |
sample a signal and display a number value | capture~ , number~ , snapshot~ |
store numbers | float , funbuff , int , number , offer , pv , table , value |
keep track of how many bang messages have occurred | counter |
keep track of how many times a number has occurred | histo |
Octal, display numbers in Roland octal format
number |
OctiMax dynamics processors
4-band compressor | omx.4band~ |
5-band compressor | omx.5band~ |
compressor | omx.comp~ |
peak limiter | omx.peaklim~ |
Only pass different frames
jit.change |
bitmap text for OpenGL | jit.gl.text2d |
floating-point data visualization | jit.gl.graph |
lcd object analog for OpenGL | jit.gl.sketch |
mouse control of position and rotation | jit.gl.handle |
nurbs surface object | jit.gl.nurbs |
OpenGL rendering object | jit.gl.render |
Platonic solids | jit.gl.plato |
read and render OBJ models | jit.gl.model |
simple mesh shapes | jit.gl.gridshape |
user interface for javascript | jsui |
vector text for OpenGL | jit.gl.text3d |
a binary file | filein |
a dialog box for text entry | dialog |
a dialog to ask for a file or folder | opendialog |
a dialog to ask for a filename for saving | savedialog |
patcher files automatically | folder , pcontrol |
Operating system and hardware information
gestalt |
Optimized blur/sharpen
jit.fastblur |
Or, bitwise exclusive or (XOR) operation
expr |
detect an ordered set of numbers | match |
reorder number messages | fswap , message , swap |
send a number, bang, list, or symbol to different places in a specific order | trigger |
Oscillators (audio)
antialiased oscillator | rect~ , saw~ , tri~ |
buffer-based wavetable oscillator | 2d.wave~ , wave~ |
cosine function for use with 0.-1.0 phasor~ output | cos~ |
multichannel sample buffer | buffer~ |
oscillator bank | ioscbank~ , oscbank~ |
sawtooth ramp generator | phasor~ |
sine wave table-lookup oscillator or function generator | cycle~ |
trapezoidal wavetable | trapezoid~ |
triangle/ramp wavetable | triangle~ |
scope~ |
from a delay line | tapout~ |
for a patcher loaded by pfft~ | fftout~ |
for a patcher loaded by poly~ (message) | out |
for a patcher loaded by poly~ (signal) | out~ |
for a subpatch object | bpatcher , outlet , patcher |
Output MIDI data byte by byte
midiout |
Output a combined list when any element changes
pak |
Output messages
from a specific inlet | switch |
Output numbers
by using a screen slider | slider |
in a ramp from one value to another | line |
the smallest number in a list | minimum |
the largest number in a list | maximum |
peak numbers | peak |
from a notation display on screen | nslider |
any number | number |
at a metronomic tempo | tempo |
Output the monitor size
screensize |
Output video
to DirectX FireWire output (Windows only) | jit.dx.videoout |
to QuickTime video output component | jit.qt.videoout |
panel |
Parse MIDI messages
midiparse , xbendin , xnotein , bendin , ctlin , notein , pgmin , polyin , rtin , sysexin , touchin |
a number from outlet to outlet | bucket |
numbers only when mouse button is up | mousefilter |
Patcher-specific data wrapper
pattr |
Patcher within a patcher, the contents of which are visible
bpatcher |
Peak Limiter
omx.peaklim~ |
Peak amplitude
meter~ |
Peak hold, keep track of the greatest in a series of numbers
peak |
Peek at values in other objects
grab |
Perform a GL accelerated grid-based evaluation
jit.gl.slab |
Permute a set in random order
urn |
Phase quadrature filter
hilbert~ |
Phase shifter
phaseshift~ |
Pick a colour using a dialog box
colorpicker |
Picture-based uiser interface object
controller | pictctrl |
display a graphics file in a patcher window | fpic |
slider | pictslider |
Pink noise generator
pink~ |
Pitch bend
receive MIDI pitchbend messages | bendin , midiin , xbendin , xbendin2 |
transmit MIDI pitchbend messages | bendout , midiout , xbendout , xbendout2 |
Pitch shifter for pfft~
gizmo~ |
Pitch-to-frequency conversion
mtof |
Play a QuickTime movie
jit.qt.movie , imovie , movie , playbar |
Play or edit a QuickTime movie
jit.qt.movie |
Plug-in in VST format used in MSP
vst~ |
Polyphonic afterpressure
polyin |
Polyphony management
control voice allocation and muting | thispoly~ |
input in a patcher loaded by poly~ | in |
signal input in a patcher loaded by poly~ | in~ |
