Object Thesaurus

Object Thesaurus

A collection of messages to send remotely


A matrix-friendly MSP buffer~


A set of matrices for storage/resequencing


ADSR envelope generator for signals


AIFF saving and playing

buffer~ , info~ , sfplay~ , sfrecord~

ASCII number for each character in a string


ASCII number, convert to text character


ASCII numbers, convert symbol to


Absolute to relative path conversion


Absolute value

of an integer or floating-point number abs
of all samples in a signal abs~
of all samples in a matrix jit.op

Accelerate Max timing in objects


Accelerate, control clock speed of Max timing objects


Access all pattr objects in a patcher


Access audio driver output channels



for integer and floating-point numbers accum
for signals +=~

Active sensing, MIDI system message

midiin , midiout , rtin


two matrices jit.op , jit.expr
two numbers + , accum , expr
two signals +~
arguments to the begining of a message prepend
arguments to the end of a message append
a series of numbers accum , expr , table

Additive synthesis

+~ , cycle~ , ioscbank~ , oscbank~

Address elements in an array by index number

counter , funbuff , offer , table

Adjust image brightness/contrast/saturation


Afterpressure, polyphonic

polyin , polyout

Aftertouch (monophonic) MIDI message

touchin , touchout


display a text message dialog , lcd , umenu , message , pcontrol , print
flash when an event occurs button , led , ubutton


dspstate~ , onepole~

All notes off (MIDI Mode message)

ctlin , ctlout

Allocate notes to different voices


Allpass filter



amplitude control *~ , /~ , gain~ , normalize~ , omx.4band~ , omx.5band~ , omx.comp~ , omx.peaklim~
amplitude indicator average~ , avg~ , levelmeter~ , meter~ , spectroscope~
conversion from decibels dbtoa
conversion from decibels (for signals) dbtoa~
convesion to decibels atodb
convesion to decibels (for signals) atodb~

Analog-to-digital converter

adc~ , ezadc~

Analysis of a signal

fft~ , pfft~ , scope~ , spectroscope~

Analyze a signal

compute signal minimum and maximum values minmax~
detect signal change and direction change~
detect when input goes above a set value thresh~
detect zero to non-zero signal transitions edge~
display a signal in real time scope~
FFT analysis of a signal cartopol~ , fft~ , fftin~ , fftout~ , pfft~
output the maximum of two signals maximum~
output the minimum of two signals minimum~
report intervals of zero to non-zero transitions spike~
report sample values from a signal snapshot~
report the peak amplitude of a signal peakamp~
signal counter count~
store a signal to view as text capture~
sync MSP with MIDI, click, or tap tempo sync~
zero-crossing counter/transient detector zerox~

Analyzing video

convert a scan line to a Max list jit.iter
find the location of a specified color/data jit.findbounds
histogram of matrix components jit.histogram
output the min, mean, and max for each plane jit.3m
read a matrix as an audio signal jit.peek~

And, true if both statements are true (logical intersection)

expr , &&

Animation of shapes or pictures


Animation, control a laser videodisc player

serial , vdp

Animation, play a QuickTime movie

imovie , movie , playbar

Antialiased oscillators

rect~ , saw~ , tri~

Append or prepend text to a message

append , prepend

Apply binary or unary operators

<< , >> , & , | , expr , jit.op , vexpr

Apply common string operations


Apply single force to particles


Arbitrary rectangular resampling


Arc- functions for numbers, matrices and signals

see Arithmetic operators

Arithmetic operators

for integers and floating-point numbers expr , + , - , !- , * , / , !/ , % , acos , acosh , asin , asinh , atan , atan2 , atanh , cosh , sin , sinh , sqrt , tan , tanh , vexpr
for matrices jit.expr , jit.op
+~ , -~ , !-~ , *~ , /~ , !/~ , %~ , acos~ , acosh~ , asin~ , asinh~ , atan~ , atanh~ , atan2~ , cos~ , cosh~ , cosx~ , sinh~ , sinx~ , tanh~ , tanx~

Array of arbitrary messages

coll , umenu

Array of numbers

funbuff , histo , offer , table

Ascii to integers



for a file or folder opendialog
the user to enter information dialog , message

Assign one of several inputs to an outlet

selector~ , switch

Assistance, attach an assistance message to an inlet or outlet in a subpatch

inlet , outlet

Atoms of a list, break up into individual messages

cycle , iter , message , spray , unpack , zl

Audio driver settings, reporting and controlling


Audio I/O

access audio driver output channels adoutput~
audio output dac~
icon-based 2 channel audio output ezdac~
icon-based 2 channel audio input ezadc~
output audio from computer's input source adc~
record signals to soundfiles on disk sfrecord~
report information about a sound file sfinfo~
soundfile playback sfplay~
store a list of sound file cues sflist~

Audio processing system utilities

convert number of samples to millisecond values sampstoms~
convert millisecond values to a number of samples mstosamps~
disable signal objects in a patcher mute~
elminate noise in a muted subpatcher pass~
manage polyphony poly~
report time since audio was turned on dsptime~
report info about current DSP settings dspstate~
report audio processing information adstatus

Average a running stream of numbers

a running stream of numbers mean
values of cells in a matrix jit.3m
four points in a matrix jit.avg4
signal amplitude avg~

Background colour


Background panel


Background, notify objects when patcher window is moved to background


Backward sample playback

groove~ , play~

Band-limited random signal


Bandpass filter

biquad~ , filtercoeff~ , filtergraph~ , reson~

the bang message

count bang messages counter
message traffic control onebang
report elapsed time between two bang messages timer
send a bang on closing a patch closebang
send a bang on loading a patch loadbang
send a bang to several outlets bangbang
send a bang when a message is received or the mouse is clicked button , ubutton
send a number of bangs as fast as possible uzi
send a single bang to different places in immediate succession bangbang , trigger
send bangs repeatedly at a certain rate metro

Binary, display numbers as


Bit shifting

for integers << , >>
for matrices jit.op
for signals bitshift~

Bitwise ones complement operation


Bitwise operators

for integers and floating point numbers bitand , bitor , expr , & , |
for matrices jit.op , jit.expr
for signals bitand~ , bitor~ , bitxor~ , bitnot~

Boolean logic operations

for integers and floating-point numbers if , < , <= , == , != , >= , > , && , ||
for matrices jit.op
for signals <~ , <=~ , ==~ , !=~ , >=~ , >~

Break up a list

into a series of numbers iter , zl
into individual items cycle , message , spray , unpack

Breakpoint line segment function generation and storage

funbuff , function , line , line~

Breath control

ctlin , ctlout

Broadcast a message to all instances of the same class in a patcher


Broadcast video using RTSP (Macintosh only)


Brownian motion simulator


Bubble sort


Buffer-based audio

see Sampling and audio buffers

Buffer-based FIR filter


Buffer viewer and editor



a standalone patcher standalone

Button for user Interface

sends 0 or 1 led , toggle
sends bang button , ubutton
picture based button pictctrl

Bypassing a signal

gate~ , matrix~ , mute~ , pass~ , poly~ , selector~

C language expression solving

expr , if


a histogram for matrices jit.histogram
bounding dimensions for a range of values in a matrix jit.findbounds
the determinant of a matrix jit.la.determinant
the inverse of a matrix jit.la.inverse
a mathematical expression see Arithmetic operators
the product across the main diagonal of a matrix jit.la.diagproduct
the square root of a number sqrt
the sum across the main diagonal of a matrix jit.la.trace
the transpose of a matrix jit.transpose
x to the power of y pow
x to the power of y (for signals) pow~