output in a patcher loaded by poly~ | out |
signal output in a patcher loaded by poly~ | out~ |
polyphony and DSP manager for patchers | poly~ |
Pop-up menu in a patcher
umenu |
Pop-up style hint text
hint |
Ports, get a list of MIDI devices and ports currently available
midiinfo |
Position-based sample playback
play~ |
a bang | delay |
a number or list | pipe , thresh |
note-off messages until a specific event occurs | sustain |
Potentiometer-like dial for sending numbers
dial |
Power, one number to the power of another
expr |
Precise "real-world" time measurements
cpuclock |
data in MIDI format | midiformat |
MIDI sysex messages | sxformat |
Preset, store and recall values for all user interface objects
pattrstorage , preset |
Prevent multiples of patcher from being opened
onecopy |
Print a matrix as text in the Max window
jit.print |
Print any message in the Max window
Probability lines
jit.streak |
Probability, keep track of how many times a number has occurred
histo |
Progress bar, graphic display
slider |
Pulse train generator
train~ |
Put a visible subpatcher inside a box
bpatcher |
QuickDraw graphic commands, draw with
lcd |
QuickDraw wrapper for matrices | jit.lcd |
effects for Jitter matrices | jit.qt.effect |
QuickTime video
playback | jit.qt.movie |
Quicktime effects wrapper | jit.qt.effect |
record to a QuickTime movie file | jit.qt.record |
route QuickTime audio to MSP | spigot~ |
send to a video output device | jit.qt.videoout |
video input (DirectX, Windows only) | jit.dx.grab |
video input | jit.qt.grab |
RGB color selection and display swatch
swatch |
Radio button user interface object
radiogroup |
Ramp function, generate
line |
Random walk
drunk |
generate pseudo-random numbers | decide , drunk , expr , random , urn |
generate a zero or one | decide |
generate numbers | random |
generate signal values | noise~ , pink~ , rand~ |
generate single instances of number | urn |
generate numbers in a moving range | drunk |
Rate at which messages are sent, limit
speedlim |
Rate, combine numbers into a single list if received faster than a certain speed
thresh |
Rate, control clock speed of Max timing objects
setclock |
Rate, send out beat numbers at a metronomic tempo
tempo |
Raw data from a file, read byte by byte
filein |
Read a binary file
filein |
Read and draw Wavefront .obj models
jit.gl.model |
Read and write a matrix as an ASCII text file
jit.textfile |
Read and write a single matrix as a formatted text file
jit.fprint |
Read and write
peek~ |
Read in a file of binary data
filein |
Read matrix data as an audio signal
jit.peek~ |
Read or write an OpenEXR image.
jit.openexr |
Real-world time measurement
cpuclock |
Receive MIDI
aftertouch messages | touchin |
control values | ctlin |
pitch bend values | bendin |
raw data | midiin |
note messages | notein |
program change values | pgmin |
polyphonic afterpressure messages | polyin |
pitchbend data | bendin , xbendin , xbendin2 |
report length of MIDI notes | borax |
realtime MIDI system messages | midiin , rtin |
sysex messages | sysexin |
Receive any message from any window
receive |
Receive matrices from a jit.net.send object via TCP/IP
jit.net.recv |
Receive messages
without a patch cord | receive |
from outside a patcher | inlet |
over a UDP network | udpreceive |
Receive only specific MIDI messages
bendin , ctlin , notein , pgmin , polyin , rtin , sysexin , touchin |
Recently received values are stored and recalled
bucket |
an audio file to disk | sfrecord~ |
audio into a buffer | record~ |
a QuickTime movie | jit.qt.record |
a QuickTime movie with MSP audio | jit.vcr |
sequences of MIDI data or numbers | follow , mtr , seq |
Reference a sub-region of a matrix
jit.submatrix |
Remap and/or invert matrix dimensions
jit.dimmap |
Remote connection of objects, without patch cords
float , forward , grab , int , message , pv , receive , send , value |
Remove redundant dimensions of size 1
jit.thin |
Render OpenGL
jit.gl.render |
Reorder grid of rectangles
jit.rubix |
Repeatedly send bang messages as fast as possible
uzi |
Repetitions, count
counter |
Repetitions, suppress repeated numbers
change |
Replace NaN and infinite signal values with 0
bitsafe~ |
audio driver settings | adstatus |
audio file information | sfinfo~ |