Capture and display a series of numbers

capture , print , table , text

Cartesian to Polar coordinate conversion

for numbers cartopol
for signals cartopol~

Cascaded series of biquad filters


Cellwise envelope follower for matrices

spatial jit.scanslide
temporal jit.slide

Chance operations using pseudo-random numbers

drunk , expr , random , urn

Change background colour


Characters in a string of text, convert to ASCII numbers


Check box user interface object


Choke chromakey 3 sources



cycle~ , tapout~


clip~ , dac~ , normalize~

Clock for reporting time elapsed

clocker , cpuclock , timer

Clock speed of Max timing objects, control


Clock, MIDI system message

midiin , midiout , rtin

Close a patcher window automatically

pcontrol , thispatcher

Closing a patcher window, send a bang when window is closed


Coerce a matrix into different types/planecount



and edit messages coll
numbers bag

Collection of messages, store and recall

coll , umenu

Color screen with threshold


Color selection using a modal dialog


Color swatch for RGB color selection and display


Colored button area


Comb filter with feedforward and feedback delay control


Comb filter


Combinatorics, produce random orderings of a set



numbers and symbols into a list pack , pak
numbers that arrive closely into a list thresh

Commands, place your own commands in the menu bar


Commenting a patch



a live MIDI performance to a recorded one follow
two integers or floating-point numbers see Boolean operators , change , multislider , number
two lists zl
two matricess see Boolean operators , jit.change , jit.fpsgui , jit.pwindow
two signals see Boolean operators , change~ , meter~ , scope~ , snapshot~

Compress a signal

compressor/gate omx.comp~
4-band compressor omx.4band~
5-band compressor omx.5band~


a mathematical expression expr , + , - , * , / , %
the minimum and maximum values of a signal minmax~
phase deviation between successive FFT frames framedelta~
"running phase" of successive phase deviation frames frameaccum~
x to the power of y pow

Computer keyboard events, detect

key , keyup , modifiers , numkey


two lists pack , pak , zl
two matrices jit.concat
two messages append , prepend , zl

Concatenate two messages

prepend , append

Conditional statements

if if , match , select , split
boolean see Boolean operators

Conform file paths


Connect patch cords to an inlet or outlet of a subpatch

inlet , outlet


to a subpatcher inlet , outlet
to a named object in patcher pvar

Constant signal of a number


Constrained random movement


Construct MIDI messages for transmission or recording

midiformat , sxformat

Construct a list out of individual items

prepend , append , pack , pak

Continue, MIDI system message

midiin , midiout , rtin

Continuous controllers

ctlin , ctlout


a matrix of switches matrixctrl
audio driver settings adstatus
the clock speed of Max timing objects setclock
an external (non-MIDI) device serial , vdp
a function curve~ , function , line~
a patcher window automatically thispatcher
a picture in a graphic window pictctrl
poly~ voice allocation and muting thispoly~
a QuickTime movie jit.qt.movie , playbar
timing of max objects setclock
traffic for bang messages onebang
a videodisk player through serial port vdp

Controller, picture-based



an absolute to a relative path relativepath
ASCII to integers atoi
ASCII to text sprintf
between colorspaces jit.colorspace , see Convert colorspaces
Cartesian to polar coordinates cartopol
Cartesian to polar coordinates for signals cartopol~
deciBel value to linear amplitude dbtoa
deciBel value to linear amplitude at signal rate dbtoa~
a filename into an absolute path absolutepath
frequency to MIDI note numbers ftom
frequency to MIDI note numbers at signal rate ftom~
image to halftone image jit.roy
input characters to ASCII spell
an input range to an output range scale
integers to ASCII itoa
linear amplitude to a deciBel value atodb
linear amplitude to a deciBel value at signal rate atodb~
a matrix into an upper triangular matrix jit.la.uppertri
Max messages to low priority at scheduler time jit.qball
Max messages to symbols tosymbol
Max symbol to Jitter string matrix jit.str.fromsymbol
MIDI note number to frequency mtof
MIDI note number to frequency at signal rate mtof~
milliseconds to samples mstosamps~
a number, list, or symbol to a bang button , bangbang , trigger
pathname to filename strippath
polar coordinates to Cartesian poltocar
polar coordinates to Cartesian at signal rate poltocar~
symbol(s) into messages and numbers fromsymbol
numbers between decimal, hexadecimal, and binary forms number
samples to milliseconds sampstoms~
text to ASCII numbers spell
Max window errors into messages error

Convert colorspaces

ARGB to AYUV jit.argb2ayuv
ARGB to GRGB jit.argb2grgb
ARGB to UYVY jit.argb2uyvy
AYUV to ARGB jit.ayuv2argb
AYUV to UYVY jit.ayuv2uyvy
AYUV to monochrome (luminance) jit.ayuv2luma
GRGB to ARGB jit.grgb2argb
HSL to RGB jit.hsl2rgb
RGB to monochrome (luminance) jit.rgb2luma
UYVY to ARGB jit.uyvy2argb
UYVY to AYUV jit.uyvy2ayuv
UYVY to monochrome (luminance) jit.uyvy2luma
monochrome (luminance) to AYUV jit.luma2ayuv
monochrome (luminance) to UYVY jit.luma2uyvy

Convert Max data types

messages to audio curve~ , line~ , peek~ , sig~
messages to matrices jit.cellblock , jit.fill , jit.matrix , jit.str.fromsymbol
audio to matrices jit.buffer~ , jit.catch~ , jit.poke~
audio to messages capture~ , peakamp~ , peek~ , snapshot~
matrices to audio jit.buffer~ , jit.peek~ , jit.release~
matrices to messages jit.iter , jit.matrix , jit.spill , jit.str.tosymbol

Convolve two matrices


Conway's game of life (cellular automata)


Copy the screen contents into a Jitter matrix


Cosine functions for numbers, matrices and signals

see Arithmetic operators

Count how many bang messages or numbers have been received


Count the occurrences of numbers


Count, send a series of numbers as fast as possible



received bangs and output the count counter
the occurrences of numbers histo


an audio impulse click~
a drop region for files dropfile
a file dialog opendialog
a GL accelerated volume vizualization jit.gl.volume
a pop-up menu with names of MIDI devices midiinfo
a multi-track sequencer mtr
multiple sliders with graphic display multislider
a subpatch within a patch patcher
a visible subpatcher inside a box bpatcher

Crossfade between 2 matrices


Crosshatch filter


Crossover filter


Cumulative total of a series of numbers

accum , expr , table

Cut up a matrix into evenly spaced sub matrices


Cycle a number from outlet to outlet


Cycle messages through outputs


DC offset

+~ , -~ , number~ , sig~

Data arriving at different times gets synched


Data smoothing

for numbers slide
for matrices jit.slide
for signals onepole~ , slide~

Data storage

information about the state of a Max patch preset , pattrstorage
messages coll , text , jit.cellblock , zl , umenu
MIDI data mtr , seq
number pairs bag , coll , funbuff , offer , table , zl
numbers int , float , pvar , value
audio buffer~ , sfplay~ , sfrecord~
matrices jit.matrix , jit.matrixset , jit.qt.movie , jit.qt.record , jit.textfile , jit.fprint

Data structures, arbitrarily ordered array of arbitrary messages

coll , umenu

Date and time of day



from amplitude atodb
to amplitude dbtoa

Decrement or increment a value


Defer the execution of a message



a region for dragging and dropping a file dropfile


a bang delay
audio allpass~ , comb~ , delay~ , tapin~ , tapout~ , teeth~
audio delay line specified in samples delay~
event timing borax , clocker , date , timer
the execution of a message deferlow
note-off messages sustain
one or more numbers for specific time pipe , thresh
numbers or a list pipe

Delta time, report time interval between onsets of MIDI notes

borax , timer

Demultiplex (deinterleave) a single matrix into two


Deprioritize a message



numbers above zero >
the active patcher window active
chords quickthresh
when input exceeds a certain number past
key presses key
key releases keyup
largest numbers in a list maximum
the logical separation of messages next
logical signal transitions edge~
signals above a set level thresh~
smallest numbers in a list minimum
the smallest of a series of numbers trough
zero crossings zerox~
zero/non-zero transitions togedge

Devices, drive external devices

serial , vdp

Devices, get a list of MIDI devices and ports currently available


Dial user interface



between matrices jit.change , jit.op
between numbers expr , - , zl
between samples change~ , delta~
between signals -~ , scope~