current DSP settings | dspstate~ |
current info on file search path | filepath |
current note on/off info | borax |
the current time/date | date |
the elapsed time | clocker |
the elapsed time between two events | timer |
host synchronization information | plugsync~ |
information about a patcher loaded by pfft~ | fftinfo~ |
information about a sample | info~ |
intervals of zero to non-zero transitions | spike~ |
keyboard key presses | key |
keyboard key releases | keyup |
length of MIDI notes | borax |
the maximum amplitude of a signal | peakamp~ |
milliseconds of audio processed | dsptime~ |
the min/mean/max values of a matrix | jit.3m |
the modification date of a file | filedate |
modifier key presses on keyboard | modifiers |
signal direction | change~ |
suspension or resumption of application | suspend |
state of the mouse | mousestate |
search path information | filepath |
the type, planecount, and dimensions of a matrix | jit.matrixinfo |
when an application is suspended and resumed | suspend |
when input exceeds a certain number | past |
zero/non-zero transitions | togedge |
Reposition spatially
jit.repos |
Resample by scanline wrapping
jit.scanwrap |
Resample spatially
jit.resamp |
Resonant filter
see Filters |
Restrict numbers to a certain range
clip |
Reverse output with respect to input
jit.reverse |
Ring modulation
*~ |
Ritardando, control clock speed of Max timing objects
setclock |
Robert's Cross edge detection
jit.robcross |
Rotate hue
jit.hue |
Rotate a Video image
jit.gl.videoplane , jit.mxform2d , jit.rota |
Round an input signal value
round~ |
incoming message to specific outlet | route |
matrix-compatible messages | router |
messages to a specific destination | gate , ggate , route , split , spray , unpack |
QuickTime audio into MSP | spigot~ |
a signal to one of several outlets | gate~ |
Route a signal
define the beginning of a signal processing network | begin~ |
receive a signal from one or more send~ objects | receive~ |
send a signal without a patch cord | send~ |
signal switching/mixing matrix | matrix~ |
switch input to different output signals | gate~ |
switch output among several input signals | selector~ |
SMPTE time code, synchronize to an external source via MIDI Manager
setclock |
Sample and hold
sah~ |
Sample playback without interpolation
index~ |
Sampling and audio buffers
2d phase-driven oscillator | 2d.wave~ |
copy a signal into a buffer | record~ |
grab and play a snippet of recent audio input | stutter~ |
index-based sample reading | index~ |
loop and sample pitch information from a buffer | info~ |
multichannel sample buffer | buffer~ |
phase-driven oscillator using a buffer as a wavetable | wave~ |
read and write buffer values | peek~ |
sample playback based on position in a buffer | play~ |
use a buffer for nonlinear distortion of a signal | lookup~ |
variable-rate looping sample playback | groove~ |
write into a buffer using signal sample indices | poke~ |
Sampling rate
adc~ , buffer~ , count~ , dac~ , dspstate~ , mstosamps~ , sampstoms~ |
Save, move to the foreground, or close a patcher window automatically
thispatcher |
and recall presets of pattr data | pattrstorage |
MIDI file | seq |
dialog for files | savedialog |
Sawtooth oscillator
phasor~ |
Sawtooth wave generator
phasor~ |
Scale on the basis of maximum amplitude
normalize~ |
Scale/rotate an inage in 2D
jit.rota |
Schedule an event for a future time
delay |
follow |
Screen size
screensize |
Scroll through a list of messages
umenu |
Search path information
filepath |
See the maximum amplitude of a signal
peakamp~ |
a colour using a dialog box | colorpicker |
background colour | bgcolor |
serial data over port | serial |
a specific input, pass the rest on | select |
Selectively pass an input to an outlet
route |
Send a bang
a plain old bang | button , ubutton |
on loading of patch | loadbang |
on close of patch | closebang |
to numerous outlets | bangbang |
at regular intervals | metro |
to all loadbang objects | thispatcher |
to multiple places | bangbang , trigger |
to many places, in order | trigger |
a particular number of bangs | uzi |
Send matrices to a jit.net.recv object via TCP/IP
jit.net.send |
Send message(s)
to all instances of the same class in a patcher | universal |
any old message | message |