Digital-to-analog converter

dac~ , ezdac~

Digitize video from an external source

using DirectX (Windows only) jit.dx.grab
using QuickTime jit.qt.grab

Disk-based audio playback


Disable signal processing in a subpatch


Disabling part of a signal network

gate~ , mute~ , pass~ , poly~ , selector~

Discrete values from a continuous stream of data


Displace points based on luminance



data in a window jit.window
display/change a range of numbers rslider
a flash on event button , led , ubutton
matrix attributes jit.fpsgui
numbers in decimal, hexadecimal, or binary form number
numerical data graphically dial , kslider , multislider , number , slider , table
on/off status in colour led
a picture from a graphics file fpic
signal values capture~ , meter~ , number~ , scope~ , snapshot~
a text message dialog , lcd , umenu , message , pcontrol , print
zero/non-zero status of a number led , number , toggle

Distort a sawtooth waveform



numbers to sequential outlets cycle
to a numbered outlet spray


two matrices jit.expr , jit.op
two numbers / , expr
two numbers (inlets reversed) !/
two numbers and output the remainder %
two signals /~
two signals (inlets reversed) !/~
two signals and output the remainder %~


avg~ , degrade~ , downsamp~ , number~ , poly~ , sah~ , snapshot~

Drag and drop



graphics in a patcher window lcd
coloured background area panel
shapes with the mouse lcd , jit.lcd , mousestate


report length of MIDI notes borax
specify duration for transmitted MIDI notes flush , makenote , midiflush , pipe
time between events timer

Duty cycle of a pulse wave

<~ , >~ , train~

Edit an audio sample

record~ , peek~ , poke~

Eliminate noise in a muted subpatcher


Eliminate number repetitions


Embed a visible subpatcher inside a box


Emboss image


Enable or disable MIDI objects in a patcher automatically


End of a message, add items to


Enter numerical data into a patcher from the computer keyboard

number , numkey

Enter text typed in by the user

dialog , message


editors function
follower peakamp~ , meter~
follower, vector-based vectral~
generator adsr~ , curve~ , function , line~ , techno~

Error messages

display error text in a patcher window dialog , lcd , umenu , message , pcontrol
print errors in the Max window print


a procedural basis function graph jit.bfg , jit.gencoord
input according to Perl-style expressions regexp
a mathematical expression expr , jit.expr , see Arithmetic operators
math expression for a list of inputs vexpr

Event number, assign to each MIDI note


Event-driven, multi-segment line object


Exclusive or, bitwise XOR operation


Execute Javascript commands sequentially


Execute Javascript

js , jsui

Exponential curve function

curve~ , gain~ , linedrive , pow~ , techno~

Exponential scaling volume slider


Export MIDI file


Expose multiple objects to the pattr system


Expressions, solve mathematical

expr , + , - , * , / , %

External clock source, synchronize Max to


Extra precision MIDI pitchbend messages

xbendin , xbendin2 , xbendout , xbendout2

Extract indexed elements of a list


FIR filter, buffer-based


Fader for displaying or generating numerical data

multislider , rslider , slider

Fake queue status


Fast Fourier transform

for matrices jit.fft
for signals fft~

Fast chord detection


Fast fixed filter bank


Feedback a delayed signal

allpass~ , biquad~ , comb~ , lores~ , reson~ , tapin~ , tapout~


with convolution stage jit.wake
with gain stage jit.glop

File menu, add your own items to



get file modification date filedate
import and export MIDI files seq
list the files in a specific folder folder
open any type of file filein

Fill a matrix with a list


Film or video, synchronize Max to


Filter (audio)

allpass filter allpass~
bandpass filter reson~
biquadratic (multimode) filter biquad~ , cascade~
buffer-based FIR convolution filter buffir~
comb filter comb~ , teeth~
crossover filter cross~
fast fixed filter bank fffb~
lowpass filter lores~ , onepole~
state variable filter svf~

Filter MIDI

note-on messages stripnote

Filter a continuous stream of messages


Filter a signal logarithmically



out repetitions of a number change
numbers to a certain range clip
an input number logarithmically slide


the elapsed time clocker
which of two numbers is less than the other <
Find which of two numbers is less than or equal to the other <=
which of two numbers is greater than the other <
which of two numbers is greater than or equal to the other <=
Bitwise intersection of two numbers &
Bitwise union of two numbers |
the absolute value of a number abs
the greatest number in a list maximum
the smallest number in a list minimum
the running average in a stream of numbers mean
the peak number peak

FireWire VTR control


Fix file paths and conform



cycle~ , tapout~

Flash on a message


Floating-point data visualization


Floating-point numbers, store numbers with a fractional part

float , number

Folder content listings


Follow a performance, comparing it to a pre-recorded sequence


Foreground, move a patcher window automatically to the front


Foreground, notify objects when patcher window is brought to foreground



a message of numbers and words sprintf
Prepare MIDI messages for transmission or recording midiformat , sxformat
Numbers as a text file text

Forward messages to receive objects


Fourier analysis and synthesis

fft~ , ifft~ , pfft~

Fourteen-bit precision MIDI pitchbend messages

xbendin , xbendout , xbendin2

FreeFrame Effects for Jitter matrices


Frequency domain

frequency shifter for pfft~ fbinshift~
pitch shifter for pfft~ gizmo~

Frequency modulation

+~ , cycle~ , phasor~

Frequency shifter

freqshift~ , fbinshift~

Frequency-to-pitch conversion


Frequency, keep track of how many times a number has occurred


Full pathname to filename conversion


Function generator

for integers and floating-point numbers funbuff , function , line
for signals adsr~ , curve~ , function , line~ , peek~ , poke~ , techno~

Gating and switching

numbers, messages, or matrices gate , ggate , switch , gswitch , router
signals gate~ , matrix~ , selector~

Gather together a collection of numbers

bag , coll

Generate a bang message

a plain old bang button
on loading a patch loadbang
on close of patch closebang
to numerous outlets bangbang
at regular intervals metro
a certain number of times, as fast as possible uzi
for messages received or mouse clicks button , ubutton
to all loadbang objects thispatcher

Generate graphics

Chebyshev gradients jit.gradient
draw in a Jitter window (using OpenGL) jit.gl.sketch
draw in a Jitter window (using QuickDraw) jit.lcd
GL geometry from existing data jit.gl.mesh
GL-based surface extraction jit.gl.isosurf
NURBS surfaces jit.gl.nurbs
Particle systems jit.p.bounds , jit.p.shiva , jit.p.vishnu
Platonic solids jit.gl.plato
simple geometric shapes as a connected grid jit.gl.gridshape

Generate numbers

Pseudo-random numbers drunk , expr , random , urn
a zero or one randomly decide
random numbers random
random numbers without duplicates urn
random numbers in a moving range drunk
numbers from onscreen keyboard slider kslider
numbers in a ramp from one value to another line
exponentially scaled numbers linedrive
in a weighted series prob
or change a range of numbers rslider
using an on-screen slider slider

Generate MIDI

data in MIDI format midiformat
MIDI notes with off messages makenote
MIDI note-offs for hanging note-ons midiflush

Generate numbers with the mouse

dial , imovie , kslider , lcd , mousestate , multislider , number , rslider , slider , table


a multi-segment line, event-driven bline
an ADSR envelope function


the absolute value of a number abs
arguments from parent patcher patcherargs
the ASCII number for each character in a string spell
the current file search path filepath
the current system info gestalt
the current time/date date
discrete values from data stream speedlim
the filename from a pathname strippath
input MIDI pitch bend values bendin
MIDI note on/off info borax
MIDI control values ctlin
the modification date of a file filedate
the monitor screen size screensize
the pixel value at display coordinates suckah
the square root of a number sqrt

Global message-sending

float , forward , grab , int , message , receive , send , value

Global signal values

receive~ , send~

Global variables

pv , value

Glue many matrices into one


Graph filter poles and zeros on the Z-plane


Graphic display of an array of numbers, editable with the mouse

multislider , table


breakpoint function editor function
display of an audio buffer's contents waveform~
filter editor filtergraph~
score of MIDI note events detonate


see Draw

Greater than

see Boolean operators

Greater than, report when all numbers in a list surpass specific thresholds


Held MIDI notes, provide note-off messages for

borax , flush , makenote , midiflush

Hertz equivalent of a MIDI key number

ftom , mtof

Hexadecimal display of integer values


Hierarchical on/off switch


Hint, pop-up menu


Histogram of how many times a number has occurred


Hold (store)

one or more numbers float , funbuff , int , number , offer , pv , table , value
note-off messages sustain
the smallest in a series of numbers trough


VST plug-ins vst~

Host-synchronized sawtooth wave


Human interface (gaming) device input


Hyperbolic functions for numbers, matrices and signals

see Arithmetic operators

IIR filter

allpass~ , biquad~ , comb~ , lores~ , reson~ , svf~

Idiosyncratic downsampling/upsampling


If-then-else control structure


Ignore certain messages

gate , ggate , gswitch , mousefilter , select , switch

Image keying based on distance from a luminance value


Import MIDI file


Impulse generator


In-Patcher Window


Incoming MIDI messages, parse

midiparse , xbendin , xnotein , bendin , ctlin , notein , pgmin , polyin , rtin , sysexin , touchin

Increment a value


Index elements of a list and output them individually


Index number, prepend to a number or a list

funnel , prepend

Indexed list of numerical values

funbuff , offer , table

Indicate the zero/non-zero status of a number

if , led , number , togedge , toggle , == , !=

Indicator flashes when a message is received

button , led , ubutton

Information about current operating system and hardware


Initialize values automatically when a patch is loaded

loadbang , preset


for a patcher loaded by pfft~ (FFT) fftin~
for a patcher loaded by pfft~ in
for a patcher loaded by pfft~ (signal) in~
for a subpatcher bpatcher , inlet , patcher

Input received from MIDI devices, raw


Input received in audio input jack

adc~ , ezadc~

Input to a delay line


Input to output matrix mapping (256-point char data)


Integer number, store

funbuff , int , number , offer , pv , table , value


from ascii atoi
storage int

Inter-onset interval, measure the time elapsed between two events

borax , clocker , date , timer

Intercept and redirect the output of an object


Interpolate between two numerical values


Interpolating oscillator bank



raw MIDI data midiparse
numbers typed on keyboard numkey

Introduce spatial noise


Inverse fast Fourier transform


Invert the color of a rectangular area of a patcher window over a picture or a comment


Invert a signal

*~ , -~

Invisible button


Invisible patcher

close thispatcher
load pcontrol

Is equal to, less than, greater than, comparison of numbers, matrices, or signals

see Boolean operators

Items of a list, break up into individual messages

cycle , iter , message , spray , unpack

Iterate a matrix as a series of Max lists/values



in JItter mxj
in Max mxj
in MSP mxj~


event execution in sequence jstrigger
in Max mxj
run a script js , jstrigger
user interface for OpenGL jsui


numbers and symbols into a list pack , pak
numbers that arrive closely into a list thresh

Keyboard style slider for displaying and generating numbers


Keyboard, detect computer keyboard events

key , keyup , numkey

Keydown event on computer keyboard, detect


Keying based on chromatic distance


Keyup event on computer keyboard, detect


Knob, picture-based


Label objects in a patcher window

comment , umenu

Laser disc player, control via the serial port

serial , vdp

Last (few) of a series of numbers are retained and sent out separate outlets


Launch html object reference


Less than/greater than comparisons, redirect numbers based on

see Boolean operators

Less than - find the lesser of two numbers

expr , minimum , number , trough , < , <=

Level (audio)

control *~ , /~ , gain~ , normalize~
indicator levelmeter~
metering meter~ , number~


changes in signal amplitude deltaclip~
matrix data to the range [min,max] jit.clip
numbers to a certain range clip
particles to a region of space jit.p.bounds
the rates at which messages are sent speedlim
signal amplitude clip~


clip~ , lookup~

Lindenmayer string expansion (L-systems)


Linear algebra for matrices

determinant of a matrix jit.la.determinant
inversion of a matrix jit.la.inverse
product across the diagonal jit.la.diagproduct
make a triangular matrix jit.la.uppertri
sum across the diagonal jit.la.trace
true matrix multiplications jit.la.mult

Linear ramp generator

for numbers line
for signals line~

Linked list function editor


List processing

all-purpose list processing zl
break up items in a list into individual messages cycle , iter , message , spray , unpack
combine separate items into a list append , pack , prepend , thresh
detect a specific ordered set within a list of numbers match
evaluate a mathematical expression multiple times using lists of numbers as input vexpr
graphically display and send out a list of number values multislider
list the files in a specific folder folder


files in a folder folder
list indexed messages in a pop-up menu umenu
system fonts fontlist

Lists, array of

coll , umenu

Load a patcher automatically


Local variable

for any message, known only to a single patcher and its subpatches pv
for storing a number value float , number , pv


logarithmic curve function curve~ , gain~ , linedrive , log~ , pow~ , sqrt~ , techno~
of a signal log~
solve for the logarithm of a number expr

Logical expressions

and && , expr

Logical operations using signal values

<~ , ==~ , >~ , edge~


for a series of numbers, output as list match

Lookup table

buffer~ , cycle~ , function , index~ , lookup~ , peek~ , wave~

Loop points in a sound file


Looping a sample

2d.wave~ , groove~ , info~ , wave~

Loops, count repeated events


Loops, repeated series of actions

counter , metro , uzi

Lowpass filter

lores~ , noise~ , pink~ , rand~ , svf~


an array of arbitrary messages coll , umenu
a mathematical expression expr
a weighted series of numbers prob
a checkbox user interface radiogroup
a custom menu bar menubar
a histogram of received number pairs anal
a histogram of received numbers histo
Max window errors into messages error
MIDI noteoff messages for held notes flush
MIDI notes with off messages makenote
a multiplane matrix out of single plane matrices jit.pack
multiple single plane matrices out of a multiplane matrix jit.unpack
a patcher standalone standalone
a playbar for a QuickTime movie playbar
a popup text hint hint
a subpatch within a patch patcher

Map-based crossfader



an input range of matrix values to an output range jit.map
an input range of numbers to an output range scale , zmap

Mark data with number identifying its inlet


Markov chain


Masking, bitwise "and" (intersection) and bitwise "or" (union) operations

expr , & , |


the first item in a message, route the message accordingly route
an incoming message to arguments, send a bang out a specific outlet if there is a match select
incoming messages and bang if detected select
and route incoming message route

Mathematical expression solving

expr , + , - , * , / , %

Matrix utilities

get information about a matrix jit.matrixinfo
storage bin for matrices jit.matrixset
matrix header munging jit.coerce
remap matrix dimensions jit.dimmap
remove redundant dimensions jit.thin
reference a subregion of a matrix jit.submatrix
store a matrix jit.matrix

Matrix-style switch control


Matrixctrl-compatible Max message router


Max messages

converted to signals curve~ , line~ , peek~ , poke~ , sig~
derived from signals avg~ , edge~ , meter~ , number~ , peek~ , snapshot~

Max search path information


Maximum and minimum limit for a range of numerical values, specify and display

rslider , split


find the greater of two numbers expr , maximum , number , peak , > , >=
find the maximum value of a group of numbers maximum , table


time in cpu cycles cpuclock
elapsed time between two bangs timer


input for a patcher loaded by poly~ or pfft~ in
input for a subpatcher inlet
output for a patcher loaded by poly~ or pfft~ out
output for a subpatcher outlet

Message symbol substitution



construct append , message , pack , prepend
construct MIDI messages for transmission or recording midiformat , sxformat
send and display umenu , message
send remotely without patch cords float , forward , grab , int , message , pv , receive , send , value
send with the menu bar menubar
type in and send in a locked patcher dialog , message