to receive objects in any other window | float , forward , grab , int , message , send |
to various receive objects | forward |
on patch loading | loadmess |
out of a patcher | outlet |
to a named object in patcher hierarchy | pattrforward |
a collection of messages remotely as cues | qlist |
without patch cords | send , s |
to a patcher | thispatcher |
note messages | noteout |
note-offs for hanging note-ons | midiflush |
pitch bend | bendout , midiout , xbendout , xbendout2 |
control values | ctlout |
raw MIDI data | midiout |
program change values | pgmout |
afterpressure, polyphonic | polyout |
aftertouch | touchout |
Send numbers
sequentially, as quickly as possible | uzi |
according to a count | counter |
at a metronomic tempo | tempo |
a stream of data to individual outlets | cycle |
an input out a specific outlet | gate |
messages over a UDP connection | udpsend |
Sequence of numbers, detect a specific ordered set of numbers
match |
Series of numbers, combine into a single list
thresh |
Set (of fixed order and size) of integers; output all whenever one is modified
bondo |
Set background color
bgcolor |
Set/query monitor attributes
jit.displays |
Set, produce a random ordering of a set
urn |
Set, store an unordered set of numbers
bag |
background colour | bgcolor |
Share variables
pv |
Signal analysis
compute signal min and max values | minmax~ |
detect signal change and direction | change~ |
detect when input goes above a set value | thresh~ |
detect zero to non-zero signal transitions | edge~ |
output the maximum of two signals | maximum~ |
output the minimum of two signals | minimum~ |
report intervals of zero to non-zero transitions | spike~ |
report sample values from a signal | snapshot~ |
report the peak amplitude of a signal | peakamp~ |
signal counter | count~ |
store a signal to view as text | capture~ |
sync MSP with MIDI, click, or tap tempo | sync~ |
zero-crossing counter/transient detector | zerox~ |
Signal averaging
avg~ |
Signal capture and granular oscillator
stutter~ |
Signal folding, variable range
pong~ |
Signal monitor and constant generator
number~ |
Signal spectrogram or sonogram
spectroscope~ |
Signal-rate filter coefficient generator
filtercoeff~ |
Signal routing
define the beginning of a signal processing network | begin~ |
receive a signal from one or more send~ objects | receive~ |
send a signal without a patch cord | send~ |
signal switching / mixing matrix | matrix~ |
switch input to different output signals | gate~ |
switch output among several input signals | selector~ |
Simultaneity, send a series of bang messages or numbers in a single tick of Max’s clock
uzi |
Sine functions
see Oscillators |
Sine functions for numbers, matrices and signals
see Arithmetic operators |
Single-pole lowpass filter
onepole~ |
Slider to display or generate numerical data
kslider , multislider , pictslider , rslider , slider |
Smooth an incoming signal
rampsmooth~ |
Snapshot, store and recall instantaneous values of all user interface objects
preset |
Sobel and Prewitt gradient edge detector
jit.sobel |
Soft-clipping signal distortion
overdrive~ |
spectroscope~ |
Spatial transform using 3x3 matrix
jit.mxform2d |
Spearate numbers into ranges
split |
Spectral domain processing
cartopol~ , fftin~ , fftinfo~ , fftout~ , frameaccum~ , framedelta~ , pfft~ , phasewrap~ , poltocar~ , vectral~ |
Spectral processing manager for patchers
pfft~ |
spectroscope~ |
Speed, combine numbers into a single list if received faster than a certain rate
thresh |
Speed, limit the rate at which messages are sent
speedlim |
Split a matrix into two matrices
jit.split |
Split a stream of data between individual outlets
cycle |
Sprites, pictures and geometric shapes
lcd |
Start activity automatically when a patch is loaded
loadbang |
State-variable filter with simultaneous outputs
svf~ |
Steal voices, turn off old notes if too many new ones arrive
poly |
an array of arbitrary messages | coll , umenu |
audio file cues | sflist~ |
audio samples | buffer~ |
a collection of numbers | bag |
and edit a collection of messsages | bag |
a fixed-size set of integers and output all whenever one element is modified | bondo |
a graphically editable array of numbers | table |