Metronome of timed events

clocker , metro , setclock , tempo


construct MIDI messages midiformat , sxformat , midiout
control from MSP avg~ , ftom , function , number~ , snapshot~
control of MSP curve~ , line~ , mtof , sig~
data, receive unaltered midiin
data, transmit byte by byte midiout
display numbers as MIDI note names number
enable or disable MIDI objects in a patcher automatically pcontrol
generate MIDI notes from frequency ftom
get a list of currently available devices and ports midiinfo
make noteoff messages for held notes flush
interpret raw MIDI data midiparse
parse MIDI messages midiparse , xbendin , xnotein
prepare data in MIDI format midiformat
generate MIDI control change messages ctlin , ctlout
Generate MIDI notes with off messages makenote
Generate note-offs for hanging note-ons midiflush
Generate data in MIDI format midiformat
real-time MIDI system messages midiin , midiout , rtin
Receive afterpressure, polyphonic polyin
Receive incoming pitchbend data bendin , midiin , xbendin , xbendin2
Delay note off messages sustain
Export MIDI file seq
Prepare MIDI sysex messages sxformat
Receive aftertouch values touchin
receive and transmit sample dump midiin , midiout , sysexin

Millisecond calculations

mstosamps~ , sampstoms~

Minimum and maximum limit for a range of numerical values, specify and display

rslider , split

Minimum, find the lesser of two numbers

expr , minimum , number , trough , < , <=

Minimum, find the minimum value of a group of numbers

minimum , table

Minus, subtract one number from another

expr , -

Mixing signals

*~ , matrix~

Modem communication, transmit and receive non-MIDI data


Modification date of a file


Modify a signal

apply a nonlinear transfer function to a signal overdrive~
arithmetic operations see Arithmetic operators
constrain a signal between two values clip~
create differences between successive samples delta~
degrade the signal degrade~
downsample a signal downsamp~
fold or wrap a signal within a given range pong~
limit the change between samples in signal deltaclip~
round signal to nearest integer value round~
scale a signal based on its maximum amplitude normalize~
smooth out an incoming signal via a ramp rampsmooth~
shift frequency in the time-domain freqshift~
time-scale the output of a phasor~ rate~
truncate fractional part of signal values trunc~

Modulation wheel

ctlin , ctlout

Modulus operation

expr , %

Monitor size


Monophonic aftertouch MIDI message

touchin , touchout


detect mouse events imovie , lcd , mousefilter , mousestate
generate numbers with the mouse dial , imovie , kslider , lcd , mousestate , multislider , number , rslider , slider , table
pass numbers through only when the mouse button is up mousefilter
report mouse location imovie , lcd , mousestate
report status of mouse button mousestate

Movie, play QuickTime

imovie , movie , playbar

Multi-media programming

lcd , imovie , movie , vdp

Multi-mode signal average


Multi-purpose list processor


Multi-segment line object, event-driven


Multi-track sequencer of MIDI messages or numbers


Multiplex(interleave) two matrices into one matrix



and add a set of values in a matrix jit.scalebias
and/or add a series of numbers accum , expr , table
the planar vector by a matrix jit.traffic
two numbers accum , expr , *
two matrices jit.op
two signals *~

Name user interface objects in a patcher window

comment , umenu

Negative number, convert to positive number

abs , expr

Neon glow


Nibble, examine selected bits of a number’s binary representation

& , / , | , << , >>

Noise gate



audio noise generator noise~ , pink~ , rand~
filtered noise generator (numbers) drunk
white noise generator (matrices) jit.noise , random
white noise generator (numbers) expr , random

Non-interpolating oscillator bank


Non-zero numbers

notify when input changes from zero/non-zero change , togedge
test if a number or expression is a non-zero value change , if , led , select , split , togedge , toggle , == , != , && , ||


a signal *~ , /~ , normalize~
a matrix jit.normalize

Not equal to

see Boolean operators


bitwise ones complement operation expr
convert a non-zero number to 0 and vice versa expr , ==

Note data

duration, delta time, etc. derived from MIDI note messages borax
receive incoming MIDI data midiin , notein , xnotein
transmit MIDI data midiout , noteout , xnoteout

Notes in a patch

comment , hint

Note-off messages

detect and format note-off messages messages with release velocity xnotein , xnoteout
hold note-off messages until a specific event occurs sustain
supply note-off messages for held or stuck MIDI note-ons bag , borax , flush , makenote , midiflush
surpress note-off messages gate , stripnote

Notify Max of a file change


Notify objects when patcher window is moved to foreground or background


Notify user when an event has occurred

button , led , message , print , ubutton


automatically generate number sequences counter , line , clocker , tempo
convert numbers between decimal, hexadecimal, and binary number
examine selected bits of a number’s binary representation (nybble) & , | , << , >>
generate numbers with the mouse dial , imovie , kslider , lcd , mousestate , multislider , number , rslider , slider , table
sample a signal and display a number value capture~ , number~ , snapshot~
store numbers float , funbuff , int , number , offer , pv , table , value

OMNI Mode On/Off (MIDI Mode message)

ctlin , ctlout

Object within an object

bpatcher , patcher


keep track of how many bang messages have occurred counter
keep track of how many times a number has occurred histo

Octal, display numbers in Roland octal format


OctiMax dynamics processors

4-band compressor omx.4band~
5-band compressor omx.5band~
compressor omx.comp~
peak limiter omx.peaklim~

On/Off switch

in a patch decode , toggle
for audio adc~ , dac~ , dspstate~ , ezadc~ , ezdac~

Only pass different frames



bitmap text for OpenGL jit.gl.text2d
floating-point data visualization jit.gl.graph
lcd object analog for OpenGL jit.gl.sketch
mouse control of position and rotation jit.gl.handle
nurbs surface object jit.gl.nurbs
OpenGL rendering object jit.gl.render
Platonic solids jit.gl.plato
read and render OBJ models jit.gl.model
simple mesh shapes jit.gl.gridshape
user interface for javascript jsui
vector text for OpenGL jit.gl.text3d


a binary file filein
a dialog box for text entry dialog
a dialog to ask for a file or folder opendialog
a dialog to ask for a filename for saving savedialog
patcher files automatically folder , pcontrol

Operating system and hardware information


Optimized blur/sharpen


Or, bitwise exclusive or (XOR) operation


Or, true if one statement or the other is true (logical union)

expr , ||


detect an ordered set of numbers match
reorder number messages fswap , message , swap
send a number, bang, list, or symbol to different places in a specific order trigger

Oscillators (audio)

antialiased oscillator rect~ , saw~ , tri~
buffer-based wavetable oscillator 2d.wave~ , wave~
cosine function for use with 0.-1.0 phasor~ output cos~
multichannel sample buffer buffer~
oscillator bank ioscbank~ , oscbank~
sawtooth ramp generator phasor~
sine wave table-lookup oscillator or function generator cycle~
trapezoidal wavetable trapezoid~
triangle/ramp wavetable triangle~




from a delay line tapout~
for a patcher loaded by pfft~ fftout~
for a patcher loaded by poly~ (message) out
for a patcher loaded by poly~ (signal) out~
for a subpatch object bpatcher , outlet , patcher

Outlet, send items of an incoming list out individual outlets

spray , unpack

Output MIDI data byte by byte


Output a combined list when any element changes


Output audio jack

dac~ , ezdac~

Output messages

from a specific inlet switch

Output numbers

by using a screen slider slider
in a ramp from one value to another line
the smallest number in a list minimum
the largest number in a list maximum
peak numbers peak
from a notation display on screen nslider
any number number
at a metronomic tempo tempo

Output the monitor size


Output video

to DirectX FireWire output (Windows only) jit.dx.videoout
to QuickTime video output component jit.qt.videoout

Pack numbers and symbols into a list

pack , pak



Panic, turn off held MIDI notes

borax , ctlout , flush , makenote , midiflush


ctlin , ctlout

Parameter change to a MIDI device

ctlout , midiout , sxformat

Parse MIDI messages

midiparse , xbendin , xnotein , bendin , ctlin , notein , pgmin , polyin , rtin , sysexin , touchin


a number from outlet to outlet bucket
numbers only when mouse button is up mousefilter

Patch change MIDI message

pgmin , pgmout

Patch cords, connect to an inlet or outlet of a subpatch

inlet , outlet

Patcher-specific data wrapper


Patcher within a patcher, the contents of which are visible


Peak Limiter


Peak amplitude


Peak hold, keep track of the greatest in a series of numbers


Peek at values in other objects


Perform a GL accelerated grid-based evaluation


Permute a set in random order


Phase distortion synthesis

kink~ , phasor~

Phase quadrature filter


Phase shifter


Pick a colour using a dialog box


Picture-based uiser interface object

controller pictctrl
display a graphics file in a patcher window fpic
slider pictslider

Pink noise generator


Pitch bend

receive MIDI pitchbend messages bendin , midiin , xbendin , xbendin2
transmit MIDI pitchbend messages bendout , midiout , xbendout , xbendout2

Pitch shifter for pfft~


Pitch-to-frequency conversion


Pitchbend, report incoming MIDI pitchbend data

bendin , midiin , xbendin , xbendin2

Pitchbend, transmit MIDI pitchbend messages

bendout , midiout , xbendout , xbendout2

Play a QuickTime movie

jit.qt.movie , imovie , movie , playbar

Play audio

dac~ , ezdac~

Play audio file from disk

from a buffer play~ , 2d.wave~ , groove~
from disc sfplay~

Play or edit a QuickTime movie


Play sequences of past messages or numbers

follow , mtr , seq

Play samples

2d.wave~ , buffer~ , groove~ , index~ , play~ , sfplay~ , techno~ , wave~

Plug-in in VST format used in MSP


Point to elements in array by index

counter , funbuff , offer , table

Polar to Cartesian coordinate conversion

for numbers poltocar
for signals poltocar~

Poly mode, assign a unique voice number to each note being played

borax , poly

Polyphonic afterpressure


Polyphony management

control voice allocation and muting thispoly~
input in a patcher loaded by poly~ in
signal input in a patcher loaded by poly~ in~
output in a patcher loaded by poly~ out
signal output in a patcher loaded by poly~ out~
polyphony and DSP manager for patchers poly~

Pop-up menu in a patcher


Pop-up style hint text



bendin , bendout , ctlin , ctlout

Ports, get a list of MIDI devices and ports currently available


Position-based sample playback


Positive version of a negative number

abs , expr


a bang delay
a number or list pipe , thresh
note-off messages until a specific event occurs sustain

Potentiometer-like dial for sending numbers


Power, one number to the power of another


Precise "real-world" time measurements



data in MIDI format midiformat
MIDI sysex messages sxformat

Prepend or append text to a message

append , prepend

Preset, store and recall values for all user interface objects

pattrstorage , preset

Prevent multiples of patcher from being opened


Probabilistic (stochastic) decision making

drunk , prob , random , table , urn

Probability lines


Probability, keep track of how many times a number has occurred


Product of multiplying two numbers

accum , expr , *

Program change MIDI message

pgmin , pgmout

Progress bar, graphic display


Pulse train generator


Pulse wave

<~ , >~ , clip~ , train~

Put a visible subpatcher inside a box



message control qlim
message passing control qlim
metronome qmetro

QuickDraw graphic commands, draw with



QuickDraw wrapper for matrices jit.lcd
effects for Jitter matrices jit.qt.effect

QuickTime video

playback jit.qt.movie
Quicktime effects wrapper jit.qt.effect
record to a QuickTime movie file jit.qt.record
route QuickTime audio to MSP spigot~
send to a video output device jit.qt.videoout
video input (DirectX, Windows only) jit.dx.grab
video input jit.qt.grab

QuickTime movie, play

imovie , movie , playbar

RGB color selection and display swatch


Radio button user interface object


Ramp function, generate


Ramp signal

curve~ , line~

Random walk



generate pseudo-random numbers decide , drunk , expr , random , urn
generate a zero or one decide
generate numbers random
generate signal values noise~ , pink~ , rand~
generate single instances of number urn
generate numbers in a moving range drunk

Range of numerical values, specify and display minimum and maximum limits

rslider , split

Rate at which messages are sent, limit


Rate, combine numbers into a single list if received faster than a certain speed


Rate, control clock speed of Max timing objects


Rate, send out beat numbers at a metronomic tempo


Raw MIDI data, receive and transmit

midiin , midiout , sysexin

Raw data from a file, read byte by byte


Read a binary file


Read and draw Wavefront .obj models


Read and write a matrix as an ASCII text file


Read and write a single matrix as a formatted text file


Read and write


Read in a file of binary data


Read matrix data as an audio signal


Read or write an OpenEXR image.


Real-world time measurement


Recall sequences of past messages or numbers

follow , mtr , seq

Receive MIDI

aftertouch messages touchin
control values ctlin
pitch bend values bendin
raw data midiin
note messages notein
program change values pgmin
polyphonic afterpressure messages polyin
pitchbend data bendin , xbendin , xbendin2
report length of MIDI notes borax
realtime MIDI system messages midiin , rtin
sysex messages sysexin

Receive any message from any window


Receive matrices from a jit.net.send object via TCP/IP


Receive messages

without a patch cord receive
from outside a patcher inlet
over a UDP network udpreceive

Receive only specific MIDI messages

bendin , ctlin , notein , pgmin , polyin , rtin , sysexin , touchin

Recently received values are stored and recalled



an audio file to disk sfrecord~
audio into a buffer record~
a QuickTime movie jit.qt.record
a QuickTime movie with MSP audio jit.vcr
sequences of MIDI data or numbers follow , mtr , seq

Recording audio samples

audio samples adc~ , ezadc~ , poke~ , record~ , sfrecord~

Redirect messages to a specific destination

gate , ggate , grab , route , split , spray , unpack

Reference a sub-region of a matrix


Release velocity, detecting and formatting note-off messages with

xnotein , xnoteout


for numbers expr , %
for signals %~

Remap and/or invert matrix dimensions


Remote connection of objects, without patch cords

float , forward , grab , int , message , pv , receive , send , value

Remove redundant dimensions of size 1


Render OpenGL


Reorder grid of rectangles


Repeatedly send bang messages as fast as possible


Repeatedly send output at a certain rate

clocker , metro , tempo

Repetition at sub-audio rates

cycle~ , phasor~ , techno~ , train~

Repetitions, count


Repetitions, suppress repeated numbers


Replace NaN and infinite signal values with 0



audio driver settings adstatus
audio file information sfinfo~
current DSP settings dspstate~
current info on file search path filepath
current note on/off info borax
the current time/date date
the elapsed time clocker
the elapsed time between two events timer
host synchronization information plugsync~
information about a patcher loaded by pfft~ fftinfo~
information about a sample info~
intervals of zero to non-zero transitions spike~
keyboard key presses key
keyboard key releases keyup
length of MIDI notes borax
the maximum amplitude of a signal peakamp~
milliseconds of audio processed dsptime~
the min/mean/max values of a matrix jit.3m
the modification date of a file filedate
modifier key presses on keyboard modifiers
signal direction change~
suspension or resumption of application suspend
state of the mouse mousestate
search path information filepath
the type, planecount, and dimensions of a matrix jit.matrixinfo
when an application is suspended and resumed suspend
when input exceeds a certain number past
zero/non-zero transitions togedge

Reposition spatially


Reproduce a single bang to different places in immediate succession

bangbang , trigger

Resample by scanline wrapping


Resample spatially


Resonant filter

see Filters

Restrict numbers to a certain range



allpass~ , comb~ , tapin~ , tapout~

Reverse output with respect to input


Reverse the order of two number messages

fswap , message , swap


the order of two floating-point numbers fswap
the sequential order of two integers swap

Reversed sample playback

groove~ , play~

Ring modulation


Ritardando, control clock speed of Max timing objects


Robert's Cross edge detection


Rotate elements of a set of numbers, out successive outlets

bucket , cycle

Rotate hue



a number from outlet to outlet bucket
a stream of data to individual outlets cycle

Rotate a Video image

jit.gl.videoplane , jit.mxform2d , jit.rota

Round an input signal value



incoming message to specific outlet route
matrix-compatible messages router
messages to a specific destination gate , ggate , route , split , spray , unpack
QuickTime audio into MSP spigot~
a signal to one of several outlets gate~

Route a signal

define the beginning of a signal processing network begin~
receive a signal from one or more send~ objects receive~
send a signal without a patch cord send~
signal switching/mixing matrix matrix~
switch input to different output signals gate~
switch output among several input signals selector~