one or more integers or floating-point numbers | float , funbuff , int , number , offer , pv , table , value |
an integer or floating-point number, add and multiply it | accum |
a fixed-size set of integers and output all whenever one element is modified | bondo |
store/recall matrices | jit.matrix , jit.matrixset |
numbers to view or edit | capture |
pairs of numbers together | funbuff |
pairs of numbers (store, recall, automatically delete) | offer |
store/recall preset values of all UI objects | pattrstorage , preset |
store/recall recently received values | bucket , table , text |
a signal to view as text | capture~ |
a series of numbers in order in an editable window | capture , table , text |
an unordered set of numbers | bag |
and view 2D data | jit.cellblock |
String of text combining numbers, ASCII bytes, and symbols into a single message
sprintf |
String/matrix utilities
fill a matrix with a list | jit.fill |
L-systems string expansion | jit.linden |
matrix-symbol conversion | jit.str.tosymbol |
perform string ops (strcat, etc.) | jit.str.op |
symbol-matrix conversion | jit.str.fromsymbol |
unroll a matrix to a list | jit.spill |
Subpatch in a box, visible from the patcher that contains it
bpatcher |
Substitute a symbol for another symbol in a message
substitute |
message symbol | substitute |
two matrices | jit.op , jit.expr |
two numbers | - , expr |
two numbers (inlets reversed) | !- |
two signals | -~ |
two signals (inlets reversed) | !-~ |
Subtractive synthesis
allpass~ , biquad~ , comb~ , lores~ , noise~ , pink~ , rand~ , rect~ , reson~ , saw~ , tri~ |
Suppress note-off messages
stripnote |
Sustain notes by holding note-off messages until a specific event occurs
sustain |
Switch between zero and one
toggle |
Switch control matrix
matrixctrl |
Symbol to message conversion
fromsymbol |
Synchronize MSP with an external source
sync~ |
Synchronize Max to an external clock source
setclock |
Synchronize asynchronously arriving inputs, send them out together
buddy |
Tag data with number identifying its inlet
funnel |
Tangent functions for numbers, matrices and signals
see Arithmetic operators |
Tempo, control clock speed of Max timing objects
setclock |
Tempo, send out beat numbers at a metronomic tempo
tempo |
Test the zero/non-zero status of a number or expression
change , if , led , match , select , split , togedge , toggle , == , != , && , || |
Text file of signal samples
capture~ |
Text file, load, play, and save a MIDI file as plain text
seq |
Text file, open and save
text |
Text, convert to ASCII numbers
spell |
Text, format numbers, ASCII bytes, and symbols into a single message
sprintf |
Text, print any message in the Max window
The Jitter Matrix!
jit.matrix |
Third-order crossover filter
cross~ |
Threshold, report when numbers surpass
past |
Timbre change on a MIDI synthesizer
pgmout |
Time code, receive from an external source
setclock |
Time measurement in cpu cycles
cpuclock |
Time of day and date
date |
Time-domain frequency shifter
freqshift~ |
Time-domain frequency shifter
freqshift~ |
Time-scale the output of a phasor~
rate~ |
Track, record and play back a multi-track sequence of messages or numbers
mtr |
Traffic control for bang messages
onebang |
Transform symbol(s) into messages and numbers
fromsymbol |
Transforms matrix data into signals
jit.release~ |
Transforms signal data into matrices
jit.catch~ |
Transient detector
zerox~ |
Transition probabilities, Markov chain
prob |
Transmit MIDI
afterpressure, polyphonic | polyout |
aftertouch | touchout |
control values | ctlout |
pitch bend values | bendout |
raw MIDI data | midiout |
program change values | pgmout |
transmit MIDI data byte by byte | midiout |
Transmit signals without patch cords
send~ |
computer keyboard events | key , keyup , numkey |
mouse events | imovie , lcd , mousestate |
occurrences of a specific ordered set of numbers | match |
occurrences of specific numbers | follow , match , route , select , == |
occurrences of specific symbols | route , select |
trap/redirect the output of an object | grab |
Trapezoidal wavetable
trapezoid~ |
Triangle/ramp wavetable
triangle~ |
a process by sending the bang message | button , loadbang , ubutton |
events automatically when a patch is loaded | loadbang |
events based on notes played by the user | follow , match , route , select , == |