Run a Javascript

js , jstrigger

SMPTE time code, synchronize to an external source via MIDI Manager


Sample and hold


Sample index in a buffer

count~ , index~

Sample playback without interpolation


Sample playback

2d.wave~ , buffer~ , groove~ , index~ , play~ , sfplay~ , techno~ , wave~

Sampler, receive and transmit sound data via MIDI Sample Dump

midiin , midiout , sysexin

Sampling and audio buffers

2d phase-driven oscillator 2d.wave~
copy a signal into a buffer record~
grab and play a snippet of recent audio input stutter~
index-based sample reading index~
loop and sample pitch information from a buffer info~
multichannel sample buffer buffer~
phase-driven oscillator using a buffer as a wavetable wave~
read and write buffer values peek~
sample playback based on position in a buffer play~
use a buffer for nonlinear distortion of a signal lookup~
variable-rate looping sample playback groove~
write into a buffer using signal sample indices poke~

Sampling rate

adc~ , buffer~ , count~ , dac~ , dspstate~ , mstosamps~ , sampstoms~

Save, move to the foreground, or close a patcher window automatically



and recall presets of pattr data pattrstorage
MIDI file seq
dialog for files savedialog

Sawtooth oscillator


Sawtooth wave generator


Scale on the basis of maximum amplitude


Scale/rotate an inage in 2D



numbers sequentially linedrive
an input range to an output range scale

Schedule a number or list to be sent at a future time

pipe , thresh

Schedule an event for a future time




Screen size


Scroll through a list of messages


Search path information


See the maximum amplitude of a signal



a colour using a dialog box colorpicker
background colour bgcolor
serial data over port serial
a specific input, pass the rest on select

Selectively pass an input to an outlet


Send a bang

a plain old bang button , ubutton
on loading of patch loadbang
on close of patch closebang
to numerous outlets bangbang
at regular intervals metro
to all loadbang objects thispatcher
to multiple places bangbang , trigger
to many places, in order trigger
a particular number of bangs uzi

Send matrices to a jit.net.recv object via TCP/IP


Send message(s)

to all instances of the same class in a patcher universal
any old message message
to receive objects in any other window float , forward , grab , int , message , send
to various receive objects forward
on patch loading loadmess
out of a patcher outlet
to a named object in patcher hierarchy pattrforward
a collection of messages remotely as cues qlist
without patch cords send , s
to a patcher thispatcher


note messages noteout
note-offs for hanging note-ons midiflush
pitch bend bendout , midiout , xbendout , xbendout2
control values ctlout
raw MIDI data midiout
program change values pgmout
afterpressure, polyphonic polyout
aftertouch touchout

Send numbers

sequentially, as quickly as possible uzi
according to a count counter
at a metronomic tempo tempo


a stream of data to individual outlets cycle
an input out a specific outlet gate
messages over a UDP connection udpsend

Separate a list into its constituent elements

cycle , iter , spray , unpack

Sequence of numbers, detect a specific ordered set of numbers


Sequence of numbers, generate automatically

counter , line , clocker , tempo


follow , mtr , seq

Serial port, transmit and receive non-MIDI data

serial , spell

Series of numbers, break a list up into individual messages

cycle , iter , message , spray , unpack

Series of numbers, combine into a single list


Set (of fixed order and size) of integers; output all whenever one is modified


Set background color


Set values automatically when a patch is loaded

loadbang , preset

Set/query monitor attributes


Set, produce a random ordering of a set


Set, store an unordered set of numbers



background colour bgcolor

Share variables


Shift bits to left or right

<< , >>

Shift sequential input from one outlet to another

bucket , cycle


a picture from a graphics file fpic
on/off status in colour led

Signal analysis

compute signal min and max values minmax~
detect signal change and direction change~
detect when input goes above a set value thresh~
detect zero to non-zero signal transitions edge~
output the maximum of two signals maximum~
output the minimum of two signals minimum~
report intervals of zero to non-zero transitions spike~
report sample values from a signal snapshot~
report the peak amplitude of a signal peakamp~
signal counter count~
store a signal to view as text capture~
sync MSP with MIDI, click, or tap tempo sync~
zero-crossing counter/transient detector zerox~

Signal averaging


Signal capture and granular oscillator


Signal folding, variable range


Signal monitor and constant generator


Signal spectrogram or sonogram


Signal-driven sequencers

event sequencer seq~
sequencer techno~
step sequencer techno~

Signal-rate filter coefficient generator


Signal routing

define the beginning of a signal processing network begin~
receive a signal from one or more send~ objects receive~
send a signal without a patch cord send~
signal switching / mixing matrix matrix~
switch input to different output signals gate~
switch output among several input signals selector~

Simultaneity, send a series of bang messages or numbers in a single tick of Max’s clock


Sine functions

see Oscillators

Sine functions for numbers, matrices and signals

see Arithmetic operators

Single-pole lowpass filter


Slider to display or generate numerical data

kslider , multislider , pictslider , rslider , slider

Smooth an incoming signal


Snapshot, store and recall instantaneous values of all user interface objects


Sobel and Prewitt gradient edge detector


Soft-clipping signal distortion



a mathematical expression expr , + , - , * , / , %
C language expression expr , if



Sound sample data, receive and transmit via MIDI Sample Dump

midiin , midiout , sysexin

Sound, play in a QuickTime movie

imovie , movie , playbar

Sparse array of numbers

funbuff , offer

Spatial transform using 3x3 matrix


Spearate numbers into ranges


Spectral domain processing

cartopol~ , fftin~ , fftinfo~ , fftout~ , frameaccum~ , framedelta~ , pfft~ , phasewrap~ , poltocar~ , vectral~

Spectral processing manager for patchers




Spectrum measurement

fft~ , ifft~ , pfft~

Speed, combine numbers into a single list if received faster than a certain rate


Speed, limit the rate at which messages are sent


Split a matrix into two matrices


Split a stream of data between individual outlets


Sprites, pictures and geometric shapes


Square root

of a number sqrt
of a signal sqrt~

Start a process by sending the bang message

button , loadbang , ubutton

Start activity automatically when a patch is loaded


Start and end point of a sample

2d.wave~ , groove~ , index~ , play~ , wave~

Start, MIDI system message

midiin , midiout , rtin

State-variable filter with simultaneous outputs


Steal voices, turn off old notes if too many new ones arrive


Stochastic (probabilistic) decision making

drunk , prob , random , table , urn

Stop or alter the flow of messages

gate , ggate , gswitch , speedlim , switch

Stop, MIDI system message

midiin , midiout , rtin


an array of arbitrary messages coll , umenu
audio file cues sflist~
audio samples buffer~
a collection of numbers bag
and edit a collection of messsages bag
a fixed-size set of integers and output all whenever one element is modified bondo
a graphically editable array of numbers table
one or more integers or floating-point numbers float , funbuff , int , number , offer , pv , table , value
an integer or floating-point number, add and multiply it accum
a fixed-size set of integers and output all whenever one element is modified bondo
store/recall matrices jit.matrix , jit.matrixset
numbers to view or edit capture
pairs of numbers together funbuff
pairs of numbers (store, recall, automatically delete) offer
store/recall preset values of all UI objects pattrstorage , preset
store/recall recently received values bucket , table , text
a signal to view as text capture~
a series of numbers in order in an editable window capture , table , text
an unordered set of numbers bag
and view 2D data jit.cellblock

String of text combining numbers, ASCII bytes, and symbols into a single message


String/matrix utilities

fill a matrix with a list jit.fill
L-systems string expansion jit.linden
matrix-symbol conversion jit.str.tosymbol
perform string ops (strcat, etc.) jit.str.op
symbol-matrix conversion jit.str.fromsymbol
unroll a matrix to a list jit.spill

Stuck MIDI notes, avoid or turn off

borax , flush , makenote , midiflush

Subpatch control

mute~ , receive~ , send~

Subpatch in a box, visible from the patcher that contains it


Subpatch object (subroutine)

bpatcher , patcher

Subpatch object, create an inlet or outlet in

inlet , outlet

Substitute a symbol for another symbol in a message



message symbol substitute


two matrices jit.op , jit.expr
two numbers - , expr
two numbers (inlets reversed) !-
two signals -~
two signals (inlets reversed) !-~

Subtractive synthesis

allpass~ , biquad~ , comb~ , lores~ , noise~ , pink~ , rand~ , rect~ , reson~ , saw~ , tri~

Sum of a set of numbers

+ , accum , expr , table

Suppress note-off messages


Suppress the flow of certain messages

gate , ggate , gswitch , mousefilter , select , switch

Sustain notes by holding note-off messages until a specific event occurs


Sustain pedal

ctlin , ctlout , sustain


the order of two floating-point numbers fswap
the sequential order of two integers swap

Switch a process on and off

led , togedge , toggle , ubutton

Switch between zero and one


Switch control matrix


Switch the flow of messages on or off

gate , ggate , gswitch , switch , toggle

Switching signal flow on and off

gate~ , mute~ , pass~ , selector~

Symbol to message conversion


Synchronize MSP with an external source


Synchronize Max to an external clock source


Synchronize asynchronously arriving inputs, send them out together



a group of messages bondo
arriving data, and output together buddy

System Reset, MIDI system message

midiin , midiout , rtin

System exclusive messages, construct and transmit

midiout , sxformat

System exclusive messages, receive

midiin , sysexin

Table lookup

buffer~ , cycle~ , function , index~ , lookup~ , peek~ , wave~

Tag data with number identifying its inlet


Tag messages with a unique index number

borax , funnel , poly

Tangent functions for numbers, matrices and signals

see Arithmetic operators

Tempo, control clock speed of Max timing objects


Tempo, send out beat numbers at a metronomic tempo


Test the equality of two numbers

change , if , match , select , == , !=

Test the zero/non-zero status of a number or expression

change , if , led , match , select , split , togedge , toggle , == , != , && , ||

Test whether one number is greater than another

maximum , number , peak , > , >=

Test whether one number is less than another

minimum , number , trough , < , <=

Text file of signal samples


Text file, load, play, and save a MIDI file as plain text


Text file, open and save


Text input by the user, obtain

dialog , message

Text, convert to ASCII numbers


Text, display automatically in a patcher

dialog , lcd , umenu , message , pcontrol , sprintf

Text, display in a patcher

comment , fpic , message

Text, format numbers, ASCII bytes, and symbols into a single message


Text, print any message in the Max window


The Jitter Matrix!


Third-order crossover filter


Threshold, report when numbers surpass


Timbre change on a MIDI synthesizer


Time code, receive from an external source


Time elapsed between events, check

clocker , date , timer

Time measurement in cpu cycles


Time of day and date


Time-domain frequency shifter


Time-domain frequency shifter


Time-scale the output of a phasor~


Times, multiply two numbers

accum , expr , *

Toggle a process on and off

led , togedge , toggle , ubutton


SPDT switch ggate , gswitch
Between zero and one toggle

Track, record and play back a multi-track sequence of messages or numbers


Traffic control for bang messages


Transfer function lookup tables

cycle~ , lookup~

Transform symbol(s) into messages and numbers


Transforms matrix data into signals


Transforms signal data into matrices


Transient detector


Transition probabilities, Markov chain


Transmit MIDI

afterpressure, polyphonic polyout
aftertouch touchout
control values ctlout
pitch bend values bendout
raw MIDI data midiout
program change values pgmout
transmit MIDI data byte by byte midiout

Transmit a specific MIDI message type

bendout , ctlout , noteout , pgmout , polyout , touchout

Transmit signals without patch cords



computer keyboard events key , keyup , numkey
mouse events imovie , lcd , mousestate
occurrences of a specific ordered set of numbers match
occurrences of specific numbers follow , match , route , select , ==
occurrences of specific symbols route , select
trap/redirect the output of an object grab

Trapezoidal wavetable


Triangle/ramp wavetable



a process by sending the bang message button , loadbang , ubutton
events automatically when a patch is loaded loadbang
events based on notes played by the user follow , match , route , select , ==
a Max message with an audio signal edge~ , thresh~

Trigonometric functions


Trigonometric operators

for numbers acos , acosh , asin , asinh , atan , atanh , atan2 , cos , cosh , sinh , tanh
for matrices jit.op
for signals acos~ , acosh~ , asin~ , asinh~ , atan~ , atanh~ , atan2~ , cos~ , cosh~ , cosx~ , sinh~ , sinx~ , tanh~ , tanx~

True matrix multiplication


True/false testing

if , led , match , select , split , togedge , toggle , == , != , < , > , <= , >=

Truncate the fractional part of a signal



Max window errors into messages error
off held notes flush

turtle graphics interpreter in 2d


Two-dimensional storage and viewing


Two-dimensional wavetable


Two-pole, two-zero filter


Type numerical data into a patcher

number , numkey

Type text into a locked patcher

dialog , message

Unroll a matrix into a list


Use PERL-compatible regular expressions on Jitter matrices


Use mouse movement to control position/rotation


Use the alpha channel of one image to blend two images together


Use PERL-style regular expressions to process input


User input, ask for

dialog , message

User input

key , keyup , modifiers , mousestate , hi

User interface: dial


Uses a 1-dimensional matrix to offset scanlines


Uses matrices to draw multiple instances of a jit.gl object efficiently



for storing a floating-point number (with a fractional part) float , number , pv , value
for storing an integer int , number , pv , value
for storing a floating-point number (with a fractional part) pv , value
variable that is private to a single patcher and its subpatches pv

Variable range signal folding


Variable size wavetable


Variable-rate looping sample playback


Varispeed sample playback

groove~ , play~

Vector math, evaluate an expression multiple times using lists of numbers as input


Vector size

adc~ , dac~ , dspstate~

Vector-based envelope follower


Velocity (MIDI) control of a signal

adsr~ , curve~ , gain~ , line~ , sig~

Velocity of incoming MIDI note-on messages, obtain

midiparse , notein

Velocity, detecting and formatting note-off messages with release velocity

xnotein , xnoteout

Video or film, synchronize Max to


Video display

display window jit.window
embedded display window jit.pwindow
information about a video jit.fpsgui

Videodisc player, control via the serial port

serial , vdp

View a signal

buffer~ , capture~ , number~ , scope~ , snapshot~

Virtual connection of objects, without patch cords

float , forward , grab , int , message , pv , receive , send , value

Visual RMS level indicator


Visual peak level indicator


Voice number, assign a unique number to each note being played

borax , poly

Voice stealing, turn off old notes if too many new ones arrive


Volume control MIDI message

ctlin , ctlout

Volume control of a QuickTime movie


Wait before allowing a number to pass

pipe , speedlim , thresh

Wait before doing something


Wait for input in both inlets, then send out both numbers


Watch for file change and report




Wavetable synthesis

2d.wave~ , buffer~ , cycle~ , wave~


trapezoid~ , triangle~

Webcam input

using DirectX (Windows only) jit.dx.grab
using QuickTime jit.qt.grab

Weighted probabilities

drunk , expr , random , table , urn

White noise generator

for audio noise~
for matrices jit.noise

Window being closed sends a bang


Window moving to foreground or background sends 1 or 0


Window on a subpatch seen within the patcher that contains that subpatch


Window, enable or disable MIDI automatically


Window, open and close automatically

pcontrol , thispatcher

Windowing a portion of a signal

index~ , cycle~ , gate~ , lookup~ , techno~ , wave~

Windows, communicate between

float , forward , grab , inlet , int , message , outlet , receive , send , value

Wrap a signal between -π and π


Write a comment in the patch


Write an audio signal into a matrix


Write bitmap text


Write sample values by index


Write vector text


XOR, bitwise "exclusive or" operation


X-Y plotting of a two-plane matrix


Zero and non-zero numbers, notify when input changes from one to the other

change , togedge

Zero-cross counter


Zero, test if a number or expression is equal to

change , if , led , select , split , togedge , toggle , == , != , && , ||

Zooming/cropping a Video image

jit.gl.videoplane , jit.matrix , jit.rota

See Also

Name Description
Technical Notes Technical Notes