a Max message with an audio signal | edge~ , thresh~ |
Trigonometric functions
expr |
Trigonometric operators
for numbers | acos , acosh , asin , asinh , atan , atanh , atan2 , cos , cosh , sinh , tanh |
for matrices | jit.op |
for signals | acos~ , acosh~ , asin~ , asinh~ , atan~ , atanh~ , atan2~ , cos~ , cosh~ , cosx~ , sinh~ , sinx~ , tanh~ , tanx~ |
True matrix multiplication
jit.la.mult |
Truncate the fractional part of a signal
trunc~ |
turtle graphics interpreter in 2d
jit.turtle |
Two-dimensional storage and viewing
jit.cellblock |
Two-dimensional wavetable
2d.wave~ |
Two-pole, two-zero filter
biquad~ |
Unroll a matrix into a list
jit.spill |
Use PERL-compatible regular expressions on Jitter matrices
jit.str.regexp |
Use mouse movement to control position/rotation
jit.gl.handle |
Use the alpha channel of one image to blend two images together
jit.alphablend |
Use PERL-style regular expressions to process input
regexp |
User input
key , keyup , modifiers , mousestate , hi |
User interface: dial
dial |
Uses a 1-dimensional matrix to offset scanlines
jit.scanoffset |
Uses matrices to draw multiple instances of a jit.gl object efficiently
jit.gl.multiple |
for storing a floating-point number (with a fractional part) | float , number , pv , value |
for storing an integer | int , number , pv , value |
for storing a floating-point number (with a fractional part) | pv , value |
variable that is private to a single patcher and its subpatches | pv |
Variable range signal folding
pong~ |
Variable size wavetable
wave~ |
Variable-rate looping sample playback
groove~ |
Vector math, evaluate an expression multiple times using lists of numbers as input
vexpr |
Vector-based envelope follower
vectral~ |
Video or film, synchronize Max to
setclock |
Video display
display window | jit.window |
embedded display window | jit.pwindow |
information about a video | jit.fpsgui |
Video image filters
jit.ameba , jit.avg4 , jit.brass , jit.brcosa , jit.bsort , jit.charmap , jit.clip , jit.convolve , jit.conway , jit.demultiplex , jit.eclipse , jit.fastblur , jit.fluoride , jit.glop , jit.hatch , jit.hue , jit.keyscreen , jit.lumakey , jit.multiplex , jit.mxform2d , jit.op , jit.plume , jit.plur , jit.repos , jit.resamp , jit.robcross , jit.rota , jit.roy , jit.rubix , jit.scalebias , jit.scanoffset , jit.scanslide , jit.scanwrap , jit.slide , jit.sobel , jit.sprinkle , jit.streak , jit.tiffany , jit.traffic , jit.transpose , jit.wake |
Video mixing and compositing
jit.alphablend , jit.brcosa , jit.gl.videoplane , jit.hue , jit.lcd , jit.matrix , jit.mxform2d , jit.op , jit.rota , jit.scalebias |
Virtual connection of objects, without patch cords
float , forward , grab , int , message , pv , receive , send , value |
Visual RMS level indicator
levelmeter~ |
Visual peak level indicator
meter~ |
Voice stealing, turn off old notes if too many new ones arrive
poly |
Volume control of a QuickTime movie
playbar |
Wait before doing something
delay |
Wait for input in both inlets, then send out both numbers
buddy |
Watch for file change and report
filewatch |
lookup~ |
trapezoid~ , triangle~ |
Webcam input
using DirectX (Windows only) | jit.dx.grab |
using QuickTime | jit.qt.grab |
Window being closed sends a bang
closebang |
Window moving to foreground or background sends 1 or 0
active |
Window on a subpatch seen within the patcher that contains that subpatch
bpatcher |
Window, enable or disable MIDI automatically
pcontrol |
Window, open and close automatically
pcontrol , thispatcher |
Windows, communicate between
float , forward , grab , inlet , int , message , outlet , receive , send , value |
Wrap a signal between -π and π
phasewrap~ |
Write a comment in the patch
comment |
Write an audio signal into a matrix
jit.poke~ |
Write bitmap text
jit.gl.text2d |
Write sample values by index
poke~ |
Write vector text
jit.gl.text3d |
XOR, bitwise "exclusive or" operation
expr |
X-Y plotting of a two-plane matrix
jit.plot |
Zero-cross counter
zerox~ |
Zero, test if a number or expression is equal to
change , if , led , select , split , togedge , toggle , == , != , && , || |
Zooming/cropping a Video image
jit.gl.videoplane , jit.matrix , jit.rota |
See Also
Name | Description |
Technical Notes | Technical Notes |